1, 'warning' => 2, 'critical' => 3, 'ok only' => 4, 'warning only' => 5, 'critical only' => 6, ]; $where = 1; $param = []; if (is_numeric($vars['device_id'])) { $where .= ' AND E.device_id = ?'; $param[] = $vars['device_id']; } if ($vars['state'] >= 0) { $where .= ' AND `E`.`state` = ?'; $param[] = mres($vars['state']); } if (isset($vars['min_severity'])) { $where .= get_sql_filter_min_severity($vars['min_severity'], 'R'); } if (! Auth::user()->hasGlobalRead()) { $device_ids = Permissions::devicesForUser()->toArray() ?: [0]; $where .= ' AND `E`.`device_id` IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($device_ids)); $param = array_merge($param, $device_ids); } if (isset($searchPhrase) && ! empty($searchPhrase)) { $where .= ' AND (`D`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `D`.`sysName` LIKE ? OR `E`.`time_logged` LIKE ? OR `name` LIKE ?)'; $param[] = "%$searchPhrase%"; $param[] = "%$searchPhrase%"; $param[] = "%$searchPhrase%"; $param[] = "%$searchPhrase%"; } $sql = " FROM `alert_log` AS E LEFT JOIN devices AS D ON E.device_id=D.device_id RIGHT JOIN alert_rules AS R ON E.rule_id=R.id WHERE $where"; $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`E`.`id`) $sql"; $total = dbFetchCell($count_sql, $param); if (empty($total)) { $total = 0; } if (! isset($sort) || empty($sort)) { $sort = 'time_logged DESC'; } $sql .= " ORDER BY $sort"; if (isset($current)) { $limit_low = (($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount)); $limit_high = $rowCount; } if ($rowCount != -1) { $sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high"; } $sql = "SELECT R.severity, D.device_id,name AS alert,rule_id, state,time_logged,DATE_FORMAT(time_logged, '" . \LibreNMS\Config::get('dateformat.mysql.compact') . "') as humandate,details $sql"; $rulei = 0; foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $alertlog) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($alertlog['device_id']); logfile($alertlog['rule_id']); $log = dbFetchCell('SELECT details FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? AND `state` = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', [$alertlog['rule_id'], $alertlog['device_id']]); $fault_detail = alert_details($log); if (empty($fault_detail)) { $fault_detail = 'Rule created, no faults found'; } $alert_state = $alertlog['state']; if ($alert_state == '0') { $status = 'label-success'; } elseif ($alert_state == '1') { $status = 'label-danger'; } elseif ($alert_state == '2') { $status = 'label-info'; } elseif ($alert_state == '3') { $status = 'label-warning'; } elseif ($alert_state == '4') { $status = 'label-primary'; }//end if $response[] = [ 'id' => $rulei++, 'time_logged' => $alertlog['humandate'], 'details' => '
', 'hostname' => '