/* * jquery.coords * https://github.com/ducksboard/gridster.js * * Copyright (c) 2012 ducksboard * Licensed under the MIT licenses. */ ;(function(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('gridster-coords', ['jquery'], factory); } else { root.GridsterCoords = factory(root.$ || root.jQuery); } }(this, function($) { /** * Creates objects with coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, width, height) * to simulate DOM elements on the screen. * Coords is used by Gridster to create a faux grid with any DOM element can * collide. * * @class Coords * @param {HTMLElement|Object} obj The jQuery HTMLElement or a object with: left, * top, width and height properties. * @return {Object} Coords instance. * @constructor */ function Coords(obj) { if (obj[0] && $.isPlainObject(obj[0])) { this.data = obj[0]; }else { this.el = obj; } this.isCoords = true; this.coords = {}; this.init(); return this; } var fn = Coords.prototype; fn.init = function(){ this.set(); this.original_coords = this.get(); }; fn.set = function(update, not_update_offsets) { var el = this.el; if (el && !update) { this.data = el.offset(); this.data.width = el.width(); this.data.height = el.height(); } if (el && update && !not_update_offsets) { var offset = el.offset(); this.data.top = offset.top; this.data.left = offset.left; } var d = this.data; if ( d.left === undefined ) { d.left = d.x1; } if ( d.top === undefined ) { d.top = d.y1; } this.coords.x1 = d.left; this.coords.y1 = d.top; this.coords.x2 = d.left + d.width; this.coords.y2 = d.top + d.height; this.coords.cx = d.left + (d.width / 2); this.coords.cy = d.top + (d.height / 2); this.coords.width = d.width; this.coords.height = d.height; this.coords.el = el || false ; return this; }; fn.update = function(data){ if (!data && !this.el) { return this; } if (data) { var new_data = $.extend({}, this.data, data); this.data = new_data; return this.set(true, true); } this.set(true); return this; }; fn.get = function(){ return this.coords; }; fn.destroy = function() { this.el.removeData('coords'); delete this.el; }; //jQuery adapter $.fn.coords = function() { if (this.data('coords') ) { return this.data('coords'); } var ins = new Coords(this, arguments[0]); this.data('coords', ins); return ins; }; return Coords; }));