diff --git a/doc/Support/FAQ.md b/doc/Support/FAQ.md
index 7b145f882a..18058da5cc 100644
--- a/doc/Support/FAQ.md
+++ b/doc/Support/FAQ.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ source: Support/FAQ.md
- [What do the values mean in my graphs?](#faq21)
- [Why does a device show as a warning?](#faq22)
- [Why do I not see all interfaces in the Overall traffic graph for a device?](#faq23)
+ - [How do I move my LibreNMS install to another server?](#faq24)
### Developing
- [How do I add support for a new OS?](#faq8)
@@ -204,6 +205,19 @@ $config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/mpls/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ieee8023adLag/';
$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ppp/';
+#### How do I move my LibreNMS install to another server?
+If you are moving from one CPU architecture to another then you will need to dump the rrd files and re-create them. If you are in
+this scenario then you can use [Dan Brown's migration scripts](https://vlan50.com/2015/04/17/migrating-from-observium-to-librenms/).
+If you are just moving to another server with the same CPU architecture then the following steps should be all that's needed:
+ - Install LibreNMS as per our normal documentation, you don't need to run through the web installer or building the sql schema.
+ - Stop cron by commenting out all lines in `/etc/cron.d/librenms`
+ - Dump the MySQL database `librenms` and import this into your new server.
+ - Copy the `rrd/` folder to the new server.
+ - Copy the `config.php` file to the new server.
+ - Renable cron by uncommenting all lines in `/etc/cron.d/librenms`
#### How do I add support for a new OS?