#!/usr/bin/php = "10000000000") { $info .= "color=darkred weight=10 style=\"setlinewidth(16)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "1000000000") { $info .= "color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "100000000") { $info .= "color=darkgreen weight=1 style=\"setlinewidth(4)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "10000000") { $info .= "style=\"setlinewidth(2)\" weight=1"; } unset($die); $i = 0; while ($i < count($linkdone)) { $thislink = "$dst $link_data[dif] $src $link_data[sif]"; if ($linkdone[$i] == $thislink) { $die = "yes"; } $i++; } $sif = makeshortif($link_data[sif]); $dif = makeshortif($link_data[dif]); if(!$die){ # echo("\"$src\" -> \"$dst\" [taillabel=\"$dif\" headlabel=\"$sif\" arrowhead=none arrowtail=none $info];\n"); echo("\"$src\" -> \"$dst\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none $info];\n"); $linkdone[] = "$src $link_data[sif] $dst $link_data[dif]"; $x++; } } echo("\n}\n"); } echo("\"thnlon-pe01\" -> \"thelon-cs01\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); echo("\"thnlon-pe01\" -> \"thelon-cs02\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); echo("\"Internet\" -> \"thelon-pe01\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); echo("\"Internet\" -> \"thelon-pe02\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); echo("\"Internet\" -> \"thnlon-pe01\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); echo("\"ADSL\" -> \"thnlon-pe01\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\"];\n"); $links_sql = "SELECT *, X.ifDescr AS sif, I.ifDescr AS dif FROM links AS L, interfaces AS I, interfaces AS X, devices as D, devices as Y WHERE D.hostname LIKE '%vostron.net' AND I.device_id = D.device_id AND X.device_id = Y.device_id AND D.hostname NOT LIKE '%cust%' AND L.src_if = I.interface_id AND X.interface_id = L.dst_if AND D.location != Y.location AND D.hostname NOT LIKE '%cust.vostron.net' AND Y.hostname NOT LIKE '%cust.vostron.net' ORDER BY D.location DESC"; $links_result = mysql_query($links_sql); while($link_data = mysql_fetch_array($links_result)) { $src_if = $link_data['src_if']; $dst_if = $link_data['dst_if']; $sq = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT `hostname`,`ifSpeed` FROM interfaces AS I, devices as D where I.device_id = D.device_id and I.interface_id = '$src_if'")); $dq = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT `hostname`,`ifSpeed` FROM interfaces AS I, devices as D where I.device_id = D.device_id and I.interface_id = '$dst_if'")); $src = $sq[0]; $dst = $dq[0]; $src_speed = $sq[1]; $dst_speed = $dq[1]; $src = str_replace("." . $config['mydomain'], "", $src); $dst = str_replace("." . $config['mydomain'], "", $dst); $info = ""; if($src_speed >= "10000000000") { $info .= "color=darkred weight=10 style=\"setlinewidth(16)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "1000000000") { $info .= "color=navyblue weight=5 style=\"setlinewidth(8)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "100000000") { $info .= "color=darkgreen weight=1 style=\"setlinewidth(4)\""; } elseif ($src_speed >= "10000000") { $info .= "style=\"setlinewidth(2)\" weight=1"; } unset($die); $i = 0; while ($i < count($linkdone)) { $thislink = "$dst $link_data[dif] $src $link_data[sif]"; if ($linkdone[$i] == $thislink) { $die = "yes"; } $i++; } $sif = makeshortif($link_data[sif]); $dif = makeshortif($link_data[dif]); if(!$die){ echo("\"$src\" -> \"$dst\" [taillabel=\"$dif\" headlabel=\"$sif\" arrowhead=none arrowtail=none $info];\n"); # echo("\"$src\" -> \"$dst\" [ arrowhead=none arrowtail=none $info];\n"); $linkdone[] = "$src $link_data[sif] $dst $link_data[dif]"; $x++; } } echo("}"); ?>