//\ overLIB Hide Form Plugin
//\ Uses an iframe shim to mask system controls for IE v5.5 or higher as suggested in
//\ http://dotnetjunkies.com/weblog/jking/posts/488.aspx
//\ This file requires overLIB 4.10 or later.
//\ overLIB 4.05 - You may not remove or change this notice.
//\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved.
//\ Contributors are listed on the homepage.
//\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details.
// $Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 2004/11/25 21:27:19 $
if (typeof olInfo == 'undefined' || typeof olInfo.meets == 'undefined' || !olInfo.meets(4.10)) alert('overLIB 4.10 or later is required for the HideForm Plugin.');
else {
// Function which generates the popup with an IFRAME shim
function generatePopUp(content) {
if(!olIe4||olOp||!olIe55||(typeof o3_shadow != 'undefined' && o3_shadow)||(typeof o3_bubble != 'undefined' && o3_bubble)) return;
var wd,ht,txt, zIdx = 0;
wd = parseInt(o3_width);
ht = over.offsetHeight;
txt = backDropSource(wd,ht,zIdx++);
txt += '
' + content + '
// Code for the IFRAME which is used in other places
function backDropSource(width, height, Z) {
return '';
// Hides SELECT boxes that will be under the popup
// Checking Gecko version number to try to include other browsers based on the Gecko engine
function hideSelectBox() {
if(olNs4 || olOp || olIe55) return;
var px, py, pw, ph, sx, sw, sy, sh, selEl, v;
if(olIe4) v = 0;
else {
v = navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{8})/i);
if(!v) return; // return if no string match
v = parseInt(v[1]);
if (v < 20030624) { // versions less than June 24, 2003 were earlier Netscape browsers
px = parseInt(over.style.left);
py = parseInt(over.style.top);
pw = o3_width;
ph = (o3_aboveheight ? parseInt(o3_aboveheight) : over.offsetHeight);
selEl = (olIe4) ? o3_frame.document.all.tags("SELECT") : o3_frame.document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
for (var i=0; i (sx+sw) || (py+ph) < sy || py > (sy+sh)) continue;
selEl[i].isHidden = 1;
selEl[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';
// Shows previously hidden SELECT Boxes
function showSelectBox() {
if(olNs4 || olOp || olIe55) return;
var selEl, v;
if(olIe4) v = 0;
else {
v = navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{8})/i);
if(!v) return;
v = parseInt(v[1]);
if(v < 20030624) {
selEl = (olIe4) ? o3_frame.document.all.tags("SELECT") : o3_frame.document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
for (var i=0; i\n\n' + 'script>');
f = capExtent.onmousemove.toString().match(/function[ ]+(\w*)\(/);
if (f&&f[1] != 'anonymous') capExtent.onmousemove = olMouseMove;