#!/usr/bin/env php * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Alerts Cronjob * @author f0o * @copyright 2014 f0o, LibreNMS * @license GPL * @package LibreNMS * @subpackage Alerts */ include("includes/defaults.inc.php"); include("config.php"); include("includes/definitions.inc.php"); include("includes/functions.php"); RunAlerts(); /** * Run all alerts * @return void */ function RunAlerts() { global $config; $default_tpl = "%title\r\nSeverity: %severity\r\n{if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed\r\n{/if}Timestamp: %timestamp\r\nUnique-ID: %uid\r\nRule: %rule\r\n{if %faults}Faults:\r\n{foreach %faults} #%key: %value\r\n{/foreach}{/if}Alert sent to: {foreach %contacts}%value <%key> {/foreach}"; //FIXME: Put somewhere else? foreach( dbFetchRows("SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state != 2 && alerts.open = 1") as $alert ) { $alert = dbFetchRow("SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1",array($alert['device_id'],$alert['rule_id'])); $alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']),true); $noiss = false; $noacc = false; $updet = false; $rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'],true); $chk = dbFetchRow('SELECT alerted FROM alerts WHERE device_id = ? && rule_id = ?',array($alert['device_id'],$alert['rule_id'])); if( $chk['alerted'] == $alert['state'] ) { $noiss = true; } if( !empty($rextra['delay']) ) { if( (time()-strtotime($alert['time_logged'])) < $rextra['delay'] || (!empty($alert['details']['delay']) && (time()-$alert['details']['delay']) < $rextra['delay']) ) { continue; } else { $alert['details']['delay'] = time(); $updet = true; } } if( $alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count']) ) { if( $alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count'] ) { $noacc = true; } $updet = true; $noiss = false; } if( $updet ) { dbUpdate(array('details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']),9)),'alert_log','id = ?',array($alert['id'])); } if( !empty($rextra['muted']) ) { echo "Muted Alert-UID #".$alert['id']."\r\n"; $noiss = true; } if( !$noiss ) { $obj = DescribeAlert($alert); if( is_array($obj) ) { $tpl = dbFetchRow('SELECT template FROM alert_templates WHERE rule_id LIKE "%,'.$alert['rule_id'].',%"'); if( isset($tpl['template']) ) { $tpl = $tpl['template']; } else { $tpl = $default_tpl; } echo "Issuing Alert-UID #".$alert['id'].": "; $msg = FormatAlertTpl($tpl,$obj); $obj['msg'] = $msg; if( !empty($config['alert']['transports']) ) { ExtTransports($obj); } echo "\r\n"; dbUpdate(array('alerted' => $alert['state']),'alerts','rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'])); } } if( !$noacc ) { dbUpdate(array('open' => 0),'alerts','rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'])); } } } /** * Run external transports * @param array $obj Alert-Array * @return void */ function ExtTransports($obj) { global $config; $tmp = false; //To keep scrutinizer from naging because it doesnt understand eval foreach( $config['alert']['transports'] as $transport=>$opts ) { if( file_exists($config['install_dir']."/includes/alerts/transport.".$transport.".php") ) { echo $transport." => "; eval('$tmp = function($obj,$opts) { global $config; '.file_get_contents($config['install_dir']."/includes/alerts/transport.".$transport.".php").' };'); $tmp = $tmp($obj,$opts); echo ($tmp ? "OK" : "ERROR")."; "; } } } /** * Format Alert * @param string $tpl Template * @param array $obj Alert-Array * @return string */ function FormatAlertTpl($tpl,$obj) { $tpl = addslashes($tpl); /** * {if ..}..{else}..{/if} */ preg_match_all('/\\{if (.+)\\}(.+)\\{\\/if\\}/Uims',$tpl,$m); foreach( $m[1] as $k=>$if ) { $if = preg_replace('/%(\w+)/i','\$obj["$1"]', $if); $ret = ""; $cond = "if( $if ) {\r\n".'$ret = "'.str_replace("{else}",'";'."\r\n} else {\r\n".'$ret = "',$m[2][$k]).'";'."\r\n}\r\n"; eval($cond); //FIXME: Eval is Evil $tpl = str_replace($m[0][$k],$ret,$tpl); } /** * {foreach %var}..{/foreach} */ preg_match_all('/\\{foreach (.+)\\}(.+)\\{\\/foreach\\}/Uims',$tpl,$m); foreach( $m[1] as $k=>$for ) { $for = preg_replace('/%(\w+)/i','\$obj["$1"]', $for); $ret = ""; $loop = 'foreach( '.$for.' as $key=>$value ) { $ret .= "'.str_replace(array("%key","%value"),array('$key','$value'),$m[2][$k]).'"; }'; eval($loop); //FIXME: Eval is Evil $tpl = str_replace($m[0][$k],$ret,$tpl); } /** * Populate variables with data */ foreach( $obj as $k=>$v ) { $tpl = str_replace("%".$k, $v, $tpl); } return $tpl; } /** * Describe Alert * @param array $alert Alert-Result from DB * @return array */ function DescribeAlert($alert) { $obj = array(); $i = 0; $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT hostname FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?",array($alert['device_id'])); $obj['hostname'] = $device['hostname']; $extra = $alert['details']; if( $alert['state'] == 1 ) { $obj['title'] = 'Alert for device '.$device['hostname'].' Alert-ID #'.$alert['id']; foreach( $extra['rule'] as $incident ) { $i++; foreach( $incident as $k=>$v ) { if( !empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k,'id') || stristr($k,'desc')) && substr_count($k,'_') <= 1 ) { $obj['faults'][$i] .= $k.' => '.$v."; "; } } } } elseif( $alert['state'] == 0 ) { $id = dbFetchRow("SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.time_logged,alert_log.details FROM alert_log WHERE alert_log.state = 1 && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.id < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", array($alert['rule_id'],$alert['device_id'],$alert['id'])); if( empty($id['id']) ) { return false; } $extra = json_decode(gzuncompress($id['details']),true); $obj['title'] = 'Device '.$device['hostname'].' recovered from Alert-ID #'.$id['id']; $obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(strtotime($alert['time_logged'])-strtotime($id['time_logged'])); $obj['id'] = $id['id']; $obj['faults'] = false; } else { return "Unknown State"; } $obj['uid'] = $alert['id']; $obj['severity'] = $alert['severity']; $obj['rule'] = $alert['rule']; $obj['timestamp'] = $alert['time_logged']; $obj['contacts'] = $extra['contacts']; $obj['state'] = $alert['state']; return $obj; } /** * Format Elapsed Time * @param int $secs Seconds elapsed * @return string */ function TimeFormat($secs){ $bit = array( 'y' => $secs / 31556926 % 12, 'w' => $secs / 604800 % 52, 'd' => $secs / 86400 % 7, 'h' => $secs / 3600 % 24, 'm' => $secs / 60 % 60, 's' => $secs % 60 ); $ret = array(); foreach($bit as $k => $v){ if($v > 0) { $ret[] = $v . $k; } } if( empty($ret) ) { return "none"; } return join(' ', $ret); } ?>