'routing', 'protocol' => 'bgp'); print_optionbar_start('', ''); echo('BGP » '); if (!$vars['type']) { $vars['type'] = "all"; } if ($vars['type'] == "all") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("All",$vars, array('type' => 'all'))); if ($vars['type'] == "all") { echo(""); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['type'] == "internal") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("iBGP",$vars, array('type' => 'internal'))); if ($vars['type'] == "internal") { echo(""); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['type'] == "external") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("eBGP",$vars, array('type' => 'external'))); if ($vars['type'] == "external") { echo(""); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['adminstatus'] == "stop") { echo(""); echo(generate_link("Shutdown",$vars, array('adminstatus' => NULL))); echo(""); } else { echo(generate_link("Shutdown",$vars, array('adminstatus' => 'stop'))); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['adminstatus'] == "start") { echo(""); echo(generate_link("Enabled",$vars, array('adminstatus' => NULL))); echo(""); } else { echo(generate_link("Enabled",$vars, array('adminstatus' => 'start'))); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['state'] == "down") { echo(""); echo(generate_link("Down",$vars, array('state' => NULL))); echo(""); } else { echo(generate_link("Down",$vars, array('state' => 'down'))); } ## End BGP Menu if (!isset($vars['view'])) { $vars['view'] = 'details'; } echo('
'); if ($vars['view'] == "details") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("No Graphs",$vars, array('view' => 'details', 'graph' => 'NULL'))); if ($vars['view'] == "details") { echo(""); } echo(" | "); if ($vars['graph'] == "updates") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("Updates",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'updates'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "updates") { echo(""); } echo(" | Prefixes: Unicast ("); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4unicast") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("IPv4",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'prefixes_ipv4unicast'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4unicast") { echo(""); } echo("|"); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv6unicast") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("IPv6",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'prefixes_ipv6unicast'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv6unicast") { echo(""); } echo("|"); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4vpn") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("VPNv4",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'prefixes_ipv4vpn'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4vpn") { echo(""); } echo(")"); echo(" | Multicast ("); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4multicast") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("IPv4",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'prefixes_ipv4multicast'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv4multicast") { echo(""); } echo("|"); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv6multicast") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("IPv4",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'prefixes_ipv6multicast'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "prefixes_ipv6multicast") { echo(""); } echo(")"); echo(" | MAC ("); if ($vars['graph'] == "macaccounting_bits") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("Bits",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'macaccounting_bits'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "macaccounting_bits") { echo(""); } echo("|"); if ($vars['graph'] == "macaccounting_pkts") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link("Packets",$vars, array('view' => 'graphs', 'graph' => 'macaccounting_pkts'))); if ($vars['graph'] == "macaccounting_pkts") { echo(""); } echo(")"); echo('
'); print_optionbar_end(); echo(""); echo(''); if ($vars['type'] == "external") { $where = "AND D.bgpLocalAs != B.bgpPeerRemoteAs"; } elseif ($vars['type'] == "internal") { $where = "AND D.bgpLocalAs = B.bgpPeerRemoteAs"; } if ($vars['adminstatus'] == "stop") { $where .= " AND (B.bgpPeerAdminStatus = 'stop')"; } elseif ($vars['adminstatus'] == "start") { $where .= " AND (B.bgpPeerAdminStatus = 'start')"; } if ($vars['state'] == "down") { $where .= " AND (B.bgpPeerState != 'established')"; } $peer_query = "select * from bgpPeers AS B, devices AS D WHERE B.device_id = D.device_id ".$where." ORDER BY D.hostname, B.bgpPeerRemoteAs, B.bgpPeerIdentifier"; foreach (dbFetchRows($peer_query) as $peer) { unset ($alert, $bg_image); if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == "established") { $col = "green"; } else { $col = "red"; $peer['alert']=1; } if ($peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "start" || $peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "running") { $admin_col = "green"; } else { $admin_col = "gray"; } if ($peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "stop") { $peer['alert']=0; $peer['disabled']=1; } if ($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] == $peer['bgpLocalAs']) { $peer_type = "iBGP"; } else { $peer_type = "eBGP"; if ($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAS'] >= '64512' && $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAS'] <= '65535') { $peer_type = "Priv eBGP"; } } $peerhost = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM ipaddr AS A, ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE A.addr = ? AND I.interface_id = A.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id", array($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'])); if ($peerhost) { $peername = generate_device_link($peerhost, shorthost($peerhost['hostname'])); } else { unset($peername); } // display overlib graphs $graph_type = "bgp_updates"; $local_daily_url = "graph.php?id=" . $peer['bgpPeer_id'] . "&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$day&to=$now&width=500&height=150&&afi=ipv4&safi=unicast"; $localaddresslink = "', LEFT".$config['overlib_defaults'].");\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">" . $peer['bgpLocalAddr'] . ""; $graph_type = "bgp_updates"; $peer_daily_url = "graph.php?id=" . $peer['bgpPeer_id'] . "&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$day&to=$now&width=500&height=150"; $peeraddresslink = "', LEFT".$config['overlib_defaults'].");\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">" . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ""; echo('"); unset($sep); foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?", array($peer['device_id'], $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'])) as $afisafi) { $afi = $afisafi['afi']; $safi = $afisafi['safi']; $this_afisafi = $afi.$safi; $peer['afi'] .= $sep . $afi .".".$safi; $sep = "
"; $peer['afisafi'][$this_afisafi] = 1; ## Build a list of valid AFI/SAFI for this peer } unset($sep); echo(" "); unset($invalid); switch ($vars['graph']) { case 'prefixes_ipv4unicast': case 'prefixes_ipv4multicast': case 'prefixes_ipv4vpn': case 'prefixes_ipv6unicast': case 'prefixes_ipv6multicast': list(,$afisafi) = explode("_", $vars['graph']); if (isset($peer['afisafi'][$afisafi])) { $peer['graph'] = 1; } case 'updates': $graph_array['type'] = "bgp_" . $vars['graph']; $graph_array['id'] = $peer['bgpPeer_id']; } switch ($vars['graph']) { case 'macaccounting_bits': case 'macaccounting_pkts': $acc = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_mac` AS I, `mac_accounting` AS M, `ports` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE I.ipv4_address = ? AND M.mac = I.mac_address AND P.interface_id = M.interface_id AND D.device_id = P.device_id", array($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'])); $database = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/cip-" . $acc['ifIndex'] . "-" . $acc['mac'] . ".rrd"; if (is_array($acc) && is_file($database)) { $peer['graph'] = 1; $graph_array['id'] = $acc['ma_id']; $graph_array['type'] = $vars['graph']; } } if ($vars['graph'] == 'updates') { $peer['graph'] = 1; } if ($peer['graph']) { $graph_array['height'] = "100"; $graph_array['width'] = "218"; $graph_array['to'] = $now; echo('"); } } echo("
Local addressPeer addressTypeFamilyRemote ASStateUptime / Updates
" . $localaddresslink . "
".generate_device_link($peer, shorthost($peer['hostname']), array('tab' => 'routing', 'proto' => 'bgp'))."
» " . $peeraddresslink . " $peer_type ".$peer['afi']." AS" . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . "
" . $peer['astext'] . "
" . $peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] . "
" . $peer['bgpPeerState'] . "
" .formatUptime($peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime']). "
Updates " . format_si($peer['bgpPeerInUpdates']) . " " . format_si($peer['bgpPeerOutUpdates']) . "
'); include("includes/print-quadgraphs.inc.php"); echo("
"); } ?>