diff --git a/html/includes/authentication/ad-authorization.inc.php b/html/includes/authentication/ad-authorization.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f30129984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/includes/authentication/ad-authorization.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+Fatal error while connecting to AD url ' . $config['auth_ad_url'] . ': ' . ldap_error($ds) . '';
+ exit;
+// disable referrals and force ldap version to 3
+ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
+ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
+// Bind to AD
+if (isset($config['auth_ad_binduser']) && isset($config['auth_ad_bindpassword'])) {
+ // With specified bind user
+ if (! ldap_bind($ds, "${config['auth_ad_binduser']}@${config['auth_ad_domain']}", "${config['auth_ad_bindpassword']}")) {
+ echo ldap_error($ds);
+ }
+else {
+ // Anonymous
+ if (! ldap_bind($ds)) {
+ echo ldap_error($ds);
+ }
+function authenticate ($username, $password) {
+ global $config;
+ if (isset ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
+ $_SESSION['username'] = mres ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
+ if (user_exists ($_SESSION['username'])) {
+ adduser($username);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $_SESSION['username'] = $config['http_auth_guest'];
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+function reauthenticate() {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return 0;
+function passwordscanchange() {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return 0;
+function changepassword() {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return 0;
+function auth_usermanagement() {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return 0;
+function adduser($username, $level=0, $email='', $realname='', $can_modify_passwd=0, $description='', $twofactor=0) {
+ // Check to see if user is already added in the database
+ if (!user_exists_in_db($username)) {
+ $userid = dbInsert(array('username' => $username, 'realname' => $realname, 'email' => $email, 'descr' => $description, 'level' => $level, 'can_modify_passwd' => $can_modify_passwd, 'twofactor' => $twofactor, 'user_id' => get_userid($username)), 'users');
+ if ($userid == false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach (dbFetchRows('select notifications.* from notifications where not exists( select 1 from notifications_attribs where notifications.notifications_id = notifications_attribs.notifications_id and notifications_attribs.user_id = ?) order by notifications.notifications_id desc',array($userid)) as $notif) {
+ dbInsert(array('notifications_id'=>$notif['notifications_id'],'user_id'=>$userid,'key'=>'read','value'=>1),'notifications_attribs');
+ }
+ }
+ return $userid;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function user_exists_in_db($username) {
+ $return = dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($username), true);
+ return $return;
+function user_exists($username) {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ if (auth_ldap_session_cache_get ('user_exists'))
+ return 1;
+ $search = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'],
+ "(samaccountname=${username})",array('samaccountname'));
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
+ if ($entries['count']) {
+ /*
+ * Cache positiv result as this will result in more queries which we
+ * want to speed up.
+ */
+ auth_ldap_session_cache_set ('user_exists', 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+function get_userlevel($username) {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ $userlevel = auth_ldap_session_cache_get ('userlevel');
+ if ($userlevel) {
+ return $userlevel;
+ }
+ else {
+ $userlevel = 0;
+ }
+ // Find all defined groups $username is in
+ $search = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'],
+ "(samaccountname={$username})", array('memberOf'));
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
+ // Loop the list and find the highest level
+ foreach ($entries[0]['memberof'] as $entry) {
+ $group_cn = get_cn($entry);
+ if ($config['auth_ad_groups'][$group_cn]['level'] > $userlevel) {
+ $userlevel = $config['auth_ad_groups'][$group_cn]['level'];
+ }
+ }
+ auth_ldap_session_cache_set ('userlevel', $userlevel);
+ return $userlevel;
+function get_userid($username) {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ $user_id = auth_ldap_session_cache_get ('userid');
+ if (isset ($user_id)) {
+ return $user_id;
+ }
+ else {
+ $user_id = -1;
+ }
+ $attributes = array('objectsid');
+ $search = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'],
+ "(samaccountname={$username})", $attributes);
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
+ if ($entries['count']) {
+ $user_id = preg_replace('/.*-(\d+)$/','$1',sid_from_ldap($entries[0]['objectsid'][0]));
+ }
+ auth_ldap_session_cache_set ('userid', $user_id);
+ return $user_id;
+function deluser($username) {
+ dbDelete('bill_perms', '`user_name` = ?', array($username));
+ dbDelete('devices_perms', '`user_name` = ?', array($username));
+ dbDelete('ports_perms', '`user_name` = ?', array($username));
+ dbDelete('users_prefs', '`user_name` = ?', array($username));
+ dbDelete('users', '`user_name` = ?', array($username));
+ return dbDelete('users', '`username` = ?', array($username));
+function get_userlist() {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ $userlist = array();
+ $userhash = array();
+ $ldap_groups = get_group_list();
+ foreach($ldap_groups as $ldap_group) {
+ $group_cn = get_cn($ldap_group);
+ $search = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'], "(cn={$group_cn})", array('member'));
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
+ foreach($entries[0]['member'] as $member) {
+ $member_cn = get_cn($member);
+ $search = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'], "(cn={$member_cn})",
+ array('sAMAccountname', 'displayName', 'objectSID', 'mail'));
+ $results = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
+ foreach($results as $result) {
+ if(isset($result['samaccountname'][0])) {
+ $userid = preg_replace('/.*-(\d+)$/','$1',
+ sid_from_ldap($result['objectsid'][0]));
+ // don't make duplicates, user may be member of more than one group
+ $userhash[$result['samaccountname'][0]] = array(
+ 'realname' => $result['displayName'][0],
+ 'user_id' => $userid,
+ 'email' => $result['mail'][0]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach(array_keys($userhash) as $key) {
+ $userlist[] = array(
+ 'username' => $key,
+ 'realname' => $userhash[$key]['realname'],
+ 'user_id' => $userhash[$key]['user_id'],
+ 'email' => $userhash[$key]['email']
+ );
+ }
+ return $userlist;
+function can_update_users() {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return 0;
+function get_user($user_id) {
+ // not supported so return 0
+ return dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = ?', array($user_id), true);
+function update_user($user_id, $realname, $level, $can_modify_passwd, $email) {
+ dbUpdate(array('realname' => $realname, 'can_modify_passwd' => $can_modify_passwd, 'email' => $email), 'users', '`user_id` = ?', array($user_id));
+function get_fullname($username) {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ $attributes = array('name');
+ $result = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'],
+ "(samaccountname={$username})", $attributes);
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $result);
+ if ($entries['count'] > 0) {
+ $membername = $entries[0]['name'][0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $membername = $username;
+ }
+ return $membername;
+function get_group_list() {
+ global $config;
+ $ldap_groups = array();
+ // show all Active Directory Users by default
+ $default_group = 'Users';
+ if (isset($config['auth_ad_group'])) {
+ if ($config['auth_ad_group'] !== $default_group) {
+ $ldap_groups[] = $config['auth_ad_group'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isset($config['auth_ad_groups']) && !isset($config['auth_ad_group'])) {
+ $ldap_groups[] = get_dn($default_group);
+ }
+ foreach ($config['auth_ad_groups'] as $key => $value) {
+ $ldap_groups[] = get_dn($key);
+ }
+ return $ldap_groups;
+function get_dn($samaccountname) {
+ global $config, $ds;
+ $attributes = array('dn');
+ $result = ldap_search($ds, $config['auth_ad_base_dn'],
+ "(samaccountname={$samaccountname})", $attributes);
+ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $result);
+ if ($entries['count'] > 0) {
+ return $entries[0]['dn'];
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function get_cn($dn) {
+ preg_match('/[^,]*/', $dn, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3);
+ return $matches[0][0];
+function sid_from_ldap($sid)
+ $sidHex = unpack('H*hex', $sid);
+ $subAuths = unpack('H2/H2/n/N/V*', $sid);
+ $revLevel = hexdec(substr($sidHex, 0, 2));
+ $authIdent = hexdec(substr($sidHex, 4, 12));
+ return 'S-'.$revLevel.'-'.$authIdent.'-'.implode('-', $subAuths);
+function auth_ldap_session_cache_get ($attr) {
+ global $config;
+ $ttl = 300;
+ if ($config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'])
+ $ttl = $config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'];
+ // auth_ldap cache present in this session?
+ if (! isset ($_SESSION['auth_ldap']))
+ return Null;
+ $cache = $_SESSION['auth_ldap'];
+ // $attr present in cache?
+ if (! isset ($cache[$attr]))
+ return Null;
+ // Value still valid?
+ if (time () - $cache[$attr]['last_updated'] >= $ttl)
+ return Null;
+ return $cache[$attr]['value'];
+function auth_ldap_session_cache_set ($attr, $value) {
+ $_SESSION['auth_ldap'][$attr]['value'] = $value;
+ $_SESSION['auth_ldap'][$attr]['last_updated'] = time ();