2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
< ? php
print_optionbar_start ();
$menu_options = array ( 'basic' => 'Basic' ,
'graphs' => 'Graphs' ,
2011-04-19 21:54:43 +00:00
if ( ! $_GET [ 'optb' ]) { $_GET [ 'opta' ] = " basic " ; }
echo ( '<span style="font-weight: bold;">CEF</span> » ' );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
$sep = " " ;
foreach ( $menu_options as $option => $text )
echo ( $sep );
2011-04-19 21:54:43 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'optb' ] == $option ) { echo ( " <span class='pagemenu-selected'> " ); }
echo ( '<a href="device/' . $device [ 'device_id' ] . '/routing/cef/' . $option . ( $_GET [ 'optb' ] ? '/' . $_GET [ 'optb' ] : '' ) . '/">' . $text
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
. '</a>' );
2011-04-19 21:54:43 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'optb' ] == $option ) { echo ( " </span> " ); }
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
$sep = " | " ;
unset ( $sep );
print_optionbar_end ();
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
echo ( ' < div id = " content " >
< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 5 " width = " 100% " > ' );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
$cef_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cef_switching` WHERE `device_id` = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' ORDER BY `entPhysicalIndex`, `afi`, `cef_index` " );
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
echo ( ' < tr >< th >< a title = " Physical hardware entity " > Entity </ a ></ th >
< th >< a title = " Address Family " > AFI </ a ></ th >
< th >< a title = " CEF Switching Path " > Path </ a ></ th >
< th >< a title = " Number of packets dropped. " > Drop </ a ></ th >
< th >< a title = " Number of packets that could not be switched in the normal path and were punted to the next-fastest switching vector. " > Punt </ a ></ th >
< th >< a title = " Number of packets that could not be switched in the normal path and were punted to the host.<br />For switch paths other than a centralized turbo switch path, punt and punt2host function the same way. With punt2host from a centralized turbo switch path (PAS and RSP), punt will punt the packet to LES, but punt2host will bypass LES and punt directly to process switching. " > Punt2Host </ a ></ th >
</ tr > ' );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
$i = 0 ;
while ( $cef = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $cef_query ))
$entity_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE device_id = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ' " . $cef [ 'entPhysicalIndex' ] . " ' " );
$entity = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $entity_query );
if ( ! is_integer ( $i / 2 )) { $bg_colour = $list_colour_a ; } else { $bg_colour = $list_colour_b ; }
$interval = $cef [ 'updated' ] - $cef [ 'updated_prev' ];
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
if ( ! $entity [ 'entPhysicalModelName' ] && $entity [ 'entPhysicalContainedIn' ])
$parent_entity_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE device_id = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ' " . $entity [ 'entPhysicalContainedIn' ] . " ' " );
$parent_entity = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $parent_entity_query );
$entity_descr = $entity [ 'entPhysicalName' ] . " ( " . $parent_entity [ 'entPhysicalModelName' ] . " ) " ;
} else {
$entity_descr = $entity [ 'entPhysicalName' ] . " ( " . $entity [ 'entPhysicalModelName' ] . " ) " ;
echo ( " <tr bgcolor= $bg_colour ><td> " . $entity_descr . " </td>
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
< td > " . $cef['afi'] . " </ td >
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
< td > " );
switch ( $cef [ 'cef_path' ]) {
case " RP RIB " :
2011-04-22 10:00:12 +00:00
echo '<a title="Process switching with CEF assistance.">RP RIB</a>' ;
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
break ;
case " RP LES " :
2011-04-22 10:00:12 +00:00
echo '<a title="Low-end switching. Centralized CEF switch path.">RP LES</a>' ;
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
break ;
case " RP PAS " :
2011-04-22 10:00:12 +00:00
echo '<a title="CEF turbo switch path.">RP PAS</a>' ;
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
break ;
default :
echo $cef [ 'cef_path' ];
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
echo ( " </td> " );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
echo ( " <td> " . format_si ( $cef [ 'drop' ]));
if ( $cef [ 'drop' ] > $cef [ 'drop_prev' ]) { echo ( " <span style='color:red;'>( " . round (( $cef [ 'drop' ] - $cef [ 'drop_prev' ]) / $interval , 2 ) . " /sec)</span> " ); }
echo ( " </td> " );
echo ( " <td> " . format_si ( $cef [ 'punt' ]));
if ( $cef [ 'punt' ] > $cef [ 'punt_prev' ]) { echo ( " <span style='color:red;'>( " . round (( $cef [ 'punt' ] - $cef [ 'punt_prev' ]) / $interval , 2 ) . " /sec)</span> " ); }
echo ( " </td> " );
2011-04-22 10:00:12 +00:00
echo ( " <td> " . format_si ( $cef [ 'punt2host' ]));
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
if ( $cef [ 'punt2host' ] > $cef [ 'punt2host_prev' ]) { echo ( " <span style='color:red;'>( " . round (( $cef [ 'punt2host' ] - $cef [ 'punt2host_prev' ]) / $interval , 2 ) . " /sec)</span> " ); }
echo ( " </td> " );
echo ( " </tr>
" );
2011-04-13 19:08:01 +00:00
2011-04-22 09:55:00 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'optb' ] == " graphs " )
2011-04-13 19:08:01 +00:00
$graph_array [ 'height' ] = " 100 " ;
$graph_array [ 'width' ] = " 215 " ;
$graph_array [ 'to' ] = $now ;
$graph_array [ 'id' ] = $cef [ 'cef_switching_id' ];
$graph_array [ 'type' ] = " cefswitching_graph " ;
echo ( " <tr bgcolor=' $bg_colour '><td colspan=6> " );
include ( " includes/print-quadgraphs.inc.php " );
echo ( " </td></tr> " );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
$i ++ ;
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
echo ( " </table></div> " );
2011-04-12 22:29:29 +00:00
2011-04-13 10:22:08 +00:00
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$ ( document ) . ready ( function () { $ ( '#content a[title]' ) . qtip ({ content : { text : false }, style : 'light' }); });
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