* clean up all but header incrementing in Creating-Transport.md
* make Device-Dependencies.md mdl happy
* make Entities.md as mdl happy as possible... one long table line left
* make mdl as happy as possible for index.md
* clean up Introduction.md as much as possible
* minor formatting cleanup... move each icon onto its own row
* make ack and notes the same style
* clean Macros.md up
* clean Rules.md up as much as possible
* tweak one line a bit to get it to format a bit nicer
* a bit more format tweaking, making sure it does not sure with >
* clean up as much as possible for Templates.md
* make Testing.md as mdl happy as possibly
* clean Transports.md up as much as possible
* clean as many issues as possible for Alerts.md
* clean up as much of ARP.md as possible
* clean up as much as possible for Bills.md
* make DeviceGroups.md as mdl happy as possible
* cleanup Devices.md
* make as mdl happy as possible Inventory.md and index.md
* mdl cleanup for Logs.md and PortGroups.md
* make Ports.md and Routing.md as happy as possible
* clean up Services.md, Switching.md, and Systems.md as much as possible
* more markup cleanup
* lots more md cleanup udner Devloping/
* reapply bits from #10343 that accidentally got removed when merging
#### Please note
> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.
- [x] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Code-Guidelines/)
#### Testers
If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`
After you are done testing, you can remove the changes with `./scripts/github-remove`. If there are schema changes, you can ask on discord how to revert.
This patch allows you to avoid manually adding a transport to the list of available transports. In addition, in custom installations, where their own transports were added, the need to manually update the file "html/includes/modal/edit_alert_transport.inc.php" broke the automatic update (git detected a conflict and required manual solution). With this patch, you can avoid this, add local transports that remain outside the git repository and there is no need to create and maintain your fork in order to add your transports or add them to the upstream (they may have no value outside the local installation).
Hello all,
I guess this is the second version of a more fully fleshed out alert contact mapping feature. The old one was GH-8507
Transports to convert:
- [x] API
- [x] Cisco Spark
- [x] Elasticsearch
- [x] GitLab
- [x] Philips Hue
- [x] Jira
- [x] Mail
- [ ] ~~PagerDuty~~ - Requires a callback so leaving for now
- [x] Nagios
- [x] IRC
- [x] Discord
- [x] Rocket.chat
- [x] Hipchat
- [x] Pushover
- [x] Boxcar
- [x] Telegram
- [x] Pushbullet
- [x] VictorOps
- [x] OpsGenie
- [x] Clickatell
- [x] PlaySMS
- [x] Canopsis
- [x] osTicket
- [x] Microsoft Teams
- [x] SMSEagle
- [x] Syslog
- [x] Slack
The intention is for this feature to have three different levels to it:
1. Alert rule to an alert contact mapping (where the code is at now)
2. Alert rule to an alert group (made up of alert contacts) mapping
3. Alert contact mapping to different transport configurations.
There will be three transport configuration types.
1. Default (the configuration that is held in the configs table)
2. None (no transport configuration - will explain later)
3. Other (a configuration that will be defined in a different able)
Take Mail transport for example. It can either be of a "default" or "other" configuration. The hope is that in the future, users can send mail from different mail servers if they wish.
However, for ciscospark which requires a room ID and an api-token, I've decided that it has no transport configuration. Most likely, every alert contact will contain a different room-id and an api-token - which is why it has the transport config of "none".
For other transports : I am not familiar with them, so hopefully the community can add support for these. I can definitely help!
To add support for each transport will require several things:
- addition to the UI
- addition to forms/alert-contacts.inc.php
- modifications to its object class

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do things, so please let me know if there's a better way to structure the code! Any comments on code/db schema,/UI etc is welcome and encouraged!
The UI is heavily based on alert rules (front end is not my strong suit). And parts of the code are based on the code that was written for alert rules.
#### Please note
> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.
- [x] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Code-Guidelines/)
#### Testers
If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`