source: Extensions/ path: blob/master/doc/ # WARNING MIB-based polling is unmaintained and may be removed in the future. It might overload your LibreNMS server, destroy your data, set your routers on fire, and kick your cat. It has been tested against a very limited set of devices (namely Ruckus ZD1000 wireless controllers, and `net-snmp` on Linux). It may fail badly on other hardware. The approach taken is fairly simplistic and I claim no special expertise in understanding MIBs. Most of my knowledge of SNMP comes from reading net-snmp man pages, and reverse engineering the output of snmptranslate and snmpwalk and trying to make devices work with LibreNMS. I may have made false assumptions and probably use wrong terminology in many places. Feel free to offer corrections/suggestions via pull requests or email. Paul Gear # Overview This is the 2nd experimental release of MIB polling. If you used the 1st release, you MUST perform a data conversion of the MIB-based polling files using the script `contrib/`. Failure to do so will result in your data collection silently stopping. MIB-based polling is disabled by default; you must set `$config['poller_modules']['mib'] = true;` in `config.php` to enable it. # Preparation MIB-based polling results in the creation of a separate RRD file for each device-MIB-OID-index combination encountered by LibreNMS. Thus it can cause your disk space requirements to grow enormously and rapidly. As an example, enabling MIB-based polling on my test Ruckus ZD1000 wireless controller with one (1) AP and one (1) user on that AP resulted in a 5 MB increase in RRD space usage for that device. Each RRD file is around 125 KB in size (on x64-64 systems) and is pre-allocated, so after the first discovery and poller run of each device with MIB-based polling enabled, disk space should be stable. However, monitoring disk usage is your responsibility. (The good news: you can do this with LibreNMS. :-) Unless you are running LibreNMS on a powerful system with pure SSD for RRD storage, it is strongly recommended that you enable rrdcached and ensure it is working *before* enabling MIB-based polling. # Components The components involved in MIB-based polling are: ## Discovery - OS discovery determines whether there are MIBs which should be polled. If so, they are registered in the `device_mibs` association table as relevant to that device. MIB associations for each device can be viewed at: All MIBs used by MIB-based polling may be viewed at: All device associations created by MIB-based polling may be viewed at: (Devices -> MIB associations) - In addition, all devices are checked for a MIB matching their sysObjectID. If there is a matching MIB available, it is automatically included. The sysObjectID for each device is now displayed on the overview page: - Note that the above means that no MIB-based polling will occur until the devices in question are rediscovered. If you want to begin MIB-based polling immediately, you must force rediscovery from the web UI, or run it from the CLI using `./discovery.php -h HOSTNAME` - During discovery, relevant MIBs are parsed using `snmptranslate`, and the data returned is used to populate a database which guides the poller in what to store. At the moment, only OIDs of INTEGER, Integer32, Gauge32, Unsigned32, Counter32, and Counter64 data types are parsed, and negative values are untested. - Devices may be excluded from MIB polling by changing the setting in the device edit screen: ## Polling - During polling the MIB associations for the device are looked up, and the MIB is polled for current values. You can see the values which LibreNMS has retrieved from the MIB poller in the "Device MIB values" section of - Data from the latest poll is saved in the table `device_oids`, and RRD files are saved in the relevant device directory as mibName-oidName-index.rrd ## Graphing - For each graph type defined in the database, a graph will appear in: - MIB graphs are generated generically by `html/includes/graphs/device/` There is presently no customisation of graphs available. - If there is only one index under a given OID, it is displayed as a normal line graph; if there multiple OIDs, they are displayed as a stacked graph. At the moment, all indices are placed in the same graph. This is non-optimal for, e.g., wifi controllers with hundreds of APs attached. ## Alerting There is no specific support for alerting in the MIB-based polling engine, but the data it collects may be used in alerts. Here's an example of an alert which detects when a Ruckus wireless controller reports meshing disabled on an access point: # Adding/testing other device types One of the goals of this work is to help take out the heavy lifting of adding new device types. Even if you want fully-customised graphs or tables, you can still use the MIB-based poller to make it easy to gather the data you want to graph. ## How to add a new device MIB 1. Ensure the manufacturer's MIB is present in the mibs directory. If you plan to submit your work to LibreNMS, make sure you attribute the source of the MIB, including the exact download URL if possible, or explicit instructions about how to obtain it. 1. Check that `snmptranslate -Ts -M mibs -m MODULE | grep mibName` produces a named list of OIDs. See the comments on `snmp_mib_walk()` in `includes/` for an example. 1. Check that `snmptranslate -Td -On -M mibs -m MODULE MODULE::mibName` produces a parsed description of the OID values. An example can be found in the comments for `snmp_mib_parse()` in `includes/`. 1. Get the `sysObjectID` from a device, for example: `snmpget -v2c -c public -OUsb -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs -t 30 hostname sysObjectID.0` 1. Ensure `snmptranslate -m all -M /opt/librenms/mibs OID 2>/dev/null` (where OID is the value returned for sysObjectID above) results in a valid name for the MIB. See the comments for `snmp_translate()` in `includes/` for an example. If this step fails, it means there is something wrong with the MIB and `net-snmp` cannot parse it. 1. Add any additional MIBs you wish to poll for specific device types to `includes/discovery/os/` by calling `poll_mibs()` with the MIB module and name. See `includes/discovery/os/` for an example. 1. That should be all you need to see MIB graphs! 1. If you want to develop more customised support for a particular OS, you can follow the above process, then use the resultant data collected by LibreNMS in the RRD files or the database tables `device_oids` # Configuration ## Main Configuration In `/opt/librenms/config.php` add `$config['poller_modules']['mib'] = true;` to enable MIB polling globally. Alternatively you can enable MIB polling per device by enabling it within the modules section for the specific device. ## Discovery You need to add your desired MIBs to `/opt/librenms/mibs` folder. You will then need to create a list of the OIDs you wish to use in the OS definition. ### Example `/opt/librenms/includes/definitions/ruckuswireless.yaml` ```yaml register_mibs: ruckusZDSystemStats: RUCKUS-ZD-SYSTEM-MIB ruckusZDWLANTable: RUCKUS-ZD-WLAN-MIB ruckusZDWLANAPTable: RUCKUS-ZD-WLAN-MIB ruckusZDWLANAPRadioStatsTable: RUCKUS-ZD-WLAN-MIB ``` These OIDs and MIBs will then be registered as part of the OS discovery ready for mib polling to work. # TODO What's not included in MIB-based polling at present? These may be present in future versions. Pull requests gratefully accepted! - Parse and save integer and timetick data types. - Filter MIBs/OIDs from being polled and/or saved. - Move graphs from the MIB section to elsewhere. e.g. If a device uses a unique MIB for CPU utilisation, we should display it under the relevant health tab. - Combine multiple MIB values into graphs automatically on a predefined or user-defined basis. - Include MIB types in stats submissions.