#!/usr/bin/env bash # Observium to LibreNMS conversion ####################### SCRIPT DESCRIPTION ######################## # First we SSH to LibreNMS and create necessary directories with # # the mkdir script. Then the script enters each Observium RRD dir # # and SCPs the RRD files to the correct directory on LibreNMS. # # After that we add all of the devices to LibreNMS using the # # destwork script. # ################################################################### ########################### DIRECTIONS ############################ # Run as Root from the Observium server # # # # Enter values for DEST, L_RRDPATH, O_RRDPATH, MKDIR, DESTSCRIPT, # # and NODELIST. The defaults should work if you put the files in # # the same location. # ################################################################### ############################# CREDITS ############################# # LibreNMS work is done by a great group - http://librenms.org # # Script Written by - Dan Brown - http://vlan50.com # ################################################################### # Enter LibreNMS IP or hostname here DEST= # Enter LibreNMS RRD path here L_RRDPATH=/opt/librenms/rrd/ # Enter Observium RRD path here O_RRDPATH=/opt/observium/rrd/ # Enter path to mkdir script here MKDIR=/tmp/mkdir.sh # Enter path to destwork script here DESTSCRIPT=/tmp/destwork.sh # Enter path to nodelist text file NODELIST=/tmp/nodelist.txt # This line SSHs to LibreNMS server and makes directories based on node list text file ssh root@$DEST 'bash -s' < $MKDIR # Conversion and transfer loop while read line; # Enter RRD Directory do cd $O_RRDPATH"${line%/*}" # Transfer RRD files to LibreNMS Server scp *.rrd root@$DEST:$L_RRDPATH"${line%/*}"/ # Exit to parent dir cd .. done < $NODELIST # This line SSHs to LibreNMS server and runs the destwork script to finish conversion ssh root@$DEST 'bash -s' < $DESTSCRIPT