$sensor_value, ); rrdtool_update($rrd_file, $fields); // FIXME also warn when crossing WARN level!! if ($sensor['sensor_limit_low'] != '' && $sensor['sensor_current'] > $sensor['sensor_limit_low'] && $sensor_value <= $sensor['sensor_limit_low'] && $sensor['sensor_alert'] == 1) { echo 'Alerting for '.$device['hostname'].' '.$sensor['sensor_descr']."\n"; log_event(ucfirst($class).' '.$sensor['sensor_descr'].' under threshold: '.$sensor_value." $unit (< ".$sensor['sensor_limit_low']." $unit)", $device, $class, $sensor['sensor_id']); } else if ($sensor['sensor_limit'] != '' && $sensor['sensor_current'] < $sensor['sensor_limit'] && $sensor_value >= $sensor['sensor_limit'] && $sensor['sensor_alert'] == 1) { echo 'Alerting for '.$device['hostname'].' '.$sensor['sensor_descr']."\n"; log_event(ucfirst($class).' '.$sensor['sensor_descr'].' above threshold: '.$sensor_value." $unit (> ".$sensor['sensor_limit']." $unit)", $device, $class, $sensor['sensor_id']); } dbUpdate(array('sensor_current' => $sensor_value), 'sensors', '`sensor_class` = ? AND `sensor_id` = ?', array($class, $sensor['sensor_id'])); }//end foreach }//end poll_sensor() function poll_device($device, $options) { global $config, $device, $polled_devices, $db_stats, $memcache; $attribs = get_dev_attribs($device['device_id']); $status = 0; unset($array); $device_start = utime(); // Start counting device poll time echo $device['hostname'].' '.$device['device_id'].' '.$device['os'].' '; if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) { $device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group']; echo '('.$device['os_group'].')'; } echo "\n"; unset($poll_update); unset($poll_update_query); unset($poll_separator); $poll_update_array = array(); $host_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$device['hostname']; if (!is_dir($host_rrd)) { mkdir($host_rrd); echo "Created directory : $host_rrd\n"; } $address_family = snmpTransportToAddressFamily($device['transport']); $ping_response = isPingable($device['hostname'], $address_family, $device['device_id']); $device_perf = $ping_response['db']; $device_perf['device_id'] = $device['device_id']; $device_perf['timestamp'] = array('NOW()'); if (is_array($device_perf)) { dbInsert($device_perf, 'device_perf'); } $device['pingable'] = $ping_response['result']; $ping_time = $ping_response['last_ping_timetaken']; $response = array(); $status_reason = ''; if ($device['pingable']) { $device['snmpable'] = isSNMPable($device); if ($device['snmpable']) { $status = '1'; $response['status_reason'] = ''; } else { echo 'SNMP Unreachable'; $status = '0'; $response['status_reason'] = 'snmp'; } } else { echo 'Unpingable'; $status = '0'; $response['status_reason'] = 'icmp'; } if ($device['status'] != $status) { $poll_update .= $poll_separator."`status` = '$status'"; $poll_separator = ', '; dbUpdate(array('status' => $status, 'status_reason' => $response['status_reason']), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($device['device_id'])); dbInsert(array('importance' => '0', 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'message' => 'Device is '.($status == '1' ? 'up' : 'down')), 'alerts'); log_event('Device status changed to '.($status == '1' ? 'Up' : 'Down'), $device, ($status == '1' ? 'up' : 'down')); } if ($status == '1') { $graphs = array(); $oldgraphs = array(); if ($options['m']) { foreach (explode(',', $options['m']) as $module) { if (is_file('includes/polling/'.$module.'.inc.php')) { include 'includes/polling/'.$module.'.inc.php'; } } } else { foreach ($config['poller_modules'] as $module => $module_status) { if ($attribs['poll_'.$module] || ( $module_status && !isset($attribs['poll_'.$module]))) { // TODO per-module polling stats include 'includes/polling/'.$module.'.inc.php'; } else if (isset($attribs['poll_'.$module]) && $attribs['poll_'.$module] == '0') { echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on host.\n"; } else { echo "Module [ $module ] disabled globally.\n"; } } }//end if if (!$options['m']) { // FIXME EVENTLOGGING -- MAKE IT SO WE DO THIS PER-MODULE? // This code cycles through the graphs already known in the database and the ones we've defined as being polled here // If there any don't match, they're added/deleted from the database. // Ideally we should hold graphs for xx days/weeks/polls so that we don't needlessly hide information. foreach (dbFetch('SELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $graph) { if (isset($graphs[$graph['graph']])) { $oldgraphs[$graph['graph']] = true; } else { dbDelete('device_graphs', '`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $graph['graph'])); } } foreach ($graphs as $graph => $value) { if (!isset($oldgraphs[$graph])) { echo '+'; dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'graph' => $graph), 'device_graphs'); } echo $graph.' '; } }//end if $device_end = utime(); $device_run = ($device_end - $device_start); $device_time = substr($device_run, 0, 5); // TODO: These should be easy converts to rrd_create_update() // Poller performance rrd $poller_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$device['hostname'].'/poller-perf.rrd'; if (!is_file($poller_rrd)) { rrdtool_create($poller_rrd, 'DS:poller:GAUGE:600:0:U '.$config['rrd_rra']); } if (!empty($device_time)) { $fields = array( 'poller' => $device_time, ); rrdtool_update($poller_rrd, $fields); } // Ping response rrd $ping_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$device['hostname'].'/ping-perf.rrd'; if (!is_file($ping_rrd)) { rrdtool_create($ping_rrd, 'DS:ping:GAUGE:600:0:65535 '.$config['rrd_rra']); } if (!empty($ping_time)) { $fields = array( 'ping' => $ping_time, ); rrdtool_update($ping_rrd, $fields); } $update_array['last_polled'] = array('NOW()'); $update_array['last_polled_timetaken'] = $device_time; $update_array['last_ping'] = array('NOW()'); $update_array['last_ping_timetaken'] = $ping_time; // echo("$device_end - $device_start; $device_time $device_run"); echo "Polled in $device_time seconds\n"; d_echo('Updating '.$device['hostname']."\n"); d_echo($update_array); $updated = dbUpdate($update_array, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])); if ($updated) { echo "UPDATED!\n"; } unset($storage_cache); // Clear cache of hrStorage ** MAYBE FIXME? ** unset($cache); // Clear cache (unify all things here?) }//end if }//end poll_device() function poll_mib_def($device, $mib_name_table, $mib_subdir, $mib_oids, $mib_graphs, &$graphs) { global $config; echo "This is poll_mib_def Processing\n"; $mib = null; if (stristr($mib_name_table, 'UBNT')) { list($mib,) = explode(':', $mib_name_table, 2); // $mib_dirs = mib_dirs($mib_subdir); $rrd_file = strtolower(safename($mib)).'.rrd'; } else { list($mib,$file) = explode(':', $mib_name_table, 2); $rrd_file = strtolower(safename($file)).'.rrd'; } $rrdcreate = '--step 300 '; $oidglist = array(); $oidnamelist = array(); foreach ($mib_oids as $oid => $param) { $oidindex = $param[0]; $oiddsname = $param[1]; $oiddsdesc = $param[2]; $oiddstype = $param[3]; $oiddsopts = $param[4]; if (strlen($oiddsname) > 19) { $oiddsname = truncate($oiddsname, 19, ''); } if (empty($oiddsopts)) { $oiddsopts = '600:U:100000000000'; } $rrdcreate .= ' DS:'.$oiddsname.':'.$oiddstype.':'.$oiddsopts; if ($oidindex != '') { $fulloid = $oid.'.'.$oidindex; } else { $fulloid = $oid; } // Add to oid GET list $oidglist[] = $fulloid; $oidnamelist[] = $oiddsname; }//end foreach // Implde for LibreNMS Version $oidilist = implode(' ', $oidglist); $snmpdata = snmp_get_multi($device, $oidilist, '-OQUs', $mib); if (isset($GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode']) && $GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode'] !== 0) { print_debug(' ERROR, bad snmp response'); return false; } $oid_count = 0; $fields = array(); foreach ($oidglist as $fulloid) { list($splitoid, $splitindex) = explode('.', $fulloid, 2); if (is_numeric($snmpdata[$splitindex][$splitoid])) { $fields[$oidnamelist[$oid_count]] = $snmpdata[$splitindex][$splitoid]; } else { $fields[$oidnamelist[$oid_count]] = 'U'; } $oid_count++; } $rrdfilename = $config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$device['hostname'].'/'.$rrd_file; if (!is_file($rrdfilename)) { rrdtool_create($rrdfilename, $rrdcreate.' '.$config['rrd_rra']); } rrdtool_update($rrdfilename, $fields); foreach ($mib_graphs as $graphtoenable) { $graphs[$graphtoenable] = true; } return true; }//end poll_mib_def() /* * Please use this instead of creating & updating RRD files manually. * @param device Device object - only 'hostname' is used at present * @param name Array of rrdname components * @param def Array of data definitions * @param val Array of value definitions * */ function rrd_create_update($device, $name, $def, $val, $step=300) { global $config; $rrd = rrd_name($device['hostname'], $name); if (!is_file($rrd) && $def != null) { // add the --step and the rra definitions to the array $newdef = "--step $step ".implode(' ', $def).$config['rrd_rra']; rrdtool_create($rrd, $newdef); } rrdtool_update($rrd, $val); }//end rrd_create_update() function get_main_serial($device) { if ($device['os_group'] == 'cisco') { $serial_output = snmp_get_multi($device, 'entPhysicalSerialNum.1 entPhysicalSerialNum.1001', '-OQUs', 'ENTITY-MIB:OLD-CISCO-CHASSIS-MIB'); if (!empty($serial_output[1]['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) { return $serial_output[1]['entPhysicalSerialNum']; } else if (!empty($serial_output[1001]['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) { return $serial_output[1001]['entPhysicalSerialNum']; } } }//end get_main_serial() function location_to_latlng($device) { global $config; if (function_check('curl_version') !== true) { d_echo("Curl support for PHP not enabled\n"); return false; } $bad_loc = false; $device_location = $device['location']; if (!empty($device_location)) { $new_device_location = preg_replace("/ /","+",$device_location); // We have a location string for the device. $loc = dbFetchRow("SELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `locations` WHERE `location`=? LIMIT 1", array($device_location)); if (is_array($loc) === false) { // Grab data from which ever Geocode service we use. switch ($config['geoloc']['engine']) { case "google": default: d_echo("Google geocode engine being used\n"); $api_key = ($config['geoloc']['api_key']); if (!empty($api_key)) { d_echo("Use Google API key: $api_key\n"); $api_url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=$new_device_location&key=$api_key"; } else { $api_url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=$new_device_location"; } break; } $curl_init = curl_init($api_url); set_curl_proxy($curl_init); curl_setopt($curl_init, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $data = json_decode(curl_exec($curl_init),true); // Parse the data from the specific Geocode services. switch ($config['geoloc']['engine']) { case "google": default: if ($data['status'] == 'OK') { $loc = $data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']; } else { $bad_loc = true; } break; } if ($bad_loc === true) { d_echo("Bad lat / lng received\n"); } else { $loc['timestamp'] = array('NOW()'); $loc['location'] = $device_location; if (dbInsert($loc, 'locations')) { d_echo("Device lat/lng created\n"); } else { d_echo("Device lat/lng could not be created\n"); } } } else { d_echo("Using cached lat/lng from other device\n"); } } }// end location_to_latlng()