$ospf_entry) { // If the entry doesn't already exist in the prebuilt array, insert into the database and put into the array if (!isset($ospf_instances_db[$ospf_instance_id])) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'ospf_instance_id' => $ospf_instance_id), 'ospf_instances'); echo("+"); $ospf_instances_db[$entry['ospf_instance_id']] = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ospf_instances` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ospf_instance_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'],$ospf_instance_id)); $ospf_instances_db[$entry['ospf_instance_id']] = $entry; } } if ($debug) { echo("\nPolled: "); print_r($ospf_instances_poll); echo("Database: "); print_r($ospf_instances_db); echo("\n"); } // Loop array of entries and update if (is_array($ospf_instances_db)) { foreach ($ospf_instances_db as $ospf_instance_db) { $ospf_instance_poll = $ospf_instances_poll[$ospf_instance_db['ospf_instance_id']]; foreach ($ospf_oids_db as $oid) { // Loop the OIDs if ($ospf_instance_db[$oid] != $ospf_instance_poll[$oid]) { // If data has changed, build a query $ospf_instance_update[$oid] = $ospf_instance_poll[$oid]; #log_event("$oid -> ".$this_port[$oid], $device, 'ospf', $port['port_id']); // FIXME } } if ($ospf_instance_update) { dbUpdate($ospf_instance_update, 'ospf_instances', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospf_instance_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_instance_id)); echo("U"); unset($ospf_instance_update); } else { echo("."); } unset($ospf_instance_poll); unset($ospf_instance_db); $ospf_instance_count++; } } unset($ospf_instances_poll); unset($ospf_instances_db); echo(" Areas: "); $ospf_area_oids = array('ospfAuthType','ospfImportAsExtern','ospfSpfRuns','ospfAreaBdrRtrCount','ospfAsBdrRtrCount','ospfAreaLsaCount','ospfAreaLsaCksumSum','ospfAreaSummary','ospfAreaStatus'); // Build array of existing entries foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ospf_areas` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) { $ospf_areas_db[$entry['ospfAreaId']] = $entry; } // Pull data from device $ospf_areas_poll = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "OSPF-MIB::ospfAreaEntry", array(), "OSPF-MIB"); foreach ($ospf_areas_poll as $ospf_area_id => $ospf_area) { // If the entry doesn't already exist in the prebuilt array, insert into the database and put into the array if (!isset($ospf_areas_db[$ospf_area_id])) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'ospfAreaId' => $ospf_area_id), 'ospf_areas'); echo("+"); $entry = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ospf_areas` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ospfAreaId` = ?",array($device['device_id'], $ospf_area_id)); $ospf_areas_db[$entry['ospf_area_id']] = $entry; } } if ($debug) { echo("\nPolled: "); print_r($ospf_areas_poll); echo("Database: "); print_r($ospf_areas_db); echo("\n"); } // Loop array of entries and update if (is_array($ospf_areas_db)) { foreach ($ospf_areas_db as $ospf_area_db) { if (is_array($ospf_ports_poll[$ospf_port_db['ospf_port_id']])) { $ospf_area_poll = $ospf_areas_poll[$ospf_area_db['ospfAreaId']]; foreach ($ospf_area_oids as $oid) { // Loop the OIDs if ($ospf_area_db[$oid] != $ospf_area_poll[$oid]) { // If data has changed, build a query $ospf_area_update[$oid] = $ospf_area_poll[$oid]; #log_event("$oid -> ".$this_port[$oid], $device, 'interface', $port['port_id']); // FIXME } } if ($ospf_area_update) { dbUpdate($ospf_area_update, 'ospf_areas', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospfAreaId` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_area_id)); echo("U"); unset($ospf_area_update); } else { echo("."); } unset($ospf_area_poll); unset($ospf_area_db); $ospf_area_count++; } else { dbDelete('ospf_ports', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospfAreaId` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_area_db['ospfAreaId'])); } } } unset($ospf_areas_db); unset($ospf_areas_poll); #$ospf_ports = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "OSPF-MIB::ospfIfEntry", array(), "OSPF-MIB"); #print_r($ospf_ports); echo(" Ports: "); $ospf_port_oids = array('ospfIfIpAddress','port_id','ospfAddressLessIf','ospfIfAreaId','ospfIfType','ospfIfAdminStat','ospfIfRtrPriority','ospfIfTransitDelay','ospfIfRetransInterval','ospfIfHelloInterval','ospfIfRtrDeadInterval','ospfIfPollInterval','ospfIfState','ospfIfDesignatedRouter','ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter','ospfIfEvents','ospfIfAuthKey','ospfIfStatus','ospfIfMulticastForwarding','ospfIfDemand','ospfIfAuthType'); // Build array of existing entries foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ospf_ports` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) { $ospf_ports_db[$entry['ospf_port_id']] = $entry; } // Pull data from device $ospf_ports_poll = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "OSPF-MIB::ospfIfEntry", array(), "OSPF-MIB"); foreach ($ospf_ports_poll as $ospf_port_id => $ospf_port) { // If the entry doesn't already exist in the prebuilt array, insert into the database and put into the array if (!isset($ospf_ports_db[$ospf_port_id])) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'ospf_port_id' => $ospf_port_id), 'ospf_ports'); echo("+"); $ospf_ports_db[$entry['ospf_port_id']] = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ospf_ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ospf_port_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $ospf_port_id)); } } if ($debug) { echo("\nPolled: "); print_r($ospf_ports_poll); echo("Database: "); print_r($ospf_ports_db); echo("\n"); } // Loop array of entries and update if (is_array($ospf_ports_db)) { foreach ($ospf_ports_db as $ospf_port_id => $ospf_port_db) { if (is_array($ospf_ports_poll[$ospf_port_db['ospf_port_id']])) { $ospf_port_poll = $ospf_ports_poll[$ospf_port_db['ospf_port_id']]; if ($ospf_port_poll['ospfAddressLessIf']) { $ospf_port_poll['port_id'] = @dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $ospf_port_poll['ospfAddressLessIf'])); } else { $ospf_port_poll['port_id'] = @dbFetchCell("SELECT A.`port_id` FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = ? AND I.port_id = A.port_id AND I.device_id = ?", array($ospf_port_poll['ospfIfIpAddress'], $device['device_id'])); } foreach ($ospf_port_oids as $oid) { // Loop the OIDs if ($ospf_port_db[$oid] != $ospf_port_poll[$oid]) { // If data has changed, build a query $ospf_port_update[$oid] = $ospf_port_poll[$oid]; #log_event("$oid -> ".$this_port[$oid], $device, 'ospf', $port['port_id']); // FIXME } } if ($ospf_port_update) { dbUpdate($ospf_port_update, 'ospf_ports', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospf_port_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_port_id)); echo("U"); unset($ospf_port_update); } else { echo("."); } unset($ospf_port_poll); unset($ospf_port_db); $ospf_port_count++; } else { dbDelete('ospf_ports', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospf_port_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_port_db['ospf_port_id'])); # "DELETE FROM `ospf_ports` WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `ospf_port_id` = '".$ospf_port_db['ospf_port_id']."'"); echo("-"); } } } #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrIpAddr. #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrAddressLessIndex. 0 #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrRtrId. #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrOptions. 2 #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrPriority. 0 #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrState. full #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrEvents. 6 #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrLsRetransQLen. 1 #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbmaNbrStatus. active #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbmaNbrPermanence. dynamic #OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrHelloSuppressed. false echo(' Neighbours: '); $ospf_nbr_oids_db = array('ospfNbrIpAddr', 'ospfNbrAddressLessIndex', 'ospfNbrRtrId', 'ospfNbrOptions', 'ospfNbrPriority', 'ospfNbrState', 'ospfNbrEvents', 'ospfNbrLsRetransQLen', 'ospfNbmaNbrStatus', 'ospfNbmaNbrPermanence', 'ospfNbrHelloSuppressed'); $ospf_nbr_oids_rrd = array(); $ospf_nbr_oids = array_merge($ospf_nbr_oids_db, $ospf_nbr_oids_rrd); // Build array of existing entries foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $nbr_entry) { $ospf_nbrs_db[$nbr_entry['ospf_nbr_id']] = $nbr_entry; } // Pull data from device $ospf_nbrs_poll = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrEntry", array(), "OSPF-MIB"); foreach ($ospf_nbrs_poll as $ospf_nbr_id => $ospf_nbr) { // If the entry doesn't already exist in the prebuilt array, insert into the database and put into the array if (!isset($ospf_nbrs_db[$ospf_nbr_id])) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'ospf_nbr_id' => $ospf_nbr_id), 'ospf_nbrs'); echo("+"); $entry = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ospf_nbr_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $ospf_nbr_id)); $ospf_nbrs_db[$entry['ospf_nbr_id']] = $entry; } } if ($debug) { echo("\nPolled: "); print_r($ospf_nbrs_poll); echo("Database: "); print_r($ospf_nbrs_db); echo("\n"); } // Loop array of entries and update if (is_array($ospf_nbrs_db)) { foreach ($ospf_nbrs_db as $ospf_nbr_id => $ospf_nbr_db) { if (is_array($ospf_nbrs_poll[$ospf_nbr_db['ospf_nbr_id']])) { $ospf_nbr_poll = $ospf_nbrs_poll[$ospf_nbr_db['ospf_nbr_id']]; $ospf_nbr_poll['port_id'] = @dbFetchCell("SELECT A.`port_id` FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, nbrs AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = ? AND I.port_id = A.port_id AND I.device_id = ?", array($ospf_nbr_poll['ospfNbrIpAddr'], $device['device_id'])); if ($ospf_nbr_db['port_id'] != $ospf_nbr_poll['port_id']) { if ($ospf_nbr_poll['port_id']) { $ospf_nbr_update = array('port_id' => $ospf_nbr_poll['port_id']); } else { $ospf_nbr_update = array('port_id' => array('NULL')); } } foreach ($ospf_nbr_oids as $oid) { // Loop the OIDs if ($debug) { echo($ospf_nbr_db[$oid]."|".$ospf_nbr_poll[$oid]."\n"); } if ($ospf_nbr_db[$oid] != $ospf_nbr_poll[$oid]) { // If data has changed, build a query $ospf_nbr_update[$oid] = $ospf_nbr_poll[$oid]; #log_event("$oid -> ".$this_nbr[$oid], $device, 'ospf', $nbr['port_id']); // FIXME } } if ($ospf_nbr_update) { dbUpdate($ospf_nbr_update, 'ospf_nbrs', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospf_nbr_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_nbr_id)); echo("U"); unset($ospf_nbr_update); } else { echo("."); } unset($ospf_nbr_poll); unset($ospf_nbr_db); $ospf_nbr_count++; } else { dbDelete('ospf_nbrs', '`device_id` = ? AND `ospf_nbr_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ospf_nbr_db['ospf_nbr_id'])); echo("-"); } } } // Create device-wide statistics RRD $filename = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/" . safename("ospf-statistics.rrd"); if (!is_file($filename)) { rrdtool_create($filename, "--step 300 \ DS:instances:GAUGE:600:0:1000000 \ DS:areas:GAUGE:600:0:1000000 \ DS:ports:GAUGE:600:0:1000000 \ DS:neighbours:GAUGE:600:0:1000000 ".$config['rrd_rra']); } $rrd_update = "N:".$ospf_instance_count.":".$ospf_area_count.":".$ospf_port_count.":".$ospf_neighbour_count; $ret = rrdtool_update("$filename", $rrd_update); unset($ospf_ports_db); unset($ospf_ports_poll); echo("\n"); ?>