* Always boot Laravel
That way we can depend on it being available.
Saves us crashes if some code accidentally uses something that isn't booted and a lot of silly if/elses.
* ignore init php errors
* Fix a couple install issues
validate failing too early caused an class not found error
return success in the db update output
* revert db-update changes, for separate PR
* Add migrations and seeds
* Fix spacing validation issues
* Fix linting
* Update tabs to spaces
* Update daily and install process
* Make build-base.php use the new migrations if empty or at dbschema 1000.
Seed 1000 into the database.
Temp fix for the route table index length (this table basically isn't used...)
* Fix typo in seed.
Hard code legacy schema checks to version 1000 (999 would have worked as is)
* Port association table no longer exists
* Make database validate again
* DB schema, remove as many DB::statement as possible
* update migrations
add librenms cli entry point (artisan)
update validate to check laravel migrations
* remove statements from users migration
* Fix up daily.sh and the 1000 migration
* Update migrations to current state
Take advantage of environment variables to set DB credentials.
* Fix style issues
* Update schema
* fix test db collation
* Fix migration table definition
* update db migrations
* Update migrations
* Update stats callback. Just count the total migrations applied.
* Update 1000.sql.
* update migrations
* remove the graph type seeder, it is no longer needed
* update docs
* fix whitespace
* remove extra schema
* update tests
* fix sort
* add message
* dbSchema should actually be 1000
* add character set to db create
* Fix some artisan issues
* Update schema
* Don't check file permissions on every request, handle failures
Improve error page visually
* only print minimal mkdir
* invert file_exists check, whoops
* docblock
* revert accidental changes
* rename variable
* Change database errors to use the new layout
* Add support url to the default layout
* Replaced \n for && in fix for user perms
* fix web output
- Ignore .pki/nssdb. This happens when /opt/librenms is set as the home directory of the librenms users, personally, I would suggest adding cd /opt/librenms in ./bashrc (or equivalent) instead.
- fix validate when db connection fails.
#### Please note
> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.
- [x] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Code-Guidelines/)
#### Testers
If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`
Gut dbFacile
mres() now does nothing... could have some vulnerable queries, but most are ok
- [x] IRC client broke
- [x] Install broke
#### Please note
> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.
- [x] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Code-Guidelines/)
#### Testers
If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`
* Refactor database and config init
Connect to the database without loading full config
Load config completely so post-processing is always done consistently.
Erase existing $config when loading, fixes issues in case we load the config twice.
If the database is not connected, don't try to load database settings. (Fixes some db errors on install)
Attempt to remove $config access/modification before init.php
Remove usage of db_name, that might not match the connected database.
Centralize db config loading, so we consistently apply db_test database settings.
Many of these changes are influenced by Laravel port.
* Some safety so we don't assign strings to numeric port field
Smooth out phpunit bootstrap
* Fix a couple of scrutinizer warnings.
* Show composer status in web validate.
Don't duplicate in validate.php
* Create variable to check if a group has been completed.
No longer skips database checks.
Extract a base class.
Fix locate_binary and find_executable issues (mostly exposed by lack of db)
* Update Validator.php
* Restore vendor contents even if composer is not available
Leave the code in both places for safety.
* Instruct users to use the wrapper instead of straight up composer...
* Prep for composer changes
* Update composer.json, composer.lock and a small update to phpmailer and Yaml
* Prevent accidental `composer update` runs
* Add --no-interaction to daily.sh
* refactor: convert validations to modules to prep for gui integration
* accidentally dropped, schema update
* fix accidental output to webui
* mention discovery-wrapper.py and re-arrange.
* refine some fix statements
* rename the Config validation group to Configuration.
* fix some scrutinizer issues
remove as many local functions from validator.php as possible
move extensions from pre-check
remove duplicate timezone check
looks like there is some db schema differences between mariadb 10.1 and 10.2, investigating
* mariadb version diff take2
* Check schema version first for database.
Remove stop to go back to command line for install docs.
Add helpful link when there is no devices added to /addhost
* fix incorrect validation for empty string defaults
* Fix style
* Add additional file permissions checks
* catch exception and fail for invalid timezone
Change visuals a bit.
* add php version warning
* fix space
* Refactor remove use of pear Net_IPv4 and Net_IPv6
Caution, I added tests to test the functionality of the new functions, but I'm not 100% certain the replaced usages match 100%. Please test.
Left usage in generate-iplist.php because I'm not sure the use of that script, so I didn't want to implement additional functionality to support it.
Add support for ipv6 fo ipInNetwork() function
Add phpdocs to functions
Remove accidental inclusion
Use binary operations instead of string for networKFromIp()
Tidy up binary operations in ipInNetwork()
tidy parsing cidr network
Change to a class based implementation.
Update phpdocs.
Fully catch exceptions for hex parsing.
Fix mistake.
support older phpunit versions
Fix php shifting to negative with php 5
* Fix graph authorization. Uncaught exception and checking an ipv4 against an ipv6 network == fail.
* Also remove colons from hex strings.
* Fix typo in bgp polling
Two passes of removing invalid characters from hex strings. (That way we don't mangle valid IPs)
Always output header (may be missing mysql data)
Improve version display, now looks like '1.28-129-g74e6c3edf' <tag>-<commits since tag>-<shortag>
Add mysqli to the list of required extensions, check extensions before init
Add dbIsConnected() function, used to check if we have db in version_info()
Do not die on IPv4 and IPv6 so validate can print errors.
Move git checks so they are output together
fix rrdtool 1.7.0 reports version as
* Add support for custom MySQL unix-socket
* NULL must be lowercase!
* Naive edit of html/install.php
* fixup
* Refactor dbConnect
Use it everywhere
* $config needs to be global
Don't need to set $database_link
* small cleanups
* feature: Added ability to validate database schema
* small scrut fixes
* Check for extra tables and columns
Print 30 items of schema updates, easier to copy paste sql
* Now supports detections and suggested fix for:
tables: missing, extra
columns: missing, extra, incorrect
indexes: missing, extra, incorrect
* final changes + hook into travis
* initial work to standardise collation
* more updates
* final bits for collation update (famous last words)
* Rename 165.sql to 166.sql
* Update schema version inside 166.sql
* moved schema file 166->171
* feature: allow validate.php to be run from any working directory
* remove redundant realpath() call
* re-add realpath() to remove symbolic links
* realpath() isn't needed...
* chdir() in all php scripts in ./ and ./scripts/
* update-sql.php clearly is not used, as it was broken.
* Change some scripts to executable
Remove extra chdir() call in snmp-scan.php
* Missed console-ui.php
Kind of fixed console-ui.php help output
* Re-add newline
Username should be obtained by getting user name for effective UID. Using USERNAME or USER variables is not the right way (when you just "su" and not "su - " it keeps previous username):
id : uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
./validate.php: [FAIL] You need to run this script as root
echo $USER: <name of user that did su>
* Implement an autoloader
When cleaning up classes for psr2, things got a bit unwieldy, so I implemented a class autoloader.
I created a PSR-0 compliant LibreNMS directory and moved all classes there that made sense.
Implemented LibreNMS\ClassLoader which supports adding manual class mappings
This reduces the file includes needed and only loads classes when needed.
* Add teh autoloader to graph.php
* Add a small bit of docs
Fix incomplete class in includes/discovery/functions.inc.php