* Fix config seeder will never run
Because of startup processes, the config database is never empty.
Use config_seeded variable to detect if the config has been seeded.
But don't clobber settings that already exist in the database unless REAPPLY_YAML_CONFIG is set
Don't notify for existing settings that match, give tip that REAPPLY_YAML_CONFIG exists
* spelling
* Automatic fixes for validations
* webui
* lint fixes
* Fix an install issue with ConfigSeeder requesting cli input in web page.
* Do not use c_echo in validate.php print_fail()
The seeder tries to run the DefaultWidgetSeeder, but it doesn't exist anymore, so it fails. Add a skeleton so the migrations run right away instead of the next update.
* Dashboard Cleanup
Remove static widgets table, list of available widgets should not be in the database.
Remove legacy ajax scripts
Cleanup and reorganize controllers
* reorganize code to put all dashboard things into it's controller
better url scheme while supporting the original
* lint clean ups
* properly formatted language file
* style fixes
* update schema
* show all Device Types in Location Overview
* .
* .
* .
* get device types from config_definition
* reduce column to present device types
* .
* fixes
* .
* show/hide columns, even device types which are not present
* only show top n used device groups
* .
* .
* .
* Device Type Widget
* .
* .
* linter fix
* Update DeviceTypeController.php
Co-authored-by: Tony Murray <murraytony@gmail.com>
* Feature config seeder
Place yaml key value files in database/seeders/config to pre-populate the config database
This feature is primarily for docker images and other automation
example snmp.yaml
- public
- private
snmp.max_repeaters 30
* fix style
* include /data/config as used in docker
* respect --force option
* Confirm if re-import
Defaults to yes for --no-interaction
Don't confirm if there is nothing to do
* default to false
* typehints
* Shift HTTP kernel and middleware
* Shift service providers
* Shift console routes
* Shift to class based factories
* Namespace seeders
* Shift PSR-4 autoloading
* Default config files
In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them. This allows you to review the commit
diff for once for customizations when you are done Shifting.
Moving forward, consider using ENV variables or create a separate
config file to allow the core config files to remain as default
as possible.
* Shift Laravel dependencies
* Shift return type of base TestCase methods
From the [PHPUnit 8 release notes][1], the `TestCase` methods below now declare a `void` return type:
- `setUpBeforeClass()`
- `setUp()`
- `assertPreConditions()`
- `assertPostConditions()`
- `tearDown()`
- `tearDownAfterClass()`
- `onNotSuccessfulTest()`
[1]: https://phpunit.de/announcements/phpunit-8.html
* Shift cleanup
* console routes
* composer update
* factories
* phpunit
* bootstrap pagination
* model factory
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12236)
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12238)
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12240)
* wip
* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12242)
* composer update
* Bump to PHP 7.3 minimum
Co-authored-by: Laravel Shift <shift@laravelshift.com>