2010-06-23 15:54:56 +00:00
$query = "SELECT * FROM sensors WHERE sensor_class='humidity' AND device_id = '" . $device['device_id'] . "'";
$hum_data = mysql_query($query);
while($humidity = mysql_fetch_array($hum_data)) {
echo("Checking humidity " . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . "... ");
2010-07-02 19:58:13 +00:00
$hum_cmd = $config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir']. " -m SNMPv2-MIB -O Uqnv -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_oid'] . "|grep -v \"No Such Instance\"";
2010-06-23 15:54:56 +00:00
$hum = trim(str_replace("\"", "", shell_exec($hum_cmd)));
if ($humidity['sensor_precision'])
$hum = $hum / $humidity['sensor_precision'];
$humrrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/" . safename("humidity-" . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . ".rrd");
if (!is_file($humrrd)) {
`rrdtool create $humrrd \
--step 300 \
DS:humidity:GAUGE:600:-273:1000 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 \
RRA:MIN:0.5:12:2400 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:12:2400 \
echo($hum . " %\n");
if($humidity['sensor_current'] > $humidity['sensor_limit_low'] && $hum <= $humidity['sensor_limit_low'])
if($device['sysContact']) { $email = $device['sysContact']; } else { $email = $config['email_default']; }
$msg = "Humidity Alarm: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . " is " . $hum . "% (Limit " . $humidity['sensor_limit'];
$msg .= "%) at " . date($config['timestamp_format']);
mail($email, "Humidity Alarm: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'], $msg, $config['email_headers']);
echo("Alerting for " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . "\n");
log_event('Frequency ' . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . " under threshold: " . $hum . " % (< " . $humidity['sensor_limit_low'] . " %)", $device['device_id'] , 'humidity', $humidity['sensor_id']);
else if($humidity['sensor_current'] < $humidity['sensor_limit'] && $hum >= $humidity['sensor_limit'])
if($device['sysContact']) { $email = $device['sysContact']; } else { $email = $config['email_default']; }
$msg = "Humidity Alarm: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . " is " . $hum . "% (Limit " . $humidity['sensor_limit'];
$msg .= "%) at " . date($config['timestamp_format']);
mail($email, "Humidity Alarm: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'], $msg, $config['email_headers']);
echo("Alerting for " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . "\n");
log_event('Humidity ' . $humidity['sensor_descr'] . " above threshold: " . $hum . " % (> " . $humidity['sensor_limit'] . " %)", $device['device_id'], 'humidity', $humidity['sensor_id']);
mysql_query("UPDATE sensors SET sensor_current = '$hum' WHERE sensor_class='humidity' AND sensor_id = '" . $humidity['sensor_id'] . "'");