…when removing a widget, or when destroying the gridster instance.
Before this change, if you called destroy without `remove` set to true,
coords instances was leaking jQuery data objects.
Also nullified the gridmap, and faux_grid arrays.
by default jQuery’s `hide` and `show` methods are used. You could also
use fadeIn/fadeOut or write your own kind of jQuery plugin like
`$.fn.showInAFancyWay` and use `showInAFancyWay` as the value in the
show_method config option.
If you want to keep the previos behaviour, you need to set
`hide_method` option to `’fadeOut’`
Breaking Changes
`remove_widget` and `remove_all_widgets` methods not return a promise
instead of the gridster instance
Tests are build with mocha + chai, and you can run them from the command line with `grunt karma` or opening `test/index.html` in your browser.
This is a first approach, there are hundreds of tests more that should be added.
I’ve ported some tests on PRs but more needs to be done.