source: Installation/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Installing LibreNMS ## Docker An official LibreNMS docker image based on Alpine Linux and Nginx is available on [DockerHub]( Documentation can be found on the [Github repository]( ## Manually If you want to install manually then we have some documentation which should make it easy. This document includes instructions for: - Ubuntu 20.04 - RHEL / CentOS 8 - Debian 10 ** [Install LibreNMS]( ** ## Images We have some pre-built VirtualBox images you can use to get started: - [Virtual Machines](Images) ### Old Install Docs These install docs are no longer updated and may result in an unsuccessful install. - [Ubuntu 18.04 Apache](Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache/) - [Ubuntu 18.04 Nginx](Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Nginx/) - [Debian 10 Nginx](Installation-Debian-10-Nginx/) - [RHEL / CentOS 7 Apache](Installation-CentOS-7-Apache/) - [RHEL / CentOS 7 Nginx](Installation-CentOS-7-Nginx/) - [Ubuntu 16.04 Apache](Installation-Ubuntu-1604-Apache/) - [Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx](Installation-Ubuntu-1604-Nginx/) - [RHEL / CentOS 6](Installation-CentOS-6-Apache-Nginx/)