2015-08-10 13:36:55 -07:00
< ? php
* LibreNMS
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Neil Lathwood < https :// github . com / laf / http :// www . lathwood . co . uk / fa >
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your
* option ) any later version . Please see LICENSE . txt at the top level of
* the source code distribution for details .
if ( empty ( $results_limit )) {
$results_limit = 25 ;
$tmp_output = ' < h3 > Graylog </ h3 >
< div class = " table-responsive " >
< table id = " graylog " class = " table table-hover table-condensed graylog " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th data - column - id = " timestamp " > Timestamp </ th >
< th data - column - id = " source " > Source </ th >
< th data - column - id = " message " > Message </ th >
< th data - column - id = " facility " data - visible = " false " > Facility </ th >
< th data - column - id = " level " data - visible = " false " > Level </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
</ table >
</ div >
< script >
searchbar = " <div id= \" { { ctx.id}} \" class= \" { { css.header}} \" ><div class= \" row \" > " +
" <div class= \" col-sm-8 \" ><form method= \" post \" action= \" \" class= \" form-inline \" > " +
" Filter: " +
' ;
if ( ! empty ( $filter_device )) {
$tmp_output .= '
" <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" hostname \" id= \" hostname \" value= \" '. $filter_device .' \" > " +
' ;
else {
$tmp_output .= '
" <div class= \" form-group \" ><select name= \" hostname \" id= \" hostname \" class= \" form-control input-sm \" > " +
" <option value= \" \" >All devices</option> " +
' ;
if ( is_admin () === true || is_read () === true ) {
$results = dbFetchRows ( " SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` GROUP BY `hostname` ORDER BY `hostname` " );
else {
$results = dbFetchRows ( " SELECT `D`.`hostname` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `hostname` ORDER BY `hostname` " , array ( $_SESSION [ 'user_id' ]));
foreach ( $results as $data ) {
$tmp_output .= '"<option value=\"' . $data [ 'hostname' ] . '\""+' ;
if ( $data [ 'hostname' ] == $vars [ 'hostname' ]) {
$tmp_output .= '"selected"+' ;
$tmp_output .= '">' . $data [ 'hostname' ] . '</option>"+' ;
$tmp_output .= '
" </select> </div> " +
' ;
if ( empty ( $filter_device )) {
$filter_device = mres ( $_POST [ 'hostname' ]);
$tmp_output .= '
" <div class= \" form-group \" ><select name= \" range \" class= \" form-group input-sm \" > " +
" <option value= \" 300 \" >Search last 5 minutes</option> " +
" <option value= \" 900 \" >Search last 15 minutes</option> " +
" <option value= \" 1800 \" >Search last 30 minutes</option> " +
" <option value= \" 3600 \" >Search last 1 hour</option> " +
" <option value= \" 7200 \" >Search last 2 hours</option> " +
" <option value= \" 28800 \" >Search last 8 hours</option> " +
" <option value= \" 86400 \" >Search last 1 day</option> " +
" <option value= \" 172800 \" >Search last 2 days</option> " +
" <option value= \" 432000 \" >Search last 5 days</option> " +
" <option value= \" 604800 \" >Search last 7 days</option> " +
" <option value= \" 1209600 \" >Search last 14 days</option> " +
" <option value= \" 2592000 \" >Search last 30 days</option> " +
" <option value= \" 0 \" >Search all time</option> " +
" </select> </div> " +
" <button type= \" submit \" class= \" btn btn-success btn-sm \" >Filter</button> " +
" </form></div> " +
" <div class= \" col-sm-4 actionBar \" ><p class= \" { { css.search}} \" ></p><p class= \" { { css.actions}} \" ></p></div></div></div> "
var graylog_grid = $ ( " #graylog " ) . bootgrid ({
ajax : true ,
rowCount : [ '. $results_limit .' , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , - 1 ],
' ;
if ( $no_form !== true ) {
$tmp_output .= '
templates : {
header : searchbar
' ;
$tmp_output .= '
post : function ()
return {
id : " graylog " ,
hostname : " ' . $filter_device . ' " ,
range : " ' . mres( $_POST['range'] ) . ' "
2016-06-15 12:58:23 +00:00
url : " ajax_table.php " ,
2015-08-10 13:36:55 -07:00
</ script >
' ;
$common_output [] = $tmp_output ;