* clean 1-Minute-Polling.md formatting
* cleanup formatting for Adding-a-Device.md
* clean up formatting of Cleanup-options.md
* cleanup formatting some for CLI-Tools.md
* cleanup formatting for Syslog.md and Configuration.md
* cleanup formatting for Device-Sensors.md
* cleanup formatting for Device-Troubleshooting.md
* cleanup Discovery Support.md
* cleanup Environment-Variables.md
* cleanup Example-Hardware-Setup.md and FAQ.mg
* update Features.md, Install Validation.md, Perfermance.md, Poller Support.md, and index.md
* cleanup Remote-Monitoring-VPN.md, SNMP-Configuration-Examples.md, and SSL-Configuration.md
* lots of updates for Installation docs
* more installation doc cleanup
* more formatting cleanup
* clean Work-Map.md up some
* Add migrations and seeds
* Fix spacing validation issues
* Fix linting
* Update tabs to spaces
* Update daily and install process
* Make build-base.php use the new migrations if empty or at dbschema 1000.
Seed 1000 into the database.
Temp fix for the route table index length (this table basically isn't used...)
* Fix typo in seed.
Hard code legacy schema checks to version 1000 (999 would have worked as is)
* Port association table no longer exists
* Make database validate again
* DB schema, remove as many DB::statement as possible
* update migrations
add librenms cli entry point (artisan)
update validate to check laravel migrations
* remove statements from users migration
* Fix up daily.sh and the 1000 migration
* Update migrations to current state
Take advantage of environment variables to set DB credentials.
* Fix style issues
* Update schema
* fix test db collation
* Fix migration table definition
* update db migrations
* Update migrations
* Update stats callback. Just count the total migrations applied.
* Update 1000.sql.
* update migrations
* remove the graph type seeder, it is no longer needed
* update docs
* fix whitespace
* remove extra schema
* update tests
* fix sort
* add message
* dbSchema should actually be 1000
* add character set to db create
* Fix some artisan issues
* Update schema
* Force root url if set by user
If user sets APP_URL, force the root url to that. Empty strings result in default behavior.
Fix some of the urls in the laravel templates.
* Docs update
* Add base_url
#### Please note
> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.
- [ ] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Code-Guidelines/)
#### Testers
If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`
After you are done testing, you can remove the changes with `./scripts/github-remove`. If there are schema changes, you can ask on discord how to revert.
* Allow trusted proxy via APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES
Set to '*' by default to emulate legacy behavior.
Set up doc describing environment variables
* Create helper to parse environment variables into arrays properly.
* Update doc blocks
* Documentation updates for DMI support and making two links in the FAQ work
* Update SNMP-Configuration-Examples.md
* Update SNMP-Configuration-Examples.md
* Update snmpd.conf.example
* Update SNMP-Configuration-Examples.md
* docs: Continue to reorganize things
Make landing pages for /Installation, /API, etc.
Split API out into multiple docs
Properly use multi-level navigation
Add lower nav buttons (tops are bug so disable for now)
Add logo for fanciness
Refine index page a bit
* Improve API TOC layout
* Couple of fixes.
* Fix API/API-Docs, assumed it was at the right url.
* newfeature: ability to edit default alert template
* Fix style errors
* Added missing db query
* Removed unnecessary code, and added faq section
* Minor documentation about default alert template. And put back wrongly removed lines
* Fixing the silly old mistakes... again
* Update FAQ.md
Added User info for Normal User and Global user along with Demo User.
* Update FAQ.md
tried to fix link :/
* Update FAQ.md
Noob trying to link faq.
* Update FAQ.md
* Create FAQ.md
trying to fix the links.
* Create FAQ.md
* Ask people to contribute documentation
* Ask people to contribute documentation v2
Revised wording, also s/Git Hub/GitHub/ and misc acronym capitalisation.
* Update FAQ.md
Remove `t` we lose the declaration of the Timeticks: type with that
Add `U` removes unit suffixes.
Add `b` displays indexes numerically instead of as strings