* Move `resources/lang` folder
* Shift registered middleware
* Remove `fruitcake/laravel-cors` dependency
* Streamline `$commands` property
* Upgrade to Flysystem 3.0
* Shift core files
* Convert `optional()` to nullsafe operator
* Remove unnecessary `$model` property
* Convert route options to fluent methods
Laravel 8 adopts the tuple syntax for controller actions. Since the old options array is incompatible with this syntax, Shift converted them to use modern, fluent methods.
* Convert deprecated `$dates` property to `$casts`
* Shift config files
* Default config files
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them and merged your true customizations -
where ENV variables may not be used.
* Bump Laravel dependencies
* Use `<env>` tags for configuration
`<env>` tags have a lower precedence than system environment variables making it easier to overwrite PHPUnit configuration values in additional environments, such a CI.
Review this blog post for more details on configuration precedence when testing Laravel: https://jasonmccreary.me/articles/laravel-testing-configuration-precedence/
* Fix error provider
* Match new symfony syntax
* Match upstream syntax
* Fix route syntax
* generate composer.lock
* Sync back configs
* routes
* composer
* Fix more flare
* fix cors
* sync lang
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14517)
Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <bot@styleci.io>
* bump larastan
* update packages
* wip
* Temporarily lower phpstan level
* Update phpstan.neon
* wip
* wip
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14592)
Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <bot@styleci.io>
* test
* Update CiHelper.php
* Update test.yml
* Update CiHelper.php
* Update CiHelper.php
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14616)
Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <bot@styleci.io>
* test?
* fix phpstan problems
* dont run snmpsim on github ci
* Fix whitespace
* More whitespace
* More whitespace ???
* I think the space broke it
* fix the reset of the whitespace
* hard code auth guard
Co-authored-by: Shift <shift@laravelshift.com>
Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <bot@styleci.io>
Co-authored-by: Tony Murray <murraytony@gmail.com>
* Shift HTTP kernel and middleware
* Shift service providers
* Shift console routes
* Shift to class based factories
* Namespace seeders
* Shift PSR-4 autoloading
* Default config files
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them. This allows you to review the commit
diff for once for customizations when you are done Shifting.
Moving forward, consider using ENV variables or create a separate
config file to allow the core config files to remain as default
as possible.
* Shift Laravel dependencies
* Shift return type of base TestCase methods
From the [PHPUnit 8 release notes][1], the `TestCase` methods below now declare a `void` return type:
- `setUpBeforeClass()`
- `setUp()`
- `assertPreConditions()`
- `assertPostConditions()`
- `tearDown()`
- `tearDownAfterClass()`
- `onNotSuccessfulTest()`
[1]: https://phpunit.de/announcements/phpunit-8.html
* Shift cleanup
* console routes
* composer update
* factories
* phpunit
* bootstrap pagination
* model factory
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12236)
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12238)
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12240)
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12242)
* composer update
* Bump to PHP 7.3 minimum
Co-authored-by: Laravel Shift <shift@laravelshift.com>