#!/usr/bin/env php * @copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong * */ chdir(dirname($argv[0])); include("includes/defaults.inc.php"); include("config.php"); include("includes/definitions.inc.php"); include("includes/functions.php"); $iter = "0"; rrdtool_pipe_open($rrd_process, $rrd_pipes); echo("Starting Polling Session ... \n\n"); foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bills`") as $bill_data) { echo("Bill : ".$bill_data['bill_name']."\n"); # replace old bill_gb with bill_quota (we're now storing bytes, not gigabytes) if ($bill_data['bill_type'] == "quota" && !is_numeric($bill_data['bill_quota'])) { $bill_data['bill_quota'] = $bill_data['bill_gb'] * $config['billing']['base'] * $config['billing']['base']; dbUpdate(array('bill_quota' => $bill_data['bill_quota']), 'bills', '`bill_id` = ?', array($bill_data['bill_id'])); echo("Quota -> ".$bill_data['bill_quota']); } CollectData($bill_data['bill_id']); $iter++; } function CollectData($bill_id) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_ports` as P, `ports` as I, `devices` as D WHERE P.bill_id=? AND I.interface_id = P.port_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id", array($bill_id)) as $port_data) { $port_id = $port_data['port_id']; $host = $port_data['hostname']; $port = $port_data['port']; echo("\nPolling ".$port_data['ifDescr']." on ".$port_data['hostname']."\n"); $port_data['in_measurement'] = getValue($port_data['hostname'], $port_data['port'], $port_data['ifIndex'], "In"); $port_data['out_measurement'] = getValue($port_data['hostname'], $port_data['port'], $port_data['ifIndex'], "Out"); $now = dbFetchCell("SELECT NOW()"); $last_data = getLastPortCounter($port_id,in); if ($last_data['state'] == "ok") { $port_data['last_in_measurement'] = $last_data[counter]; $port_data['last_in_delta'] = $last_data[delta]; if ($port_data['in_measurement'] > $port_data['last_in_measurement']) { $port_data['in_delta'] = $port_data['in_measurement'] - $port_data['last_in_measurement']; } else { $port_data['in_delta'] = $port_data['last_in_delta']; } } else { $port_data['in_delta'] = '0'; } dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port_id, 'timestamp' => $now, 'counter' => $port_data['in_measurement'], 'delta' => $port_data['in_delta']), 'port_in_measurements'); $last_data = getLastPortCounter($port_id,out); if ($last_data[state] == "ok") { $port_data['last_out_measurement'] = $last_data[counter]; $port_data['last_out_delta'] = $last_data[delta]; if ($port_data['out_measurement'] > $port_data['last_out_measurement']) { $port_data['out_delta'] = $port_data['out_measurement'] - $port_data['last_out_measurement']; } else { $port_data['out_delta'] = $port_data['last_out_delta']; } } else { $port_data['out_delta'] = '0'; } dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port_id, 'timestamp' => $now, 'counter' => $port_data['out_measurement'], 'delta' => $port_data['out_delta']), 'port_out_measurements'); $delta = $delta + $port_data['in_delta'] + $port_data['out_delta']; $in_delta = $in_delta + $port_data['in_delta']; $out_delta = $out_delta + $port_data['out_delta']; } $last_data = getLastMeasurement($bill_id); if ($last_data[state] == "ok") { $prev_delta = $last_data[delta]; $prev_in_delta = $last_data[in_delta]; $prev_out_delta = $last_data[out_delta]; $prev_timestamp = $last_data[timestamp]; $period = dbFetchCell("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".mres($prev_timestamp)."')"); } else { $prev_delta = '0'; $period = '0'; $prev_in_delta = '0'; $prev_out_delta = '0'; } if ($delta < '0') { $delta = $prev_delta; $in_delta = $prev_in_delta; $out_delta = $prev_out_delta; } if ($period < "0") { logfile("BILLING: negative period! id:$bill_id period:$period delta:$delta in_delta:$in_delta out_delta:$out_delta"); } else { dbInsert(array('bill_id' => $bill_id, 'timestamp' => $now, 'period' => $period, 'delta' => $delta, 'in_delta' => $in_delta, 'out_delta' => $out_delta), 'bill_data'); } } if ($argv[1]) { CollectData($argv[1]); } rrdtool_pipe_close($rrd_process, $rrd_pipes); ?>