. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2017 Neil Lathwood * @author Neil Lathwood */ namespace LibreNMS\Tests; use PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException as PHPUnitException; class DBSetupTest extends DBTestCase { public function testSetupDB() { global $schema; foreach ($schema as $output) { if (preg_match('/([1-9]+) errors/', $output) || preg_match('/Cannot execute query/', $output)) { throw new PHPUnitException("Errors loading DB Schema: " . $output); } } } public function testSchemaFiles() { global $config; $files = glob($config['install_dir'].'/sql-schema/*.sql'); foreach ($files as $file) { $content = file_get_contents($file); foreach (explode("\n", $content) as $line) { // skip comments and empty lines if (empty($line) || starts_with($line, array('#', '--'))) { continue; } // each line must end with ;, prevents multiline and makes sql easy to run by hand // Warning may include whitespace such as space and \r if (!ends_with($line, ';')) { throw new PHPUnitException("Each line must end with a semicolin (;)\n$file: $line"); } // cannot assume user use the librenms database name if (str_contains($line, 'librenms')) { throw new PHPUnitException("Do not include the database name in schema files\n$file: $line"); } } } } public function testSchema() { $schema = get_db_schema(); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $schema, "Database has no schema!"); $this->assertTrue(db_schema_is_current(), "Schema not fully up-to-date, at $schema"); } public function testCheckDBCollation() { global $config; $collation = dbFetchRows("SELECT DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = '" . $config['db_name'] . "' AND ( DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME != 'utf8' OR DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME != 'utf8_unicode_ci')"); if (isset($collation[0])) { $error = implode(' ', $collation[0]); } else { $error = ''; } $this->assertEmpty($collation, 'Wrong Database Collation or Character set: ' . $error); } public function testCheckTableCollation() { global $config; $collation = dbFetchRows("SELECT T.TABLE_NAME, C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME, C.COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T, information_schema.COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY AS C WHERE C.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = '" . $config['db_name'] . "' AND ( C.CHARACTER_SET_NAME != 'utf8' OR C.COLLATION_NAME != 'utf8_unicode_ci' );"); $error = ''; foreach ($collation as $id => $data) { $error .= implode(' ', $data) . PHP_EOL; } $this->assertEmpty($collation, 'Wrong Table Collation or Character set: ' . $error); } public function testCheckColumnCollation() { global $config; $collation = dbFetchRows("SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $config['db_name'] . "' AND ( CHARACTER_SET_NAME != 'utf8' OR COLLATION_NAME != 'utf8_unicode_ci' );"); $error = ''; foreach ($collation as $id => $data) { $error .= implode(' ', $data) . PHP_EOL; } $this->assertEmpty($collation, 'Wrong Column Collation or Character set: ' . $error); } public function testSqlMode() { global $sql_mode; $this->assertNotNull($sql_mode, 'Query to save SQL Mode in bootstrap.php failed'); // sql_mode can only be set by users with access $access = array( 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*', 'SUPER' ); if (str_contains(join(PHP_EOL, dbFetchColumn('SHOW GRANTS')), $access)) { $this->assertEquals( array('ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'), dbFetchColumn("SELECT @@global.sql_mode") ); } } public function testValidateSchema() { if (is_file('misc/db_schema.yaml')) { $master_schema = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse( file_get_contents('misc/db_schema.yaml') ); $current_schema = dump_db_schema(); $message = "Schema does not match the excpected schema defined by misc/db_schema.yaml\n"; $message .= "If you have changed the schema, make sure you update it with ./scripts/build-schema.php\n"; $this->assertEquals($master_schema, $current_schema, $message); } } }