"; echo ' ' . generate_ap_link($ap, " $text
"); echo ''; echo "$break" . $ap['mac_addr'] . '
' . $ap['type'] . ' - channel ' . $ap['channel']; echo "
txpow $ap[txpow]"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; $ap['graph_type'] = 'accesspoints_numasoclients'; echo generate_ap_link($ap, ""); echo "
\n"; $ap['graph_type'] = 'accesspoints_radioutil'; echo generate_ap_link($ap, ""); echo "
\n"; $ap['graph_type'] = 'accesspoints_interference'; echo generate_ap_link($ap, ""); echo "
\n"; echo ''; echo " " . \LibreNMS\Util\Number::formatBi($ap['numasoclients'], 2, 3, '') . ' Clients
'; echo " " . \LibreNMS\Util\Number::formatBi($ap['radioutil'], 2, 3, '') . ' % busy
'; echo " " . \LibreNMS\Util\Number::formatBi($ap['interference'], 2, 3, '') . ' interference index
'; echo ''; if ($vars['ap'] > 0) { // We have a selected AP, let's show details $graph_type = 'accesspoints_numasoclients'; echo ""; echo "
Associated Clients
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_interference'; echo ""; echo "
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_channel'; echo ""; echo "
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_txpow'; echo ""; echo "
Transmit Power
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_radioutil'; echo ""; echo "
Radio Utilization
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_nummonclients'; echo ""; echo "
Monitored Clients
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; $graph_type = 'accesspoints_nummonbssid'; echo ""; echo "
Number of monitored BSSIDs
"; include 'includes/html/print-accesspoint-graphs.inc.php'; echo ''; }//end if