#! /usr/bin/env python """ poller-wrapper A small tool which wraps around the Observium poller and tries to guide the polling process with a more modern approach with a Queue and workers Author: Job Snijders Date: Jan 2013 Usage: This program accepts one command line argument: the number of threads that should run simultaneously. If no argument is given it will assume a default of 16 threads. In /etc/cron.d/observium replace this (or the equivalent) poller entry: */5 * * * * root /opt/observium/poller.php -h all >> /dev/null 2>&1 with something like this: */5 * * * * root python /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py 16 >> /dev/null 2>&1 Read more: http://postman.memetic.org/pipermail/observium/2012-November/001303.html Ubuntu Linux: apt-get install python-mysqldb FreeBSD: cd /usr/ports/*/py-MySQLdb && make install clean Tested on: Python 2.7.3 / PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4 / Ubuntu 12.04 LTS GitHub: https://github.com/Atrato/observium-poller-wrapper License: To the extent possible under law, Job Snijders has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this script. This script has been put into the Public Domain. This work is published from: The Netherlands. """ try: import threading, Queue, sys, subprocess, time, os, json except: print "ERROR: missing one or more of the following python modules:" print "threading, Queue, sys, subprocess, time, os, json" sys.exit(2) try: import MySQLdb except: print "ERROR: missing the mysql python module:" print "On ubuntu: apt-get install python-mysqldb" print "On FreeBSD: cd /usr/ports/*/py-MySQLdb && make install clean" sys.exit(2) """ Fetch configuration details from the config_to_json.php script """ ob_install_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config_file = ob_install_dir + '/config.php' def get_config_data(): config_cmd = ['/usr/bin/env', 'php', '%s/config_to_json.php' % ob_install_dir] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(config_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) except: print "ERROR: Could not execute: %s" % config_cmd sys.exit(2) return proc.communicate()[0] try: with open(config_file) as f: pass except IOError as e: print "ERROR: Oh dear... %s does not seem readable" % config_file sys.exit(2) try: config = json.loads(get_config_data()) except: print "ERROR: Could not load or parse observium configuration, are PATHs correct?" sys.exit(2) poller_path = config['install_dir'] + '/poller.php' db_username = config['db_user'] db_password = config['db_pass'] db_server = config['db_host'] db_dbname = config['db_name'] s_time = time.time() real_duration = 0 per_device_duration = {} """ Take the amount of threads we want to run in parallel from the commandline if None are given or the argument was garbage, fall back to default of 16 """ try: amount_of_workers = int(sys.argv[1]) if amount_of_workers == 0: print "ERROR: 0 threads is not a valid value" sys.exit(2) except: amount_of_workers = 16 devices_list = [] try: db = MySQLdb.connect (host=db_server, user=db_username , passwd=db_password, db=db_dbname) cursor = db.cursor() except: print "ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database!" sys.exit(2) """ This query specificly orders the results depending on the last_polled_timetaken variable Because this way, we put the devices likely to be slow, in the top of the queue thus greatening our chances of completing _all_ the work in exactly the time it takes to poll the slowest device! cool stuff he """ query = "select device_id from devices where disabled = 0 order by last_polled_timetaken desc" cursor.execute(query) devices = cursor.fetchall() for row in devices: devices_list.append(int(row[0])) db.close() """ A seperate queue and a single worker for printing information to the screen prevents the good old joke: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms. """ def printworker(): while True: worker_id, device_id, elapsed_time = print_queue.get() global real_duration global per_device_duration real_duration += elapsed_time per_device_duration[device_id] = elapsed_time if elapsed_time < 300: print "INFO: worker %s finished device %s in %s seconds" % (worker_id, device_id, elapsed_time) else: print "WARNING: worker %s finished device %s in %s seconds" % (worker_id, device_id, elapsed_time) print_queue.task_done() """ This class will fork off single instances of the poller.php process, record how long it takes, and push the resulting reports to the printer queue """ def poll_worker(): while True: device_id = poll_queue.get() try: start_time = time.time() command = "/usr/bin/env php %s -h %s >> /dev/null 2>&1" % (poller_path, device_id) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time) print_queue.put([threading.current_thread().name, device_id, elapsed_time]) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass poll_queue.task_done() poll_queue = Queue.Queue() print_queue = Queue.Queue() print "INFO: starting the poller at %s with %s threads, slowest devices first" % (time.time(), amount_of_workers) for device_id in devices_list: poll_queue.put(device_id) for i in range(amount_of_workers): t = threading.Thread(target=poll_worker) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() p = threading.Thread(target=printworker) p.setDaemon(True) p.start() try: poll_queue.join() print_queue.join() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise total_time = int(time.time() - s_time) print "INFO: poller-wrapper polled %s devices in %s seconds with %s workers" % (len(devices_list), total_time, amount_of_workers) show_stopper = False if total_time > 300: recommend = int(total_time / 300.0 * amount_of_workers + 1) print "WARNING: the process took more than 5 minutes to finish, you need faster hardware or more threads" print "INFO: in sequential style polling the elapsed time would have been: %s seconds" % real_duration for device in per_device_duration: if per_device_duration[device] > 300: print "WARNING: device %s is taking too long: %s seconds" % (device, per_device_duration[device]) show_stopper = True if show_stopper == True: print "ERROR: Some devices are taking more than 300 seconds, the script cannot recommend you what to do." if show_stopper == False: print "WARNING: Consider setting a minimum of %d threads. (This does not constitute professional advice!)" % recommend sys.exit(2)