152 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
if ($device['os'] == "linux" || $device['os'] == "endian") {
list(,,$version) = explode (" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "386")|| strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "486")||strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "586")||strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "686")) {
$hardware = "Generic x86";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "x86_64")) {
$hardware = "Generic x86 64-bit";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "sparc32")) {
$hardware = "Generic SPARC 32-bit";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "sparc64")) {
$hardware = "Generic SPARC 64-bit";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "mips")) {
$hardware = "Generic MIPS";
2015-07-22 12:01:54 -04:00
// Except iDrac6 from being detected as armv5
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "armv5") && $poll_device['sysObjectID'] != '.') {
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
$hardware = "Generic ARMv5";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "armv6")) {
$hardware = "Generic ARMv6";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "armv7")) {
$hardware = "Generic ARMv7";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "armv")) {
$hardware = "Generic ARM";
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
# Distro "extend" support
# NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutput1Line.\"distro\"
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB"));
if (!$features) { # No "extend" support, try legacy UCD-MIB shell support
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "UCD-SNMP-MIB"));
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
if (!$features) { # No "extend" support, try "exec" support
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "UCD-SNMP-MIB"));
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
# Detect Dell hardware via OpenManage SNMP
$hw = snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$hw = trim(str_replace("\"", "", $hw));
if ($hw) {
$hardware = "Dell " . $hw;
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
$serial = snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "MIB-Dell-10892");
$serial = trim(str_replace("\"", "", $serial));
# Use agent DMI data if available
if (isset($agent_data['dmi'])) {
if ($agent_data['dmi']['system-product-name']) {
$hardware = ($agent_data['dmi']['system-manufacturer'] ? $agent_data['dmi']['system-manufacturer'] . ' ' : '') . $agent_data['dmi']['system-product-name'];
# Clean up "Dell Computer Corporation" and "Intel Corporation"
$hardware = str_replace(" Computer Corporation","",$hardware);
$hardware = str_replace(" Corporation","",$hardware);
if ($agent_data['dmi']['system-serial-number']) {
$serial = $agent_data['dmi']['system-serial-number'];
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "freebsd") {
$poll_device['sysDescr'] = str_replace(" 0 ", " ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
list(,,$version) = explode (" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "i386")) {
$hardware = "i386";
else if (strstr($poll_device['sysDescr'], "amd64")) {
$hardware = "amd64";
else {
$hardware = "i386";
# Distro "extend" support
# NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutput1Line.\"distro\"
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB"));
if (!$features) { # No "extend" support, try legacy UCD-MIB shell support
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "UCD-SNMP-MIB"));
if (!$features) { # No "extend" support, try "exec" support
$features = str_replace("\"", "", snmp_get($device, ".", "-Oqv", "UCD-SNMP-MIB"));
if (!$features) {
$features = 'GENERIC';
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "dragonfly") {
list(,,$version,,,$features,,$hardware) = explode (" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "netbsd") {
list(,,$version,,,$features) = explode (" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
$features = str_replace("(", "", $features);
$features = str_replace(")", "", $features);
list(,,$hardware) = explode ("$features", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "openbsd" || $device['os'] == "solaris" || $device['os'] == "opensolaris") {
list(,,$version,$features,$hardware) = explode (" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
$features = str_replace("(", "", $features);
$features = str_replace(")", "", $features);
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "monowall" || $device['os'] == "Voswall") {
list(,,$version,$hardware,$freebsda, $freebsdb, $arch) = explode(" ", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
$features = $freebsda . " " . $freebsdb;
$hardware = "$hardware ($arch)";
$hardware = str_replace("\"", "", $hardware);
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "qnap") {
$hardware = snmp_get($device, "ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalName.1", "-Osqnv");
$version = snmp_get($device, "ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalFirmwareRev.1", "-Osqnv");
$serial = snmp_get($device, "ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerial.1", "-Osqnv");
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "dsm") {
# This only gets us the build, not the actual version number, so won't use this.. yet.
# list(,,,$version,) = explode(" ",$poll_device['sysDescr'],5);
# $version = "Build " . trim($version,'#');
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
$hrSystemInitialLoadParameters = trim(snmp_get($device, "hrSystemInitialLoadParameters.0", "-Osqnv"));
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
$options = explode(" ",$hrSystemInitialLoadParameters);
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
foreach ($options as $option) {
list($key,$value) = explode("=",$option,2);
if ($key == "syno_hw_version") {
$hardware = $value;
$version = snmp_get($device, "version.0", "-Osqnv", "SYNOLOGY-SYSTEM-MIB");
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
elseif ($device['os'] == "pfsense") {
$output = preg_split("/ /", $poll_device['sysDescr']);
$version = $output[2];
$hardware = $output[6];