source: Alerting/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Creating a new Transport ## File location All transports are located in `LibreNMS\Alert\Transport` and the files are named after the Transport name. I.e `Discord.php` for Discord. ## Transport structure The following functions are required for a new transport to pass the unit tests: `deliverAlert()` - This is function called within alerts to invoke the transport. Here you should do any post processing of the transport config to get it ready for use. `contact$Transport()` - This is named after the transport so for Discord it would be `contactDiscord()`. This is what actually interacts with the 3rd party API, invokes the mail command or whatever you want your alert to do. `configTemplate()` - This is used to define the form that will accept the transport config in the webui and then what data should be validated and how. Validation is done using [Laravel validation]( The following function is __not__ required for new Transports and is for legacy reasons only. `deliverAlertOld()`. ## Documentation Please don't forget to update the [Transport]( file to include details of your new transport. A table should be provided to indicate the form values that we ask for and examples. I.e: |Config | Example| ------ | ------- Discord URL | | Options | username=myname|