$innodb_buffer['size']) { if (!empty($config['alert']['default_mail'])) { $subject = $config['project_name'] . ' auto-update action required'; $message = ' Hi, We have just tried to update your installation but it looks like the InnoDB buffer size is too low. Because of this we have stopped the auto-update running to ensure your system is ok. You currently have a configured innodb_buffer_pool_size of ' . $innodb_buffer['size'] / 1024 / 1024 . ' MiB but is currently using ' . $innodb_buffer['used'] / 1024 / 1024 . ' MiB Take a look at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/innodb-buffer-pool.html for further details. The ' . $config['project_name'] . ' team.'; send_mail($config['alert']['default_mail'],$subject,$message,$html=false); } echo warn_innodb_buffer($innodb_buffer); exit(2); } else { exit((int) $config['update']); } } if ($options['f'] === 'syslog') { if (is_numeric($config['syslog_purge'])) { $rows = dbFetchRow('SELECT MIN(seq) FROM syslog'); while (true) { $limit = dbFetchRow('SELECT seq FROM syslog WHERE seq >= ? ORDER BY seq LIMIT 1000,1', array($rows)); if (empty($limit)) { break; } if (dbDelete('syslog', 'seq >= ? AND seq < ? AND timestamp < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($rows, $limit, $config['syslog_purge'])) > 0) { $rows = $limit; echo 'Syslog cleared for entries over '.$config['syslog_purge']." days 1000 limit\n"; } else { break; } } dbDelete('syslog', 'seq >= ? AND timestamp < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($rows, $config['syslog_purge'])); } } if ($options['f'] === 'eventlog') { if (is_numeric($config['eventlog_purge'])) { if (dbDelete('eventlog', 'datetime < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($config['eventlog_purge']))) { echo 'Eventlog cleared for entries over '.$config['eventlog_purge']." days\n"; } } } if ($options['f'] === 'authlog') { if (is_numeric($config['authlog_purge'])) { if (dbDelete('authlog', 'datetime < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($config['authlog_purge']))) { echo 'Authlog cleared for entries over '.$config['authlog_purge']." days\n"; } } } if ($options['f'] === 'perf_times') { if (is_numeric($config['perf_times_purge'])) { if (dbDelete('perf_times', 'start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY))', array($config['perf_times_purge']))) { echo 'Performance poller times cleared for entries over '.$config['perf_times_purge']." days\n"; } } } if ($options['f'] === 'callback') { include_once 'callback.php'; } if ($options['f'] === 'device_perf') { if (is_numeric($config['device_perf_purge'])) { if (dbDelete('device_perf', 'timestamp < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY))', array($config['device_perf_purge']))) { echo 'Device performance times cleared for entries over '.$config['device_perf_purge']." days\n"; } } } if ($options['f'] === 'notifications') { include_once 'notifications.php'; }