$errno, 'errstr' => $errstr, 'errfile' => $errfile, 'errline' => $errline); }); register_shutdown_function(function () { $last_error = error_get_last(); if ($last_error['type'] == 1) { $log_error = array($last_error['type'], $last_error['message'], $last_error['file'], $last_error['line']); print_r($log_error); } }); $sql_debug = array(); $php_debug = array(); } else { $debug = false; ini_set('display_errors', 0); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 0); ini_set('log_errors', 0); ini_set('error_reporting', 0); } // Set variables $msg_box = array(); // Check for install.inc.php if (!file_exists('../config.php') && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '/install.php') { // no config.php does so let's redirect to the install header("Location: {$config['base_url']}/install.php"); exit; } $init_modules = array('web', 'auth'); require realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/includes/init.php'; LibreNMS\Plugins::start(); $runtime_start = microtime(true); ob_start(); ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'widescreen=yes')) { $_SESSION['widescreen'] = 1; } if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'widescreen=no')) { unset($_SESSION['widescreen']); } # Load the settings for Multi-Tenancy. if (isset($config['branding']) && is_array($config['branding'])) { if (isset($config['branding'][$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']])) { $config = array_replace_recursive($config, $config['branding'][$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']]); } else { $config = array_replace_recursive($config, $config['branding']['default']); } } # page_title_prefix is displayed, unless page_title is set if (isset($config['page_title'])) { $config['page_title_prefix'] = $config['page_title']; } ?> <?php echo($config['page_title_suffix']); ?> ' . "\n"); } ?> '; } ?> updateResolution();"; } if ((isset($vars['bare']) && $vars['bare'] != "yes") || !isset($vars['bare'])) { if ($_SESSION['authenticated']) { require 'includes/print-menubar.php'; } } else { echo ""; } ?>
"); print_r($_GET); print_r($vars); echo(""); } if ($_SESSION['authenticated']) { // Authenticated. Print a page. if (isset($vars['page']) && !strstr("..", $vars['page']) && is_file("pages/" . $vars['page'] . ".inc.php")) { require "pages/" . $vars['page'] . ".inc.php"; } else { if (isset($config['front_page']) && is_file($config['front_page'])) { require $config['front_page']; } else { require 'pages/front/default.php'; } } } else { // Not Authenticated. Show status page if enabled if ($config['public_status'] === true) { if (isset($vars['page']) && strstr("login", $vars['page'])) { require 'pages/logon.inc.php'; } else { echo '
'; require 'pages/public.inc.php'; echo '
'; echo ''; } } else { require 'pages/logon.inc.php'; } } ?>
'; printStats(); $fullsize = memory_get_usage(); unset($cache); $cachesize = $fullsize - memory_get_usage(); if ($cachesize < 0) { $cachesize = 0; } // Silly PHP! echo('
Cached data in memory is '.formatStorage($cachesize).'. Page memory usage is '.formatStorage($fullsize).', peaked at '. formatStorage(memory_get_peak_usage()) .'.'); echo('
Generated in ' . $gentime . ' seconds.'); } if (isset($pagetitle) && is_array($pagetitle)) { # if prefix is set, put it in front if ($config['page_title_prefix']) { array_unshift($pagetitle, $config['page_title_prefix']); } # if suffix is set, put it in the back if ($config['page_title_suffix']) { $pagetitle[] = $config['page_title_suffix']; } # create and set the title $title = join(" - ", $pagetitle); echo(""); } ?> 0) { $msg_box[] = array('type' => 'warning', 'message' => "It appears as though you have some devices that haven't completed polling within the last 15 minutes, you may want to check that out :)",'title' => 'Devices unpolled'); } foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT `notifications`.* FROM `notifications` WHERE NOT exists( SELECT 1 FROM `notifications_attribs` WHERE `notifications`.`notifications_id` = `notifications_attribs`.`notifications_id` AND `notifications_attribs`.`user_id` = ?) AND `severity` > 1', array($_SESSION['user_id'])) as $notification) { $msg_box[] = array( 'type' => 'error', 'message' => "${notification['body']}", 'title' => $notification['title'] ); } if (is_array($msg_box)) { echo(""); } if (is_array($sql_debug) && is_array($php_debug) && $_SESSION['authenticated'] === true) { require_once "includes/print-debug.php"; } if ($no_refresh !== true && $config['page_refresh'] != 0) { $refresh = $config['page_refresh'] * 1000; echo(''); } else { echo(''); } ?>