
125 lines
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Raw Normal View History

### Discovery Observer-style NetSNMP temperatures
$device_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY device_id desc");
while ($device = mysql_fetch_array($device_query)) {
$id = $device['device_id'];
$hostname = $device['hostname'];
$community = $device['community'];
$snmpver = $device['snmpver'];
echo("\nPolling $hostname\n");
## Begin Observer-Style
if($device['os'] == "Linux") {
echo("Detecting Observer-Style sensors");
$oids = `snmpwalk -$snmpver -Osqn -c $community $hostname . | sed s/. | grep ".1.1 " | grep -v ".101." | cut -d"." -f 1`;
$oids = trim($oids);
if(strstr($oids, "no")) { unset ($oids); }
foreach(explode("\n",$oids) as $oid) {
$oid = trim($oid);
if($oid != "") {
$descr = trim(str_replace("\"", "", `snmpget -v2c -Osqn -c $community $hostname .$oid.2.1 | sed s/.$oid.2.1\ //`));
$fulloid = ".$oid.101.1";
echo("Detected : $fulloid ($descr)\n");
if(!mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(temp_id) FROM temperature WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'"), 0)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `temperature` (`temp_host`,`temp_oid`,`temp_descr`) VALUES ('$id', '$fulloid', '$descr');");
echo("Created $descr ($fulloid) on $hostname\n");
} else {
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `temp_descr` FROM temperature WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'"), 0) != $descr) {
echo("Updating $descr on $hostname\n");
mysql_query("UPDATE temperature SET `temp_descr` = '$descr' WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'");
$temp_exists[] = "$id $fulloid";
} ## End Observer-Style
## Dell Temperatures
if(strstr($device['hardware'], "Dell")) {
echo("Detecting Dell OMSA sensors\n");
$oids = `snmpwalk -$snmpver -Osqn -c $community $hostname .`;
$oids = trim($oids);
if(strstr($oids, "no")) { unset ($oids); }
foreach(explode("\n",$oids) as $oid) {
$oid = substr(trim($oid), 36);
echo("$oid \n");
list($oid) = explode(" ", $oid);
if($oid != "") {
$descr = trim(str_replace("\"", "", `snmpget -v2c -Onvq -c $community $hostname .$oid`));
$fulloid = ".$oid";
echo("Detected : $fulloid ($descr)\n");
if(!mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(temp_id) FROM temperature WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'"), 0)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `temperature` (`temp_host`,`temp_oid`,`temp_descr`, `temp_tenths`) VALUES ('$id', '$fulloid', '$descr', '1');");
echo("Created $fulloid on $hostname\n");
} else {
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `temp_descr` FROM temperature WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'"), 0) != $descr) {
echo("Updating $descr on $hostname\n");
mysql_query("UPDATE temperature SET `temp_descr` = '$descr' WHERE `temp_host` = '$id' AND `temp_oid` = '$fulloid'");
$temp_exists[] = "$id $fulloid";
}## End Dell Sensors
## Cisco Temperatures
if($device['os'] == "IOS") {
echo("Detecting Cisco IOS temperature sensors\n");
$oids = `snmpwalk -v2c -Osqn -c $community $hostname . | sed s/.`;
$oids = trim($oids);
foreach(explode("\n", $oids) as $data) {
$data = trim($data);
list($oid) = explode(" ", $data);
$temp_oid = ".$oid";
$descr_oid = ".$oid";
$descr = `snmpget -O qv -v2c -c $community $hostname $descr_oid`;
$temp = `snmpget -O qv -v2c -c $community $hostname $temp_oid`;
if(!strstr($descr, "No") && !strstr($temp, "No") && $descr != "" ) {
$descr = `snmpget -O qv -v2c -c $community $hostname $descr_oid`;
$descr = str_replace("\"", "", $descr);
$descr = str_replace("temperature", "", $descr);
$descr = str_replace("temp", "", $descr);
$descr = trim($descr);
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(temp_id) FROM `temperature` WHERE temp_oid = '.$oid' AND temp_host = '$id'"),0) == '0') {
$query = "INSERT INTO temperature (`temp_host`, `temp_oid`, `temp_descr`) values ('$id', '$temp_oid', '$descr')";
echo("$query -> $descr : $temp\n");
$temp_exists[] = "$id $fulloid";
$temp_exists[] = "$id $temp_oid";
## Delete removed sensors
$sql = "SELECT * FROM temperature AS T, devices AS D WHERE T.temp_host = D.device_id AND D.status = '1'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($sensor = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($temp_exists) && !$exists) {
$thistemp = $sensor['temp_host'] . " " . $sensor['temp_oid'];
if ($temp_exists[$i] == $thistemp) { $exists = 1; }
if(!$exists) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM temperature WHERE temp_id = '" . $sensor['temp_id'] . "'");