2012-01-19 08:49:26 +00:00
< ? php
echo ( " VLANs: \n " );
$this_vlans = array ();
include ( " includes/discovery/q-bridge-mib.inc.php " );
include ( " includes/discovery/cisco-vlans.inc.php " );
foreach ( $this_vlans as $vlan )
/// Pull Tables for this VLAN
#/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c kglk5g3l454@988 -OQUs -m BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/ udp:sw2.ahf:161 dot1dStpPortEntry
#/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c kglk5g3l454@988 -OQUs -m BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/ udp:sw2.ahf:161 dot1dBasePortEntry
if ( $vlan < 1002 || $vlan > 1105 ) /// Ignore reserved VLAN IDs
2012-01-19 10:04:06 +00:00
if ( $device [ 'os_group' ] == " cisco " )
$vlan_device = array_merge ( $device , array ( 'community' => $device [ 'community' ] . " @ " . $vlan ));
$vlan_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid ( $vlan_device , " dot1dStpPortEntry " , array (), " BRIDGE-MIB:Q-BRIDGE-MIB " );
$vlan_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid ( $vlan_device , " dot1dBasePortEntry " , $vlan_data , " BRIDGE-MIB:Q-BRIDGE-MIB " );
2012-01-19 08:49:26 +00:00
echo ( " VLAN $vlan \n " );
echo ( str_pad ( " dot1d id " , 10 ) . str_pad ( " ifIndex " , 10 ) . str_pad ( " Port Name " , 25 ) .
str_pad ( " Priority " , 10 ) . str_pad ( " State " , 15 ) . str_pad ( " Cost " , 10 ) . " \n " );
foreach ( $vlan_data as $vlan_port_id => $vlan_port )
$port = get_port_by_index_cache ( $device , $vlan_port [ 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex' ]);
echo ( str_pad ( $vlan_port_id , 10 ) . str_pad ( $vlan_port [ 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex' ], 10 ) .
str_pad ( $port [ 'ifDescr' ], 25 ) . str_pad ( $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortPriority' ], 10 ) .
str_pad ( $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortState' ], 15 ) . str_pad ( $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortPathCost' ], 10 ));
$db_w = array ( 'device_id' => $device [ 'device_id' ],
'interface_id' => $port [ 'interface_id' ],
'vlan' => $vlan );
$db_a = array ( 'baseport' => $vlan_port_id ,
'priority' => $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortPriority' ],
'state' => $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortState' ],
'cost' => $vlan_port [ 'dot1dStpPortPathCost' ]);
$from_db = dbFetchRow ( " SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND interface_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? " , array ( $device [ 'device_id' ], $port [ 'interface_id' ], $vlan ));
if ( $from_db [ 'port_vlan_id' ])
dbUpdate ( $db_a , 'ports_vlans' , " `port_vlan_id` = ? " , $from_db [ 'port_vlan_id' ]);
echo ( " Updated " );
} else {
dbInsert ( array_merge ( $db_w , $db_a ), 'ports_vlans' );
echo ( " Inserted " );
echo ( " \n " );
2012-01-19 10:04:06 +00:00
unset ( $vlan_data );
2012-01-19 08:49:26 +00:00
$device_vlans = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' " );
while ( $dev_vlan = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $device_vlans ))
unset ( $vlan_exists );
foreach ( $this_vlans as $test_vlan )
if ( $test_vlan == $dev_vlan [ 'vlan_vlan' ]) { $vlan_exists = 1 ; }
if ( ! $vlan_exists )
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM `vlans` WHERE `vlan_id` = ' " . $dev_vlan [ 'vlan_id' ] . " ' " );
echo ( " - " );
if ( $debug ) { echo ( " Deleted VLAN " . $dev_vlan [ 'vlan_vlan' ] . " \n " ); }
unset ( $this_vlans );