Adding support for users to update a new config option via the WebUI is now a lot easier for general options. This
document shows you how to add a new config option and even section to the WebUI.
#### Update DB
Firstly you will need to add the config option to the database. Here's an example:
insert into config (config_name,config_value,config_default,config_descr,config_group,config_group_order,config_sub_group,config_sub_group_order,config_hidden,config_disabled) values ('alert.tolerance_window','','','Tolerance window in seconds','alerting',0,'general',0,'0','0');
This will determine the default config option for `$config['alert']['tolerance_window']`.
#### Update WebUI
If the sub-section you want to add the new config option already exists then update the relevant file within
`html/pages/settings/` otherwise you will need to create the new sub-section page. Here's an example of this: