> NOTE: These instructions assume you are the root user. If you are not, prepend `sudo` to the shell commands (the ones that aren't at `mysql>` prompts) or temporarily become a user with root privileges with `sudo -s` or `sudo -i`.
### DB Server ###
> NOTE: Whilst we are working on ensuring LibreNMS is compatible with MySQL strict mode, for now, please disable this after mysql is installed.
In `/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini` and `/etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini`, ensure date.timezone is set to your preferred time zone. See http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php for a list of supported timezones. Valid examples are: "America/New_York", "Australia/Brisbane", "Etc/UTC".
LibreNMS keeps logs in `/opt/librenms/logs`. Over time these can become large and be rotated out. To rotate out the old logs you can use the provided logrotate config file:
That's it! You now should be able to log in to http://librenms.example.com/. Please note that we have not covered HTTPS setup in this example, so your LibreNMS install is not secure by default. Please do not expose it to the public Internet unless you have configured HTTPS and taken appropriate web server hardening steps.
#### Add first device
We now suggest that you add localhost as your first device from within the WebUI.
We hope you enjoy using LibreNMS. If you do, it would be great if you would consider opting into the stats system we have, please see [this page](http://docs.librenms.org/General/Callback-Stats-and-Privacy/) on what it is and how to enable it.