* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Device-Grouping * @author Daniel Preussker * @author Tony Murray * @copyright 2016 f0o, murrant, LibreNMS * @license GPL * @package LibreNMS * @subpackage Devices */ /** * Add a new device group * @param $pattern * @param $name * @param $desc * @return int|string */ function AddDeviceGroup($name, $desc, $pattern) { $group_id = dbInsert(array('name' => $name, 'desc' => $desc, 'pattern' => $pattern), 'device_groups'); if ($group_id) { UpdateDeviceGroup($group_id); } return $group_id; } /** * Update a device group * @param $group_id * @param $pattern * @param $name * @param $desc * @return bool */ function EditDeviceGroup($group_id, $name = null, $desc = null, $pattern = null) { $vars = array(); if (!is_null($name)) { $vars['name'] = $name; } if (!is_null($desc)) { $vars['desc'] = $desc; } if (!is_null($pattern)) { $vars['pattern'] = $pattern; } $success = dbUpdate($vars, 'device_groups', 'id=?', array($group_id)) >= 0; if ($success) { UpdateDeviceGroup($group_id); } return $success; } /** * Generate SQL from Group-Pattern * @param string $pattern Pattern to generate SQL for * @param string $search What to searchid for * @return string */ function GenGroupSQL($pattern, $search='',$extra=0) { $pattern = RunGroupMacros($pattern); if ($pattern === false) { return false; } $tmp = explode(' ', $pattern); $tables = array(); foreach ($tmp as $opt) { if (strstr($opt, '%') && strstr($opt, '.')) { $tmpp = explode('.', $opt, 2); $tmpp[0] = str_replace('%', '', $tmpp[0]); $tables[] = mres(str_replace('(', '', $tmpp[0])); $pattern = str_replace($opt, $tmpp[0].'.'.$tmpp[1], $pattern); } } $pattern = rtrim($pattern, '&&'); $pattern = rtrim($pattern, '||'); $tables = array_keys(array_flip($tables)); if( dbFetchCell('SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? && COLUMN_NAME = ?',array($tables[0],'device_id')) != 1 ) { //Our first table has no valid glue, append the 'devices' table to it! array_unshift($tables, 'devices'); } $x = sizeof($tables)-1; $i = 0; $join = ""; while( $i < $x ) { if( isset($tables[$i+1]) ) { $gtmp = ResolveGlues(array($tables[$i+1]),'device_id'); if( $gtmp === false ) { //Cannot resolve glue-chain. Rule is invalid. return false; } $last = ""; $qry = ""; foreach( $gtmp as $glue ) { if( empty($last) ) { list($tmp,$last) = explode('.',$glue); $qry .= $glue.' = '; } else { list($tmp,$new) = explode('.',$glue); $qry .= $tmp.'.'.$last.' && '.$tmp.'.'.$new.' = '; $last = $new; } if( !in_array($tmp, $tables) ) { $tables[] = $tmp; } } $join .= "( ".$qry.$tables[0].".device_id ) && "; } $i++; } if ($extra === 1) { $sql_extra = ",`devices`.*"; } if (!empty($search)) { $search = str_replace("(","",$tables[0]).'.'.$search. ' AND'; } if (!empty($join)) { $join = '('.rtrim($join, ' && ').') &&'; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT('.str_replace('(', '', $tables[0]).'.device_id)'.$sql_extra.' FROM '.implode(',', $tables).' WHERE '.$join.' '.$search.' ('.str_replace(array('%', '@', '!~', '~'), array('', '.*', 'NOT REGEXP', 'REGEXP'), $pattern).')'; return $sql; }//end GenGroupSQL() /** * Run the group queries again to get fresh list of devices for this group * @param integer $group_id Group-ID * @return string */ function QueryDevicesFromGroup($group_id) { $pattern = dbFetchCell('SELECT pattern FROM device_groups WHERE id = ?', array($group_id)); $pattern = rtrim($pattern, '&&'); $pattern = rtrim($pattern, '||'); if (!empty($pattern)) { return dbFetchColumn(GenGroupSQL($pattern)); } return false; }//end QueryDevicesFromGroup() /** * Get an array of all the device ids belonging to this group_id * @param $group_id * @param bool $nested Return an array of arrays containing 'device_id'. (for API compatibility) * @return array */ function GetDevicesFromGroup($group_id, $nested = false) { $query = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_group_id`=?'; if ($nested) { return dbFetchRows($query, array($group_id)); } else { return dbFetchColumn($query, array($group_id)); } }//end GetDevicesFromGroup() /** * Get all Device-Groups * @return array */ function GetDeviceGroups() { return dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM device_groups ORDER BY name'); }//end GetDeviceGroups() /** * Run the group queries again to get fresh list of groups for this device * @param integer $device_id Device-ID * @param int $extra Return extra info about the groups (name, desc, pattern) * @return array */ function QueryGroupsFromDevice($device_id,$extra=0) { $ret = array(); foreach (GetDeviceGroups() as $group) { if (dbFetchCell(GenGroupSQL($group['pattern'], 'device_id=?',$extra).' LIMIT 1', array($device_id)) == $device_id) { if ($extra === 0) { $ret[] = $group['id']; } else { $ret[] = $group; } } } return $ret; }//end QueryGroupsFromDevice() /** * Get the Device Group IDs of a Device from the database * @param $device_id * @param int $extra Return extra info about the groups (name, desc, pattern) * @return array */ function GetGroupsFromDevice($device_id, $extra = 0) { $ret = array(); if ($extra === 0) { $ret = dbFetchColumn('SELECT `device_group_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_id`=?', array($device_id)); } else { $ret = dbFetchRows('SELECT `device_groups`.* FROM `device_group_device` LEFT JOIN `device_groups` ON `device_group_device`.`device_group_id`=`device_groups`.`id` WHERE `device_group_device`.`device_id`=?', array($device_id)); } return $ret; }//end GetGroupsFromDeviceDB() /** * Process Macros * @param string $rule Rule to process * @param int $x Recursion-Anchor * @return string|boolean */ function RunGroupMacros($rule,$x=1) { global $config; krsort($config['alert']['macros']['group']); foreach( $config['alert']['macros']['group'] as $macro=>$value ) { if( !strstr($macro," ") ) { $rule = str_replace('%macros.'.$macro,'('.$value.')',$rule); } } if( strstr($rule,"%macros") ) { if( ++$x < 30 ) { $rule = RunGroupMacros($rule,$x); } else { return false; } } return $rule; }//end RunGroupMacros() /** * Update device-group relationship for the given device id * @param $device_id */ function UpdateGroupsForDevice($device_id) { $queried_groups = QueryGroupsFromDevice($device_id); $db_groups = GetGroupsFromDevice($device_id); // compare the arrays to get the added and removed groups $added_groups = array_diff($queried_groups, $db_groups); $removed_groups = array_diff($db_groups, $queried_groups); // insert new groups $insert = array(); foreach ($added_groups as $group_id) { $insert[] = array('device_id' => $device_id, 'device_group_id' => $group_id); } if (!empty($insert)) { dbBulkInsert($insert, 'device_group_device'); } // remove old groups if (!empty($removed_groups)) { dbDelete('device_group_device', '`device_id`=? AND `device_group_id` IN (?)', array($device_id, array(implode(',', $removed_groups)))); } } /** * Update the device-group relationship for the given group id * @param $group_id */ function UpdateDeviceGroup($group_id) { $queried_devices = QueryDevicesFromGroup($group_id); $db_devices = GetDevicesFromGroup($group_id); // compare the arrays to get the added and removed devices $added_devices = array_diff($queried_devices, $db_devices); $removed_devices = array_diff($db_devices, $queried_devices); // insert new devices $insert = array(); foreach ($added_devices as $device_id) { $insert[] = array('device_id' => $device_id, 'device_group_id' => $group_id); } if (!empty($insert)) { dbBulkInsert($insert, 'device_group_device'); } // remove old devices if (!empty($removed_devices)) { dbDelete('device_group_device', '`device_group_id`=? AND `device_id` IN (?)', array($group_id, array(implode(',', $removed_devices)))); } }