#!/usr/bin/env php * Modified and Relicensed by under the expressed * permission by the Copyright-Holder . * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ chdir(dirname($argv[0])); require_once("includes/defaults.inc.php"); require_once("config.php"); require_once("includes/definitions.inc.php"); require_once("includes/functions.php"); require_once("includes/discovery/functions.inc.php"); error_reporting(E_ERROR); class ircbot { private $debug = false; private $server = ""; private $port = ""; private $ssl = false; private $pass = ""; private $nick = "LibreNMS"; private $chan = array(); private $commands = array("auth", "quit", "listdevices", "device", "port", "down", "version", "status", "log", "help", "reload", "join"); private $external = array(); private $tick = 62500; public function __construct() { global $config, $observium_link; $this->log("Setting up IRC-Bot.."); if( is_resource($observium_link) ) { $this->sql = $observium_link; } $this->j = 2; $this->config = $config; $this->debug = $this->config['irc_debug']; $this->config['irc_authtime'] = $this->config['irc_authtime'] ? $this->config['irc_authtime'] : 3; $this->max_retry = $this->config['irc_maxretry']; $this->server = $this->config['irc_host']; if($this->config['irc_port'][0] == "+") { $this->ssl = true; $this->port = substr($this->config['irc_port'], 1); } else { $this->port = $this->config['irc_port']; } if($this->config['irc_nick']) { $this->nick = $this->config['irc_nick']; } if($this->config['irc_chan']) { if(is_array($this->config['irc_chan'])) { $this->chan = $this->config['irc_chan']; } elseif(strstr($this->config['irc_chan'],",")) { $this->chan = explode(",",$this->config['irc_chan']); } else { $this->chan = array($this->config['irc_chan']); } } if($this->config['irc_pass']) { $this->pass = $this->config['irc_pass']; } $this->load_external(); $this->log("Starting IRC-Bot.."); $this->init(); } private function load_external() { if(!$this->config['irc_external']) { return true; } $this->log("Caching external commands..."); if(!is_array($this->config['irc_external'])) { $this->config['irc_external'] = explode(",",$this->config['irc_external']); } foreach( $this->config['irc_external'] as $ext ) { if( ($this->external[$ext] = file_get_contents("includes/ircbot/".$ext.".inc.php")) == "" ) { unset($this->external[$ext]); } } return $this->log("Cached ".sizeof($this->external)." commands."); } private function init() { if($this->config['irc_alert']) { $this->connect_alert(); } $this->connect(); $this->log("Connected"); if($this->pass) { fwrite($this->socket['irc'], "PASS ".$this->pass."\n\r"); } $this->doAuth(); while( true ) { foreach($this->socket as $n=>$socket) { if(!is_resource($socket)) { $this->log("Socket '$n' closed. Restarting."); break 2; } } $this->getData(); if($this->config['irc_alert']) { $this->alertData(); } usleep($this->tick); } return $this->init(); } private function connect_alert() { $f = $this->config['install_dir']."/.ircbot.alert"; if( (file_exists($f) || !touch($f)) && (!unlink($f) || !touch($f)) ) { $this->log("Error - Cannot create Alert-File"); return false; } if( ($this->socket['alert'] = fopen($f,'r')) ) { $this->log("Opened Alert-File"); stream_set_blocking($this->socket['alert'], false); return true; } $this->log("Error - Cannot open Alert-File"); return false; } private function read($buff) { $r = fread($this->socket[$buff],64); $this->buff[$buff] .= $r; $r = strlen($r); if(strstr($this->buff[$buff],"\n")) { $tmp = explode("\n",$this->buff[$buff],2); $this->buff[$buff] = substr($this->buff[$buff], strlen($tmp[0])+2); if( $this->debug ) { $this->log("Returning buffer '$buff': '".trim($tmp[0])."'"); } return $tmp[0]; } if( $this->debug && $r > 0 ) { $this->log("Expanding buffer '$buff' = '".trim($this->buff[$buff])."'"); } return false; } private function alertData() { if( ($tmp = $this->read("alert")) !== false ) { foreach( $tmp as $data ) { $this->data = $data; echo $this->data; //dostuff } } } private function getData() { if( ($data = $this->read("irc")) !== false ) { $this->data = $data; $ex = explode(' ', $this->data); if($ex[0] == "PING") { return $this->irc_raw("PONG ".$ex[1]); } if( $ex[1] == 376 || ($ex[1] == "MODE" && $ex[2] == $this->nick) ) { if($this->j == 2) { $this->joinChan(); $this->j=0; } } $this->command = str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(13)), '', $ex[3]); if(strstr($this->command,":.")) { $this->handleCommand(); } } } private function joinChan($chan=false) { if( $chan ) { $this->chan[] = $chan; } foreach($this->chan as $chan) { $this->irc_raw("JOIN ".$chan); } return true; } private function handleCommand() { $this->command = str_replace(":.","",$this->command); $tmp=explode(":.".$this->command." ",$this->data); $this->user = $this->get_user(); if( $this->isAuthd() || trim($this->command) == "auth" ) { $this->proceedCommand(str_replace("\n","",trim($this->command)),trim($tmp[1])); } $this->authd[$this->getUser($this->data)] = $this->user; return false; } private function proceedCommand($command,$params) { $command = strtolower($command); if(in_array($command,$this->commands)) { $this->chkdb(); $this->log($command." ( '".$params."' )"); return $this->{"_".$command}($params); } elseif($this->external[$command]) { $this->chkdb(); $this->log($command." ( '".$params."' ) [Ext]"); return eval($this->external[$command]); } return false; } private function respond($msg) { $chan = $this->getChan($this->data); return $this->sendMessage($msg,strstr($chan,"#") ? $chan : $this->getUser($this->data)); } private function getChan($param){ $data = explode("PRIVMSG ",$this->data,3); $data = explode(" ",$data[1],2); return $data[0]; } private function getUser($param) { $arrData = explode("!",$param,2); return str_replace(":","",$arrData[0]); } private function connect($try) { if($try > $this->max_retry){ $this->log("Failed too many connection attempts, aborting"); return die(); } $this->log("Trying to connect to ".$this->server.":".$this->port.($this->ssl?" (SSL)":"")); if($this->socket['irc']) { fclose($this->socket['irc']); } if($this->ssl) { $server = 'ssl://'.$this->server; } else { $server = $this->server; } $this->socket['irc'] = fsockopen($server, $this->port); if(!is_resource($this->socket['irc'])) { return $this->connect($try+1); } else { stream_set_blocking($this->socket['irc'], false); return true; } } private function doAuth() { if( $this->irc_raw("USER ".$this->nick." 0 ".$this->nick." :".$this->nick) && $this->irc_raw("NICK ".$this->nick) ) { return true; } return false; } private function sendMessage($message,$chan) { if( $this->debug ) { $this->log("Sending 'PRIVMSG ".trim($chan)." :".trim($message)."'"); } return $this->irc_raw("PRIVMSG ".trim($chan)." :".trim($message)); } private function log($msg) { echo "[".date("r")."] ".trim($msg)."\n"; return true; } private function chkdb() { if( !is_resource($this->sql) ) { if( ($this->sql = mysql_connect($this->config['db_host'],$this->config['db_user'],$this->config['db_pass'])) != false && mysql_select_db($this->config['db_name'])) { return true; } else { $this->log("Cannot connect to MySQL"); return die(); } } else { return true; } } private function isAuthd() { if( $this->user['expire'] >= time() ) { $this->user['expire'] = time()+($this->config['irc_authtime']*3600); return true; } else { return false; } } private function get_user() { return $this->authd[$this->getUser($this->data)]; } private function irc_raw($params) { return fputs($this->socket['irc'],$params."\r\n"); } private function _auth($params) { $params = explode(" ",$params,2); if( strlen($params[0]) == 64 ) { if( $this->tokens[$this->getUser($this->data)] == $params[0] ) { $this->user['expire'] = time()+($this->config['irc_authtime']*3600); $tmp = dbFetchRow("SELECT level FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", array($this->user['id'])); $this->user['level'] = $tmp['level']; if( $this->user['level'] < 5 ) { foreach( dbFetchRows("SELECT device_id FROM devices_perms WHERE user_id = ?", array($this->user['id'])) as $tmp ) { $this->user['devices'][] = $tmp['device_id']; } foreach( dbFetchRows("SELECT port_id FROM ports_perms WHERE user_id = ?", array($this->user['id'])) as $tmp ) { $this->user['ports'][] = $tmp['port_id']; } } return $this->respond("Authenticated."); } else { return $this->respond("Nope."); } } else { $user = dbFetchRow("SELECT `user_id`,`username`,`email` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ?", array(mres($params[0]))); if($user['email'] && $user['username'] == $params[0]) { $token = hash("gost",openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(1024)); $this->tokens[$this->getUser($this->data)] = $token; $this->user['name'] = $params[0]; $this->user['id'] = $user['user_id']; if( $this->debug ) { $this->log("Auth for '".$params[0]."', ID: '".$user['user_id']."', Token: '".$token."', Mail: '".$user['email']."'"); } if(send_mail($user['email'], "LibreNMS IRC-Bot Authtoken", "Your Authtoken for the IRC-Bot:\r\n\r\n".$token."\r\n\r\n") === true) { return $this->respond("Token sent!"); } else { return $this->respond("Sorry, seems like mail doesnt like us."); } } else { return $this->respond("Who are you again?"); } } return false; } private function _reload() { if( $this->user['level'] == 10 ) { global $config; include("includes/defaults.inc.php"); include("config.php"); $this->respond("Reloading configuration & defaults"); if( $config != $this->config ) { return $this->__construct(); } } else { return $this->respond("Permission denied."); } } private function _join($params) { if( $this->user['level'] == 10 ) { return $this->joinChan($params); } else { return $this->respond("Permission denied."); } } private function _quit($params) { if( $this->user['level'] == 10 ) { return die(); } else { return $this->respond("Permission denied."); } } private function _help($params) { foreach($this->commands as $cmd) { $msg .= ", ".$cmd; } $msg = substr($msg,2); return $this->respond("Available commands: $msg"); } private function _version($params) { return $this->respond($this->config['project_name_version'].", PHP: ".PHP_VERSION); } private function _log($params) { $num = 1; if( $params > 1 ) { $num = $params; } if( $this->user['level'] < 5 ) { $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `event_id`,`host`,`datetime`,`message`,`type` FROM `eventlog` WHERE `host` IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).") ORDER BY `event_id` DESC LIMIT ".mres($num)); } else $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `event_id`,`host`,`datetime`,`message`,`type` FROM `eventlog` ORDER BY `event_id` DESC LIMIT ".mres($num)); foreach( $tmp as $device) { $hostid = dbFetchRow("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ".$device['host']); $this->respond($device['event_id'] ." ". $hostid['hostname'] ." ". $device['datetime'] ." ". $device['message'] ." ". $device['type']); } if(!$hostid) { $this->respond("Nothing to see, maybe a bug?"); } return true; } private function _down($params) { if( $this->user['level'] < 5 ) { $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE status=0 AND `device_id` IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).")"); } else { $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE status=0"); } foreach( $tmp as $db ) { if($db['hostname']) { $msg .= ", ".$db['hostname']; } } $msg = substr($msg,2); $msg = $msg ? $msg : "Nothing to show :)"; return $this->respond($msg); } private function _device($params) { $params = explode(" ",$params); $hostname = $params[0]; $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ?",array($hostname)); if(!$device) { return $this->respond("Error: Bad or Missing hostname, use .listdevices to show all devices."); } if($this->user['level'] < 5 && !in_array($device['device_id'],$this->user['devices'])) { return $this->respond("Error: Permission denied."); } $status = $device['status'] ? "Up ".formatUptime($device['uptime']) : "Down"; $status .= $device['ignore'] ? "*Ignored*" : ""; $status .= $device['disabled'] ? "*Disabled*" : ""; return $this->respond($device['os']." ".$device['version']." ".$device['features']." ".$status); } private function _port($params) { $params = explode(" ",$params); $hostname = $params[0]; $ifname = $params[1]; if( !$hostname || !$ifname ) { return $this->respond("Error: Missing hostname or ifname."); } $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ?",array($hostname)); $port = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ifName` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ? AND device_id = ?", array($ifname, $ifname, $device['device_id'])); if($this->user['level'] < 5 && !in_array($port['port_id'],$this->user['ports']) && !in_array($device['device_id'],$this->user['devices'])) { return $this->respond("Error: Permission denied."); } $bps_in = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate']); $bps_out = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate']); $pps_in = format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']); $pps_out = format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']); return $this->respond($port['ifAdminStatus']."/".$port['ifOperStatus']." ".$bps_in. " > bps > ".$bps_out." | ".$pps_in."pps > PPS > ".$pps_out."pps"); } private function _listdevices($params) { if( $this->user['level'] < 5 ) { $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).")"); } else { $tmp = dbFetchRows("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices`"); } foreach( $tmp as $device ) { $msg .= ", ".$device['hostname']; } $msg = substr($msg,2); $msg = $msg ? $msg : "Nothing to show..?"; return $this->respond($msg); } private function _status($params) { $params = explode(" ",$params); $statustype = $params[0]; if( $this->user['level'] < 5 ) { $d_w = " WHERE device_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).")"; $d_a = " AND device_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).")"; $p_w = " WHERE port_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['ports']).") OR device_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices']).")"; $p_a = " AND (I.port_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['ports']).") OR I.device_id IN (".implode(",",$this->user['devices'])."))"; } switch($statustype) { case "devices": case "device": case "dev": $devcount = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM devices".$d_w)); $devup = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM devices WHERE status = '1' AND `ignore` = '0'".$d_a)); $devdown = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM devices WHERE status = '0' AND `ignore` = '0'".$d_a)); $devign = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM devices WHERE `ignore` = '1'".$d_a)); $devdis = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM devices WHERE `disabled` = '1'".$d_a)); $msg = "Devices: " .$devcount . " (" .$devup . " up, " .$devdown . " down, " .$devign . " ignored, " .$devdis . " disabled" . ")"; break; case "ports": case "port": case "prt": $prtcount = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports".$p_w)); $prtup = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE I.ifOperStatus = 'up' AND I.ignore = '0' AND I.device_id = D.device_id AND D.ignore = '0'".$p_a)); $prtdown = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE I.ifOperStatus = 'down' AND I.ifAdminStatus = 'up' AND I.ignore = '0' AND D.device_id = I.device_id AND D.ignore = '0'".$p_a)); $prtsht = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE I.ifAdminStatus = 'down' AND I.ignore = '0' AND D.device_id = I.device_id AND D.ignore = '0'".$p_a)); $prtign = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE D.device_id = I.device_id AND (I.ignore = '1' OR D.ignore = '1')".$p_a)); $prterr = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE D.device_id = I.device_id AND (I.ignore = '0' OR D.ignore = '0') AND (I.ifInErrors_delta > '0' OR I.ifOutErrors_delta > '0')".$p_a)); $msg = "Ports: " .$prtcount . " (" .$prtup . " up, " .$prtdown . " down, " .$prtign . " ignored, " .$prtsht . " shutdown" . ")"; break; case "services": case "service": case "srv": $srvcount = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(service_id) FROM services".$d_w)); $srvup = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(service_id) FROM services WHERE service_status = '1' AND service_ignore ='0'".$d_a)); $srvdown = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(service_id) FROM services WHERE service_status = '0' AND service_ignore = '0'".$d_a)); $srvign = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(service_id) FROM services WHERE service_ignore = '1'".$d_a)); $srvdis = array_pop(dbFetchRow("SELECT count(service_id) FROM services WHERE service_disabled = '1'".$d_a)); $msg = "Services: " .$srvcount . " (" .$srvup . " up, " .$srvdown . " down, " .$srvign . " ignored, " .$srvdis . " disabled" . ")"; break; default: $msg = "Error: STATUS requires one of the following: ||"; break; } return $this->respond($msg); } } $irc = new ircbot(); ?>