get('port-'.$port['port_id'].'-state'); if($debug) { print_r($state); } if(is_array($state)) { $port = array_merge($port, $state); } unset($state); } $port_details = 1; $hostname = $device['hostname']; $hostid = $device['port_id']; $ifname = $port['ifDescr']; $ifIndex = $port['ifIndex']; $speed = humanspeed($port['ifSpeed']); $ifalias = $port['name']; if ($port['ifPhysAddress']) { $mac = "$port[ifPhysAddress]"; } $color = "black"; if ($port['ifAdminStatus'] == "down") { $status = "Disabled"; } if ($port['ifAdminStatus'] == "up" && $port['ifOperStatus'] == "down") { $status = "Enabled / Disconnected"; } if ($port['ifAdminStatus'] == "up" && $port['ifOperStatus'] == "up") { $status = "Enabled / Connected"; } $i = 1; $inf = fixifName($ifname); $bg="#ffffff"; $show_all = 1; echo("
"); include("includes/"); echo("
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