source: Alerting/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Templates Templates can be assigned to a single or a group of rules and can contain any kind of text. There is also a default template which is used for any rule that isn't associated with a template. This template can be found under `Alert Templates` page and can be edited. It also has an option revert it back to its default content. The template-parser understands `if` and `foreach` controls and replaces certain placeholders with information gathered about the alert. ## Syntax Controls: - if-else (Else can be omitted): `{if %placeholder == value}Some Text{else}Other Text{/if}` - foreach-loop: `{foreach %faults}Key: %key
Value: %value{/foreach}` Placeholders: Placeholders are special variables that if used within the template will be replaced with the relevant data, I.e: `The device %hostname has been up for %uptime seconds` would result in the following `The device localhost has been up for 30344 seconds`. - Device ID: `%device_id` - Hostname of the Device: `%hostname` - sysName of the Device: `%sysName` - sysDescr of the Device: `%sysDescr` - hardware of the Device: `%hardware` - Software version of the Device: `%version` - location of the Device: `%location` - uptime of the Device (in seconds): `%uptime` - short uptime of the Device (28d 22h 30m 7s): `%uptime_short` - long uptime of the Device (28 days, 22h 30m 7s): `%uptime_long` - description (purpose db field) of the Device: `%description` - notes of the Device: `%notes` - notes of the alert: `%alert_notes` - ping timestamp (if icmp enabled): `%ping_timestamp` - ping loss (if icmp enabled): `%ping_loss` - ping min (if icmp enabled): `%ping_min` - ping max (if icmp enabled): `%ping_max` - ping avg (if icmp enabled): `%ping_avg` - Title for the Alert: `%title` - Time Elapsed, Only available on recovery (`%state == 0`): `%elapsed` - Alert-ID: `%id` - Unique-ID: `%uid` - Faults, Only available on alert (`%state != 0`), must be iterated in a foreach (`{foreach %faults}`). Holds all available information about the Fault, accessible in the format `%value.Column`, for example: `%value.ifDescr`. Special field `%value.string` has most Identification-information (IDs, Names, Descrs) as single string, this is the equivalent of the default used. - State: `%state` - Severity: `%severity` - Rule: `%rule` - Rule-Name: `%name` - Timestamp: `%timestamp` - Transport name: `%transport` - Contacts, must be iterated in a foreach, `%key` holds email and `%value` holds name: `%contacts` Placeholders can be used within the subjects for templates as well although %faults is most likely going to be worthless. > NOTE: Placeholder names which are contained within another need to be ordered correctly. As an example: ```text Limit: %value.sensor_limit / %value.sensor_limit_low ``` Should be done as: ```text Limit: %value.sensor_limit_low / %value.sensor_limit ``` The Default Template is a 'one-size-fit-all'. We highly recommend defining your own templates for your rules to include more specific information. ## Examples Default Template: ```text %title Severity: %severity {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Timestamp: %timestamp Unique-ID: %uid Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if} {if %faults}Faults: {foreach %faults} #%key: %value.string{/foreach}{/if} Alert sent to: {foreach %contacts}%value <%key> {/foreach} ``` Ports Utilization Template: ```text %title Device Name: %hostname Severity: %severity {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Timestamp: %timestamp Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if} {foreach %faults} Physical Interface: %value.ifDescr Interface Description: %value.ifAlias Interface Speed: {calc (%value.ifSpeed/1000000000)} Gbs Inbound Utilization: {calc ((%value.ifInOctets_rate*8)/%value.ifSpeed)*100}% Outbound Utilization: {calc ((%value.ifOutOctets_rate*8)/%value.ifSpeed)*100}% {/foreach} ``` Storage: ```text %title Device Name: %hostname Severity: %severity Uptime: %uptime_short {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Timestamp: %timestamp Location: %location Description: %description Features: %features Purpose: %purpose Notes: %notes Server: %sysName {foreach %faults}Mount Point: %value.storage_descr Percent Utilized: %value.storage_perc{/foreach} ``` Temperature Sensors: ```text %title Device Name: %hostname Severity: %severity Timestamp: %timestamp Uptime: %uptime_short {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Location: %location Description: %description Features: %features Purpose: %purpose Notes: %notes Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if} {if %faults}Faults: {foreach %faults} #%key: Temperature: %value.sensor_current°C ** {calc(%value.sensor_current-%value.sensor_limit)}°C over limit Previous Measurement: %value.sensor_prev°C High Temperature Limit: %value.sensor_limit°C {/foreach} {/if} ``` Value Sensors: ```text %title Device Name: %hostname Severity: %severity Timestamp: %timestamp Uptime: %uptime_short {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Location: %location Description: %description Features: %features Purpose: %purpose Notes: %notes Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if} {if %faults}Faults: {foreach %faults} #%key: Sensor%value.sensor_current ** {calc(%value.sensor_current-%value.sensor_limit)}over limit Previous Measurement: %value.sensor_prev Limit: %value.sensor_limit {/foreach} {/if} ``` Memory Alert: ```text %title Device Name: %hostname Severity: %severity Uptime: %uptime_short {if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Timestamp: %timestamp Location: %location Description: %description Notes: %notes Server: %hostname {foreach %faults} Memory Description: %value.mempool_descr Percent Utilized: %value.mempool_perc{/foreach} ``` Conditional formatting example, will display a link to the host in email or just the hostname in any other transport: ```text {if %transport == mail}%hostname {else} %hostname {/if} ``` Note the use of double-quotes. Single quotes (`'`) in templates will be escaped (replaced with `\'`) in the output and should therefore be avoided. ## Examples HTML Note: To use HTML emails you must set HTML email to Yes in the WebUI under Global Settings > Alerting Settings > Email transport > Use HTML emails Note: To include Graphs you must enable unauthorized graphs in config.php. Allow_unauth_graphs_cidr is optional, but more secure. ``` $config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] = array(''); $config['allow_unauth_graphs'] = true; ``` Service Alert: ```

{if %state == 1}%severity{/if} {if %state == 2}acknowledged{/if} {if %state == 3}recovering{/if} {if %state == 0}recovered{/if}

Host: %hostname
Duration: %elapsed

{if %faults} {foreach %faults}%value.service_desc - %value.service_type

{/foreach} {/if}
``` Processor Alert with Graph: ``` %title
Severity: %severity
{if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if} Timestamp: %timestamp
Alert-ID: %id
Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if}
{if %faults}Faults: {foreach %faults} #%key: %value.string
{/foreach} {if %faults}Faults:
{foreach %faults}