#!/usr/bin/env php false, 'c' => false, 'passthru' => false, 'commands' => false, ); $passthru = check_opt($options, 'p', 'passthru'); $command_only = check_opt($options, 'c', 'commands'); $commands = array_diff_assoc($options, $parameters); $all = empty($commands); $ret = 0; // run tests if (($all || check_opt($commands, 'l', 'lint')) && !getenv('SKIP_LINT_CHECK')) { $ret += check_lint($passthru, $command_only); } if (($all || check_opt($commands, 's', 'style')) && !getenv('SKIP_STYLE_CHECK')) { $ret += check_style($passthru, $command_only); } if (($all || check_opt($commands, 'u', 'unit')) && !getenv('SKIP_UNIT_CHECK')) { $ret += check_unit($passthru, $command_only); } // output Tests ok, if no arguments passed if ($all && $ret === 0) { echo "\033[32mTests ok, submit away :)\033[0m \n"; } exit($ret); //return the combined/single return value of tests /** * Runs php -l and tests for any syntax errors * * @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in * @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks * @return int the return value from running php -l (0 = success) */ function check_lint($passthru = false, $command_only = false) { $parallel_lint_bin = check_exec('parallel-lint'); // matches a substring of the relative path, leading / is treated as absolute path $lint_excludes = array('vendor/'); if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '<')) { $lint_excludes[] = 'lib/influxdb-php/'; } $lint_exclude = build_excludes('--exclude ', $lint_excludes); $lint_cmd = "$parallel_lint_bin $lint_exclude ./"; if ($command_only) { echo $lint_cmd . PHP_EOL; return 250; } echo 'Running lint check... '; if ($passthru) { echo PHP_EOL; passthru($lint_cmd, $lint_ret); } else { exec($lint_cmd, $lint_output, $lint_ret); if ($lint_ret > 0) { print(implode(PHP_EOL, $lint_output) . PHP_EOL); } else { echo "success\n"; } } return $lint_ret; } /** * Runs phpcs --standard=PSR2 against the code base * * @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in * @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks * @return int the return value from phpcs (0 = success) */ function check_style($passthru = false, $command_only = false) { $phpcs_bin = check_exec('phpcs'); // matches a substring of the full path $cs_excludes = array( '/vendor/', '/lib/', '/html/plugins/', '/config.php', ); $cs_exclude = build_excludes('--ignore=', $cs_excludes); $cs_cmd = "$phpcs_bin -n -p --colors --extensions=php --standard=PSR2 $cs_exclude ./"; if ($command_only) { echo $cs_cmd . PHP_EOL; return 250; } echo 'Running style check... '; if ($passthru) { echo PHP_EOL; passthru($cs_cmd, $cs_ret); } else { exec($cs_cmd, $cs_output, $cs_ret); if ($cs_ret > 0) { echo "failed\n"; print(implode(PHP_EOL, $cs_output) . PHP_EOL); } else { echo "success\n"; } } return $cs_ret; } /** * Runs phpunit * * @param bool $passthru display the output as comes in * @param bool $command_only only display the intended command, no checks * @return int the return value from phpunit (0 = success) */ function check_unit($passthru = false, $command_only = false) { $phpunit_bin = check_exec('phpunit'); $phpunit_cmd = "$phpunit_bin --colors=always"; if ($command_only) { echo $phpunit_cmd . PHP_EOL; return 250; } echo 'Running unit tests... '; if ($passthru) { echo PHP_EOL; passthru($phpunit_cmd, $phpunit_ret); } else { exec($phpunit_cmd, $phpunit_output, $phpunit_ret); if ($phpunit_ret > 0) { echo "failed\n"; print(implode(PHP_EOL, $phpunit_output) . PHP_EOL); } else { echo "success\n"; } } return $phpunit_ret; } /** * Check if the given options array contains any of the $opts specified * * @param array $options the array from getopt() * @param string $opts,... options to check for * @return bool If one of the specified options is set */ function check_opt($options) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $intersect = array_intersect(array_keys($options), $args); return !empty($intersect); } /** * Build a list of exclude arguments from an array * * @param string $exclude_string such as "--exclude" * @param array $excludes array of directories to exclude * @return string resulting string */ function build_excludes($exclude_string, $excludes) { $result = ''; foreach ($excludes as $exclude) { $result .= $exclude_string . $exclude . ' '; } return $result; } /** * Find an executable * * @param string|array $execs executable names to find * @return string the path to the executable, or '' if it is not found * @throws Exception Could not find the Executable */ function find_exec($execs) { foreach ((array)$execs as $exec) { // check vendor bin first $vendor_bin_dir = './vendor/bin/'; if (is_executable($vendor_bin_dir . $exec)) { return $vendor_bin_dir . $exec; } // check path $path_exec = shell_exec("which $exec 2> /dev/null"); if (!empty($path_exec)) { return trim($path_exec); } // check the cwd if (is_executable('./' . $exec)) { return './' . $exec; } } throw new Exception('Executable not found'); } /** * Check for an executable and return the path to it * If it does not exist, run composer update. * If composer isn't installed, print error and exit. * * @param string $exec the name of the executable to check * @return string path to the executable */ function check_exec($exec) { try { return find_exec($exec); } catch (Exception $e) { try { $composer_bin = find_exec(array('composer', 'composer.phar')); shell_exec("$composer_bin update"); return find_exec($exec); } catch (Exception $ce) { echo "\nCould not find $exec. Please install composer.\nYou can find more info at http://docs.librenms.org/Developing/Validating-Code/\n"; exit(1); } } }