{ "The device group could not be deleted": "无法删除设备群组", "Operating System": "操作系统", "Vendor": "厂商", "Ungrouped Devices": "尚无群组设备", "Enabled": "启用", "Priority": "重要性", "Program": "程序", "Authlog": "验证历史", "User": "用户", "IP Address": "IP 地址", "Result": "结果", "Translation not fully supported": "多国语系功能尚未完备", "Warning :service_count": "告警 :service_count", "Critical :service_count": "严重 :service_count", "Disabled :port_count": "已停用 :port_count", "Errored :port_count": "发生错误 :port_count", "Ignored :port_count": "已忽略 :port_count", "Down :port_count": "已关闭 :port_count", "Deleted :port_count": "已删除 :port_count", "About :project_name": "关于 :project_name", "See the list of contributors on GitHub.": "至 GitHub 观看贡献者名单。", "Docs": "文件", "Close": "关闭", "LibreNMS is an autodiscovering PHP/MySQL-based network monitoring system": "LibreNMS 是个以 PHP/MySQL 为基底的自动探索网络监控系统", "Packages": "软件包", "Version": "版本", "Database Schema": "数据库纲要", "Web Server": "Web 服务器", "LibreNMS is a community-based project": "LibreNMS 是建基于社群开发的项目", "Please feel free to join us and contribute code, documentation, and bug reports:": "您随时都可以加入社群贡献您的程序代码、文件以及问题回报:", "Web site": "官方网站", "Bug tracker": "问题追踪", "Community Forum": "社群论坛", "Changelog": "变更记录", "Local git log": "本机 Git 记录", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Acknowledgements": "特别感谢", "Opt in to send anonymous usage statistics to LibreNMS?": "您要选择以匿名方式提供使用统计数据给 LibreNMS 吗?", "Online stats:": "在线统计资料", "Clear remote stats": "清除远程统计资料", "IPv4 Addresses": "IPv4 地址", "IPv4 Networks": "IPv4 网络", "IPv6 Addresses": "IPv6 地址", "IPv6 Networks": "IPv6 网络", "Processors": "处理器", "Applications": "应用", "Disk I/O": "磁盘 I/O", "Syslog Entries": "Syslog 项目", "Eventlog Entries": "事件记录项目", "Sensors": "传感器", "Wireless Sensors": "无线传感器", "Toner": "碳粉", "License": "授权", "Shutdown": "关机", "Select Devices": "选择设备", "Dynamic": "动态", "Static": "静态", "Define Rules": "预设规则", "Create Device Group": "建立设备群组", "Edit Device Group": "编辑设备群组", "New Device Group": "新增设备群组", "Pattern": "模式", "Type": "类型", "Name": "名称", "User Preferences": "用户喜好设置", "Global Administrative Access": "全局管理访问", "Device Permissions": "设备权限", "Preferences": "喜好设置", "Language": "语言", "Change Password": "变更密码", "Verify New Password": "确认新密码", "Peering + Transit": "互连 + 转发", "FDB Tables": "FDB 对照表", "ARP Tables": "ARP 对照表", "MAC Address": "MAC 地址", "IPv6 Address": "IPv6 地址", "IPv4 Address": "IPv4 地址", "Package": "软件包", "Virtual Machines": "虚拟机器", "Device Groups": "设备群组", "Register": "注册", "Overview": "概况", "Maps": "地图", "Availability": "可用性", "Device Groups Maps": "设备群组地图", "Geographical": "地理", "Plugins": "插件", "Plugin Admin": "插件管理", "Tools": "工具", "Eventlog": "事件记录", "Inventory": "设备", "MIB definitions": "MIB 定义", "No devices": "没有设备", "MIB associations": "MIB 关联", "Manage Groups": "群组管理", "Device Dependencies": "设备依赖性", "Add Device": "新增设备", "Delete Device": "删除设备", "All Services": "所有服务", "Add Service": "新增服务", "Traffic Bills": "流量账单", "Pseudowires": "虚拟线路", "Customers": "客户", "Transit": "转发", "Core": "核心", "Alerts": "报警", "Deleted": "已删除", "Health": "健康情况", "Memory": "内存", "Processor": "处理器", "Storage": "存储", "Wireless": "无线", "Apps": "应用程序", "Routing": "路由", "Alerted": "已报警", "Notifications": "通知", "Alert History": "报警历史", "Statistics": "统计资料", "Alert Rules": "报警规则", "Scheduled Maintenance": "定期维护", "Alert Templates": "报警模板", "Alert Transports": "报警传送", "My Settings": "我的设置", "Settings": "设置", "Global Settings": "全局设置", "Global Search": "全局搜索", "Validate Config": "配置验证", "Auth History": "验证历史", "Peering": "互连", "API Settings": "API 设置", "API Docs": "API 文件", "The :attribute must a valid IP address\/network or hostname.": "这个 :attribute 必需为有效的 IP 地址\/网络或主机名称。", "Never polled": "从未轮询", "This indicates the most likely endpoint switchport": "这将表示为最有可能的交换器端口端点", "Two-Factor unlocked.": "双因素验证已解锁。", "Failed to unlock Two-Factor.": "双因素验证解锁失败。", "Two-Factor removed.": "双因素验证已移除。", "Failed to remove Two-Factor.": "双因素验证移除失败。", "TwoFactor auth removed.": "双因素验证已移除。", "Too many two-factor failures, please contact administrator.": "双因素验证失败次数太多,请年系您的系统管理员,", "Too many two-factor failures, please wait :time seconds": "双因素验证失败次数太多,请等候 :time 秒再试", "No Two-Factor Token entered.": "没有输入双因素验证权仗。", "No Two-Factor settings, how did you get here?": "没有设置双因素验证,您要如何使用呢?", "Wrong Two-Factor Token.": "错误的双因素验证权仗。", "TwoFactor auth added.": "双因素验证已加入。", "User :username created": "用户 :username 已建立", "Failed to create user": "建立用户失败", "Updated dashboard for :username": "已更新 :username 的信息看版", "User :username updated": "用户 :username 已更新", "Failed to update user :username": "更新用户 :username 失败", "User :username deleted.": "用户 :username 已删除。", "Device does not exist": "设备不存在", "Port does not exist": "端口不存在", "App does not exist": "应用不存在", "Bill does not exist": "账单不存在", "Munin plugin does not exist": "Munin 插件程序不存在", "Ok": "确认", "Warning": "告警", "Critical": "严重", "Existing password did not match": "与既有的密码不符", "The :attribute field is required.": ":attribute 是必要字段。", "Edit User": "编辑用户", "Unlock": "解除锁定", "User exceeded failures": "用户达到失败上限", "Disable TwoFactor": "取消双因素验证", "No TwoFactor key generated for this user, Nothing to do.": "没有为这个用户产生双因素验证金钥,暂不动作。", "Save": "存储", "Cancel": "取消", "Unlocked Two Factor.": "解储双因素验证锁定。", "Failed to unlock Two Factor": "双因素验证解除锁定失败", "Removed Two Factor.": "双因素验证已经移除。", "Failed to remove Two Factor": "移除双因素验证失败", "Real Name": "真实姓名", "Email": "邮件", "Description": "描述", "Level": "等级", "Normal": "正常", "Global Read": "全局读取", "Admin": "Admin", "Demo": "Demo", "Dashboard": "信息看版", "Password": "密码", "Current Password": "目前密码", "New Password": "新密码", "Confirm Password": "确认新密码", "Can Modify Password": "允许修改密码", "Create User": "建立用户", "Username": "用户名称", "Manage Users": "管理用户", "ID": "ID", "Access": "访问权限", "Auth": "验证", "Actions": "动作", "Edit": "编辑", "Delete": "删除", "Manage Access": "管理访问权限", "Add User": "新增用户", "Are you sure you want to delete ": "您确定要删除 ", "The user could not be deleted": "这个用户无法删除", "Whoops, the web server could not write required files to the filesystem.": "噢,Web Server 无法写入档案到档案系统。", "Running the following commands will fix the issue most of the time:": "Running the following commands will fix the issue most of the time:", "Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Check your librenms.log.": "噢,看起来发生了一些错误。请您查阅 librenms.log。", "Public Devices": "公开设备", "System Status": "系统装态", "Logon": "登入", "Device": "设备", "Platform": "平台", "Uptime": "运作时间", "Location": "位置", "Status": "状态", "Remember Me": "记住我", "Login": "登入", "Please enter auth token": "请输入验证权仗", "Submit": "提交", "Logout": "注销", "Locations": "位置", "Coordinates": "坐标", "Devices": "设备", "Network": "网络", "Servers": "服务器", "Firewalls": "防火墙", "Down": "离线", "Save changes": "存储变更", "N\/A": "无", "Location must have devices to show graphs": "此位置必需有设备才能显示图表", "Traffic": "流量", "Cannot delete locations used by devices": "无法删除已有设备使用的位置", "Location deleted": "位置已删除", "Failed to delete location": "删除位置失败", "Timestamp": "时间戳", "Source": "来源", "Message": "讯息", "Facility": "设备", "Total hosts": "所有主机", "ignored": "已忽略", "disabled": "已取消", "up": "在线", "warn": "告警", "down": "离线", "Total services": "所有服务", "Widget title": "小工具标题", "Default Title": "预设标题", "Columns": "字段", "Markers": "标记", "Ports": "端口", "Resolution": "分辨率", "Countries": "国家", "Provinces": "省份", "Metros": "Metros", "Region": "地区", "Help": "说明", "Stream": "串流", "All Messages": "所有讯息", "All Devices": "所有设备", "Page Size": "页面大小", "Time Range": "时间范围", "Search all time": "搜索所有时间", "Search last 5 minutes": "搜索最近 5 分钟内", "Search last 15 minutes": "搜索最近 15 分钟内", "Search last 30 minutes": "搜索最近 30 分钟内", "Search last 1 hour": "搜索最近 1 小时内", "Search last 2 hours": "搜索最近 2 小时内", "Search last 8 hours": "搜索最近 8 小时内", "Search last 1 day": "搜索最近 1 天内", "Search last 2 days": "搜索最近 2 天内", "Search last 5 days": "搜索最近 5 天内", "Search last 7 days": "搜索最近 7 天内", "Search last 14 days": "搜索最近 14 天内", "Search last 30 days": "搜索最近 30 天内", "Custom title": "自订标题", "Initial Latitude": "初始纬度", "ie. 51.4800 for Greenwich": "例如 51.4800 为格林威治", "Initial Longitude": "初始经度", "ie. 0 for Greenwich": "例如 0 为格林威治", "Initial Zoom": "初始 Zoom 缩放等级", "Grouping radius": "Grouping radius", "default 80": "预设 80", "Show devices": "显示设备", "Up + Down": "在线 + 离线", "Up": "在线", "Show Services": "显示服务", "no": "否", "yes": "是", "Show Port Errors": "显示连接端口错误", "Notes": "附注", "Custom title for widget": "自订小工具标题", "Display type": "显示类型", "boxes": "区块", "compact": "精简", "Uniform Tiles": "Uniform Tiles", "Tile size": "Tile size", "Disabled\/ignored": "Disabled\/ignored", "Show": "显示", "Hide": "隐藏", "Mode select": "模式选择", "only devices": "仅设备", "only services": "仅服务", "devices and services": "设备与服务", "Order By": "排序", "Hostname": "主机名称", "Device group": "设备群组", "Automatic Title": "自动产生标题", "Graph type": "图表类型", "Select a graph": "选择图表", "Show legend": "显示图例", "Date range": "日期范围", "One Hour": "1 小时", "Four Hours": "4 小时", "Six Hours": "6 小时", "Twelve Hours": "12 小时", "One Day": "1 天", "One Week": "1 周", "Two Weeks": "2 周", "One Month": "1 个月", "Two Months": "2 个月", "Three Months": "3 个月", "One Year": "1 年", "Two Years": "2 年", "Select a device": "选择设备", "Port": "端口", "Select a port": "选择端口", "Application": "应用", "Select an application": "选择应用", "Munin plugin": "Munin 插件程序", "Select a Munin plugin": "选择 Munin 插件程序", "Bill": "账单", "Select a bill": "选择账单", "Custom Aggregator(s)": "Custom Aggregator(s)", "Select or add one or more": "选择或加入一或多个", "Select one or more": "选择一或多个", "Top query": "排行榜查询", "Response time": "响应时间", "Poller duration": "轮询器花费时间", "Processor load": "处理器负载", "Memory usage": "内存使用量", "Disk usage": "磁盘使用量", "Sort order": "排序", "Ascending": "升幂", "Descending": "降序", "Number of Devices": "设备数量", "Last Polled (minutes)": "最后一次轮询 (分钟)", "Image URL": "图片 URL", "Target URL": "连结目标 URL", "Show acknowledged": "显示已通知", "not filtered": "不要筛选", "show only acknowledged": "仅显示已通知", "hide acknowledged": "隐藏已通知", "Show only fired": "仅显示已触发", "show only fired alerts": "仅显示已触发报警", "Displayed severity": "显示严重程度", "any severity": "任何严重程度", "or higher": "或更高者", "State": "状态", "any state": "任何状态", "All alerts": "所有报警", "Show Procedure field": "显示处理字段", "show": "显示", "hide": "隐藏", "Sort alerts by": "排序报警依据", "timestamp, descending": "时间戳、降序", "severity, descending": "严重程度、降序", "All devices": "所有设备", "Event type": "事件类型", "All types": "所有类型", "Number of interfaces": "端口数量", "Last polled (minutes)": "最后一次轮询 (分钟)", "Interface type": "端口类型", "All Ports": "所有端口", "Total": "总计", "Ignored": "已忽略", "Disabled": "已停用", "Errored": "已错误", "Services": "服务", "No devices found within interval.": "在最近一次轮询间隔内尚未找到设备。", "Summary": "摘要", "Interface": "端口", "Total traffic": "流量总计", "Check your log for more details.": "查阅您的记录文件以取得更详细的信息。", "If you need additional help, you can find how to get help at": "若您需要更多的说明,您可以在这里找到更多相关信息。", "Geo Locations": "地理位置", "All Locations": "所有位置", "Pollers": "轮询器", "Groups": "群组", "Performance": "性能", "History": "历史" }