* fix a few bare URLs
* make mdl happy
* make Weathermap.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Varnish.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Two-Factor-Auth.md mdl happy
* touch one header for Syslog.md, but little can be done about the rest
* make Sub-Directory.md as mdl happy as possible
* make SNMP-Trap-Handler.md lint happy
* make SNMP-Proxy.md mdl happy
* make Smokeping.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Services.md mdl happy
* make RRDTune.md mdl happy
* cleanup RRDCached.md as much as possible
* make RRDCached-Security.md mdl happy
* make Rancid.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Proxmox.md mdl happy
* make Plugin-System.md as mdl happy as possible
* make PeeringDB.md mdl happy
* make Oxidized.md more lint happy
* make Network-Map.md mdl happy
* make MIB-based-polling.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Metric-Storage.md mdl happy
* make IRC-Bot.md as mdl happy as possible
* make IRC-Bot-Extensions.md as mdl happy as possible
* make
* make Graylog.md mdl happy
* make Gateone.md mdl happy
* make Fast-Ping-Check.md mdl happy
* make Distributed-Poller.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Dispatcher-Service.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Device-Groups.md mdl happy
* make Dell-OpenManage.md mdl happy
* make Dashboard.md mdl happy
* make Customizing-the-Web-UI.md as mdl happy as possible
* make Component.md mdl happy
* make Billing-Module.md mdl happy
* make Auto-Discovery.md mostly mdl happy
* make Authentication.md as mdl happy as possible
* tidy up a few lines in Applications.md
* make Agent-Setup.md as mdl happy as possible
* make metrics/OpenTSDB.md mdl happy
* spelling fix
* clean 1-Minute-Polling.md formatting
* cleanup formatting for Adding-a-Device.md
* clean up formatting of Cleanup-options.md
* cleanup formatting some for CLI-Tools.md
* cleanup formatting for Syslog.md and Configuration.md
* cleanup formatting for Device-Sensors.md
* cleanup formatting for Device-Troubleshooting.md
* cleanup Discovery Support.md
* cleanup Environment-Variables.md
* cleanup Example-Hardware-Setup.md and FAQ.mg
* update Features.md, Install Validation.md, Perfermance.md, Poller Support.md, and index.md
* cleanup Remote-Monitoring-VPN.md, SNMP-Configuration-Examples.md, and SSL-Configuration.md
* lots of updates for Installation docs
* more installation doc cleanup
* more formatting cleanup
* clean Work-Map.md up some
* Split install steps into git clone and composer install
This gives the admin a little more knowledge about how to maintain the system, showing them composer_wrapper.php and su - librenms
They will get errors if composer_wrapper doesn't work because of a proxy or no internet connection
We lose stats on packagist.org (https://packagist.org/packages/librenms/librenms/stats)
If we wanted to keep stats, we could use:
COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 composer create-project --no-dev --no-install --keep-vcs librenms/librenms librenms dev-master
not sure that is worth it.
* fix composer_wrapper.php path
* Add 'software-properties-common'
Running 'add-apt-repository universe' only work with 'software-properties-common' already installed.
* Update Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache.md
* Create Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Nginx.md
A few tweaks are required to the Ubuntu 16.04 instructions to install on the newly released 18.04 version mostly relating to php being bumped to 7.2 from 7.0 and no mcrypt module for this php version in the distro repository.
* Create Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache.md
Used instructions from 1604 Apache as template and updated to work on Bionic (18.04).
* Update Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Nginx.md
Removed instructions for installing mcrypt module as I confirmed it works without it and it was mentioned it was no longer needed.
* Update Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache.md
The 1604 directions had a mixture of vi and vim for editing files. Since this is ubuntu and we want the instructions to be as easy as possible, I updated editor to be nano. I have no personal preference and can make it whatever we prefer, just figured it should be consistent between the two guides.
* Update mkdocs.yml
Added Ubuntu 18.04 instruction pages
* Update Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache.md
Corrected to libapache2-mod-php7.2 from libapache2-mod-php7.0
* Updated Ubuntu install docs
* Added missing mbstring + curl packages