getPdo()->exec($sql) !== false; } return Eloquent::DB()->statement($sql, (array) $parameters); } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); return false; } } /** * @param array $data * @param string $table * @return null|int * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbInsert($data, $table) { $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `' . $table . '` (`' . implode('`,`', array_keys($data)) . '`) VALUES (' . implode(',', dbPlaceHolders($data)) . ')'; try { $result = Eloquent::DB()->insert($sql, (array) $data); } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $data, $pdoe)); } if ($result) { return Eloquent::DB()->getPdo()->lastInsertId(); } else { return null; } }//end dbInsert() /** * Passed an array and a table name, it attempts to insert the data into the table. * $data is an array (rows) of key value pairs. keys are fields. Rows need to have same fields. * Check for boolean false to determine whether insert failed * * @param array $data * @param string $table * @return bool * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbBulkInsert($data, $table) { // check that data isn't an empty array if (empty($data)) { return false; } // make sure we have fields to insert $fields = array_keys(reset($data)); if (empty($fields)) { return false; } // Break into managable chunks to prevent situations where insert // fails due to prepared statement having too many placeholders. $data_chunks = array_chunk($data, 10000, true); foreach ($data_chunks as $data_chunk) { try { $result = Eloquent::DB()->table($table)->insert((array) $data_chunk); return $result; } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { // FIXME query? dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', "Bulk insert $table", $data_chunk, $pdoe)); } } return false; }//end dbBulkInsert() /** * Passed an array, table name, WHERE clause, and placeholder parameters, it attempts to update a record. * Returns the number of affected rows * * @param array $data * @param string $table * @param string $where * @param array $parameters * @return bool|int * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbUpdate($data, $table, $where = null, $parameters = []) { // need field name and placeholder value // but how merge these field placeholders with actual $parameters array for the WHERE clause $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $table . '` set '; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $sql .= '`' . $key . '`='; if (is_array($value)) { $sql .= reset($value); unset($data[$key]); } else { $sql .= '?'; } $sql .= ','; } // strip keys $data = array_values($data); $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); // strip off last comma if ($where) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $where; $data = array_merge($data, $parameters); } try { $result = Eloquent::DB()->update($sql, (array) $data); return $result; } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $data, $pdoe)); } return false; }//end dbUpdate() /** * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbDelete($table, $where = null, $parameters = []) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $table . '`'; if ($where) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $where; } try { $result = Eloquent::DB()->delete($sql, (array) $parameters); } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); } return $result; }//end dbDelete() /** * Delete orphaned entries from a table that no longer have a parent in parent_table * Format of parents array is as follows table.table_key_column<.target_key_column> * * @param string $target_table The table to delete entries from * @param array $parents an array of parent tables to check. * @return bool|int * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbDeleteOrphans($target_table, $parents) { if (empty($parents)) { // don't delete all entries if parents is missing return false; } $target_table = $target_table; $sql = "DELETE T FROM `$target_table` T"; $where = []; foreach ((array) $parents as $parent) { $parent_parts = explode('.', $parent); if (count($parent_parts) == 2) { [$parent_table, $parent_column] = $parent_parts; $target_column = $parent_column; } elseif (count($parent_parts) == 3) { [$parent_table, $parent_column, $target_column] = $parent_parts; } else { // invalid input return false; } $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `$parent_table` ON `$parent_table`.`$parent_column` = T.`$target_column`"; $where[] = " `$parent_table`.`$parent_column` IS NULL"; } $query = "$sql WHERE" . implode(' AND', $where); try { $result = Eloquent::DB()->delete($query); } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $query, [], $pdoe)); } return $result; } /** * Fetches all of the rows (associatively) from the last performed query. * Most other retrieval functions build off this * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbFetchRows($sql, $parameters = []) { global $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC; try { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = true; $rows = Eloquent::DB()->select($sql, (array) $parameters); return $rows; } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); } finally { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = false; } return []; }//end dbFetchRows() /** * Like fetch(), accepts any number of arguments * The first argument is an sprintf-ready query stringTypes * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbFetchRow($sql = null, $parameters = []) { global $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC; try { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = true; $row = Eloquent::DB()->selectOne($sql, (array) $parameters); return $row; } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); } finally { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = false; } return []; }//end dbFetchRow() /** * Fetches the first call from the first row returned by the query * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbFetchCell($sql, $parameters = []) { global $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC; try { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = true; $row = Eloquent::DB()->selectOne($sql, (array) $parameters); if ($row) { return reset($row); // shift first field off first row } } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); } finally { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = false; } return null; }//end dbFetchCell() /** * This method is quite different from fetchCell(), actually * It fetches one cell from each row and places all the values in 1 array * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbFetchColumn($sql, $parameters = []) { global $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC; $cells = []; try { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = true; foreach (Eloquent::DB()->select($sql, (array) $parameters) as $row) { $cells[] = reset($row); } $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = false; return $cells; } catch (PDOException $pdoe) { dbHandleException(new QueryException('dbFacile', $sql, $parameters, $pdoe)); } finally { $PDO_FETCH_ASSOC = false; } return []; }//end dbFetchColumn() /** * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbHandleException(QueryException $exception) { $message = $exception->getMessage(); if ($exception->getCode() == 2002) { $message = 'Could not connect to database! ' . $message; } // ? bindings should already be replaced, just replace named bindings foreach ($exception->getBindings() as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) { $message = str_replace(":$key", $value, $message); } } $message .= $exception->getTraceAsString(); if (Laravel::isBooted()) { Log::error($message); } else { c_echo('%rSQL Error!%n '); echo $message . PHP_EOL; } // TODO remove this // exit; } /** * Given a data array, this returns an array of placeholders * These may be question marks, or ":email" type * * @param array $values * @return array * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbPlaceHolders(&$values) { $data = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { // array wrapped values are raw sql $data[] = reset($value); unset($values[$key]); } elseif (is_numeric($key)) { $data[] = '?'; } else { $data[] = ':' . $key; } } return $data; }//end dbPlaceHolders() /** * Generate a string of placeholders to pass to fill in a list * result will look like this: (?, ?, ?, ?) * * @param $count * @return string placholder list * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbGenPlaceholders($count) { return '(' . implode(',', array_fill(0, $count, '?')) . ')'; } /** * Synchronize a relationship to a list of related ids * * @param string $table * @param string $target_column column name for the target * @param int $target column target id * @param string $list_column related column names * @param array $list list of related ids * @return array [$inserted, $deleted] * * @deprecated Please use Eloquent instead; * @see */ function dbSyncRelationship($table, $target_column = null, $target = null, $list_column = null, $list = null) { $inserted = 0; $delete_query = "`$target_column`=? AND `$list_column`"; $delete_params = [$target]; if (! empty($list)) { $delete_query .= ' NOT IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($list)); $delete_params = array_merge($delete_params, $list); } $deleted = (int) dbDelete($table, $delete_query, $delete_params); $db_list = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `$list_column` FROM `$table` WHERE `$target_column`=?", [$target]); foreach ($list as $item) { if (! in_array($item, $db_list)) { dbInsert([$target_column => $target, $list_column => $item], $table); $inserted++; } } return [$inserted, $deleted]; }