2014-06-21 20:24:44 -04:00
< script class = " code " type = " text/javascript " >
function ToggleLogon ( $ ) {
if ( document . getElementById ( 'public-logon' ) . style . display == " block " )
document . getElementById ( 'public-logon' ) . style . display = " none " ;
document . getElementById ( 'public-status' ) . style . display = " block " ;
//document.getElementById($id+"-div").innerHTML="click to expand";
document . getElementById ( 'public-logon' ) . style . display = " block " ;
document . getElementById ( 'public-status' ) . style . display = " none " ;
</ script >
2014-06-21 09:50:24 -04:00
< ? php
// Set Defaults here
if ( ! isset ( $vars [ 'format' ])) { $vars [ 'format' ] = " list_detail " ; }
$sql_param = array ();
if ( isset ( $vars [ 'state' ]))
if ( $vars [ 'state' ] == 'up' )
$state = '1' ;
elseif ( $vars [ 'state' ] == 'down' )
$state = '0' ;
if ( $vars [ 'hostname' ]) { $where .= " AND hostname LIKE ? " ; $sql_param [] = " % " . $vars [ 'hostname' ] . " % " ; }
if ( $vars [ 'os' ]) { $where .= " AND os = ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'os' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'version' ]) { $where .= " AND version = ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'version' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'hardware' ]) { $where .= " AND hardware = ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'hardware' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'features' ]) { $where .= " AND features = ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'features' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'type' ]) { $where .= " AND type = ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'type' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'state' ]) {
$where .= " AND status= ? " ; $sql_param [] = $state ;
$where .= " AND disabled='0' AND `ignore`='0' " ; $sql_param [] = '' ;
if ( $vars [ 'disabled' ]) { $where .= " AND disabled= ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'disabled' ]; }
if ( $vars [ 'ignore' ]) { $where .= " AND `ignore`= ? " ; $sql_param [] = $vars [ 'ignore' ]; }
$pagetitle [] = " Public Devices " ;
2014-06-21 20:24:44 -04:00
echo '<div class="well"><h3>System Status<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" style="float:right;" onclick="ToggleLogon()">Logon</button></h3></div>' ;
2014-06-21 09:50:24 -04:00
$query = " SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE 1 " . $where . " ORDER BY hostname " ;
list ( $format , $subformat ) = explode ( " _ " , $vars [ 'format' ]);
if ( $format == " graph " )
$row = 1 ;
foreach ( dbFetchRows ( $query , $sql_param ) as $device )
if ( is_integer ( $row / 2 )) { $row_colour = $list_colour_a ; } else { $row_colour = $list_colour_b ; }
if ( device_permitted ( $device [ 'device_id' ]))
if ( ! $location_filter || (( get_dev_attrib ( $device , 'override_sysLocation_bool' ) && get_dev_attrib ( $device , 'override_sysLocation_string' ) == $location_filter )
|| $device [ 'location' ] == $location_filter ))
$graph_type = " device_ " . $subformat ;
if ( $_SESSION [ 'widescreen' ]) { $width = 270 ; } else { $width = 315 ; }
echo ( " <div style='display: block; padding: 1px; margin: 2px; min-width: " . ( $width + 78 ) . " px; max-width: " . ( $width + 78 ) . " px; min-height:170px; max-height:170px; text-align: center; float: left; background-color: #f5f5f5;'>
< a href = 'device/device=".$device[' device_id ']."/' onmouseover = \ " return overlib(' \
< div style = \ 'font-size: 16px; padding:5px; font-weight: bold; color: #e5e5e5;\'>".$device[' hostname ']." - ".$interface[' ifDescr ' ] . " </div> \
< img src = \ 'graph.php?type=$graph_type&device=".$device[' device_id ']."&from=".$config[' time '][' day ']."&to=".$config[' time '][' now ' ] . " &width=450&height=150&title=yes \ '> \
', CENTER, LEFT, FGCOLOR, ' #e5e5e5', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', WIDTH, 400, HEIGHT, 150);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\" >".
" <img src='graph.php?type= $graph_type &device= " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " &from= " . $config [ 'time' ][ 'day' ] . " &to= " . $config [ 'time' ][ 'now' ] . " &width= " . $width . " &height=110&legend=no&title=yes'>
</ a >
</ div > " );
} else {
echo ( ' < div class = " panel panel-default panel-condensed " >
< div class = " table-responsive " >
< table class = " table table-condensed " > ' );
if ( $subformat == " detail " || $subformat == " basic " )
echo ( ' < tr >
< th ></ th >
< th ></ th >
< th > Device </ th >
< th ></ th >
< th > Platform </ th >
2014-06-21 20:24:44 -04:00
<!-- < th > Operating System </ th > -->
2014-06-21 09:50:24 -04:00
< th > Uptime / Location </ th >
</ tr > ' );
foreach ( dbFetchRows ( $query , $sql_param ) as $device )
if ( ! device_permitted ( $device [ 'device_id' ]))
2014-06-21 20:24:44 -04:00
include ( " includes/hostbox-public.inc.php " );
2014-06-21 09:50:24 -04:00
echo ( " </table> " );
echo ( '</div>' );
echo ( '</div>' );
< footer >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-12 text-center " >
< ? php
echo ( ' <br /> <br /> ' . ( isset ( $config [ 'footer' ]) ? $config [ 'footer' ] : '' ));
echo ( ' <br />Powered by <a href="' . $config [ 'project_url' ] . '" target="_blank">' . $config [ 'project_name_version' ] . '</a>. ' );
echo ( $config [ 'project_name' ] . ' is <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">Free Software</a>, released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU GPLv3</a>.<br/>' );
echo ( ' Copyright © 2006-2012 by Adam Armstrong. Copyright © 2013-' . date ( " Y " ) . ' by the ' . $config [ 'project_name' ] . ' Contributors.' );
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ footer >