$afis) { $entity_name = $entity_array[$entity]['entPhysicalName'].' - '.$entity_array[$entity]['entPhysicalModelName']; echo "\n$entity $entity_name\n"; foreach ($afis as $afi => $paths) { echo " |- $afi\n"; foreach ($paths as $index => $cef_stat) { echo ' | |-'.$index.': '.$cef_stat['cefSwitchingPath']; $cef_id = $device['device_id'].'-'.$entity.'-'.$afi.'-'.$index; // if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cef_switching` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? AND `afi` = ? AND `cef_index` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $entity, $afi, $path)) != "1") if (!isset($cefs_db[$cef_id])) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'entPhysicalIndex' => $entity, 'afi' => $afi, 'cef_index' => $index, 'cef_path' => $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPath']), 'cef_switching'); echo '+'; } unset($cefs_db[$cef_id]); $cef_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `cef_switching` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? AND `afi` = ? AND `cef_index` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $entity, $afi, $index)); $rrd_name = array('cefswitching', $entity, $afi, $index); $rrd_def = array( 'DS:drop:DERIVE:600:0:1000000', 'DS:punt:DERIVE:600:0:1000000', 'DS:hostpunt:DERIVE:600:0:1000000' ); // Copy HC to non-HC if they exist if (is_numeric($cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCDrop'])) { $cef_stat['cefSwitchingDrop'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCDrop']; } if (is_numeric($cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCPunt'])) { $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCPunt']; } if (is_numeric($cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCPunt2Host'])) { $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt2Host'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingHCPunt2Host']; } // FIXME -- memcached $cef_stat['update']['drop'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingDrop']; $cef_stat['update']['punt'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt']; $cef_stat['update']['punt2host'] = $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt2Host']; $cef_stat['update']['drop_prev'] = $cef_entry['drop']; $cef_stat['update']['punt_prev'] = $cef_entry['punt']; $cef_stat['update']['punt2host_prev'] = $cef_entry['punt2host']; $cef_stat['update']['updated'] = $polled; $cef_stat['update']['updated_prev'] = $cef_entry['updated']; dbUpdate($cef_stat['update'], 'cef_switching', '`device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? AND `afi` = ? AND `cef_index` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $entity, $afi, $index)); $fields = array( 'drop' => $cef_stat['cefSwitchingDrop'], 'punt' => $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt'], 'hostpunt' => $cef_stat['cefSwitchingPunt2Host'], ); $tags = compact('entity', 'afi', 'index', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def'); data_update($device, 'cefswitching', $tags, $fields); echo "\n"; }//end foreach }//end foreach }//end foreach }//end if // FIXME - need to delete old ones. FIXME REALLY. print_r($cefs_db); foreach ($cefs_db as $cef_switching_id) { dbDelete('cef_switching', '`cef_switching_id` = ?', array($cef_switching_id)); echo '-'; } echo "\n"; } //end if