#!/usr/bin/env php | Poll single device, wildcard hostname, or comma separated list\n"; echo "-e Enable/disable selected ports polling for devices which would benefit from a change\n"; echo "\n"; } if (isset($options['d'])) { $debug = true; } if (isset($options['help'])) { print_help(); exit(0); } $where = ''; $params = []; if (isset($options['h'])) { if (is_numeric($options['h'])) { $where = "AND `device_id` = ?"; $params = array($options['h']); } elseif (Str::contains($options['h'], ',')) { $device_ids = array_map('trim', explode(',', $options['h'])); $device_ids = array_filter($device_ids, 'is_numeric'); $where = 'AND `device_id` in ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($device_ids)); $params = $device_ids; } else { $where = "AND `hostname` LIKE ?"; $params = array(str_replace('*', '%', mres($options['h']))); } } $devices = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = 1 AND disabled = 0 $where ORDER BY `hostname` ASC", $params); if (isset($options['e'])) { if (!is_numeric($options['e']) || $options['e'] < 0) { print_help(); exit(1); } $enable_sel_value = $options['e']; } echo "Full Polling: "; Config::set('polling.selected_ports', false); foreach ($devices as $index => $device) { echo $device['device_id'] . ' '; if (!$debug) { ob_start(); } $port_test_start = microtime(true); include $install_dir . '/includes/polling/ports.inc.php'; $devices[$index]['full_time_sec'] = microtime(true) - $port_test_start; ob_end_clean(); } echo PHP_EOL; Config::set('polling.selected_ports', true); echo "Selective Polling: "; foreach ($devices as $index => $device) { echo $device['device_id'] . ' '; if (!$debug) { ob_start(); } $port_test_start = microtime(true); include $install_dir . '/includes/polling/ports.inc.php'; $devices[$index]['selective_time_sec'] = microtime(true) - $port_test_start; ob_end_clean(); } echo PHP_EOL; // collect port counts $inactive_sql = "`deleted` = 1 OR `ifAdminStatus` != 'up' OR `disabled` = 1"; $set_count = 0; foreach ($devices as &$device) { $count = dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=?', array($device['device_id'])); $inactive = dbFetchCell( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND ($inactive_sql)", array($device['device_id']) ); $device['port_count'] = $count; $device['inactive_ratio'] = ($inactive == 0 ? 0 : ($inactive / $count)); $device['diff_sec'] = $device['selective_time_sec'] - $device['full_time_sec']; $device['diff_perc'] = ($device['diff_sec'] / $device['full_time_sec']) * 100; // $enable_sel_value is negative and we want to enable it for all devices with an even lower value. // It also has to save more than 1 s, or we might enable it for devices with i.e. 100ms vs 50ms, which isn't needed. $device['set'] = "none"; if (isset($enable_sel_value) && $device['diff_perc'] < ($enable_sel_value * -1) && $device['diff_sec'] < -1) { set_dev_attrib($device, 'selected_ports', "true"); $device['set'] = "true"; $set_count++; } if (isset($enable_sel_value) && $device['diff_perc'] > $enable_sel_value && $device['diff_sec'] > 1) { set_dev_attrib($device, 'selected_ports', "false"); $device['set'] = "false"; $set_count++; } } unset($device); // will edit the wrong thing after using $device by reference // print out the results $stats = array( 'device_id', 'os', 'port_count', 'inactive_ratio', 'full_time', 'selective_time', 'diff', 'diff', 'set' ); echo PHP_EOL; $header = "| %9.9s | %-11.11s | %10.10s | %14.14s | %10.10s | %14.14s | %8.10s | %5.9s | %5.5s |\n"; call_user_func_array('printf', array_merge(array($header), $stats)); $mask = "| %9.9s | %-11.11s | %10.10s | %14.3f | %9.3fs | %13.3fs | %s%+7.3fs\e[0m | %s%+4.0f%%\e[0m | %5.5s |\n"; foreach ($devices as $device) { $diff_color = ($device['diff_sec'] > 0 ? "\033[0;31m" : "\033[0;32m"); printf( $mask, $device['device_id'], $device['os'], $device['port_count'], $device['inactive_ratio'], $device['full_time_sec'], $device['selective_time_sec'], $diff_color, $device['diff_sec'], $diff_color, $device['diff_perc'], $device['set'] ); } $total_ports = array_sum(array_column($devices, 'port_count')); $inactive_ratio = array_sum(array_column($devices, 'inactive_ratio')) / count($devices); $total_full_time = array_sum(array_column($devices, 'full_time_sec')); $total_selective_time = array_sum(array_column($devices, 'selective_time_sec')); $difference = $total_selective_time - $total_full_time; $difference_perc = ($difference / $total_full_time) * 100; $total_diff_color = ($difference > 0 ? "\033[0;31m" : "\033[0;32m"); printf( $mask, 'Totals:', '', $total_ports, $inactive_ratio, $total_full_time, $total_selective_time, $total_diff_color, $difference, $total_diff_color, $difference_perc, $set_count );