# This file prints a table row for each interface
$interface['device_id'] = $device['device_id'];
$interface['hostname'] = $device['hostname'];
$if_id = $interface['interface_id'];
$interface = ifLabel($interface);
if (!is_integer($i/2)) { $row_colour = $list_colour_a; } else { $row_colour = $list_colour_b; }
$port_adsl_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ports_adsl` WHERE `interface_id` = '".$interface['interface_id']."'");
$port_adsl = mysql_fetch_assoc($port_adsl_query);
if ($interface['ifInErrors_delta'] > 0 || $interface['ifOutErrors_delta'] > 0)
$error_img = generate_port_link($interface, "
", "port_errors");
} else { $error_img = ""; }
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM mac_accounting WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."'"),0))
$mac = "
} else { $mac = ""; }
" . generate_port_link($interface, $interface['ifIndex'] . ". ".$interface['label']) . " $error_img $mac
if ($interface['ifAlias']) { echo(" "); }
unset ($break);
if ($port_details)
$ipdata = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `interface_id` = '" . $interface['interface_id'] . "'");
while ($ip = mysql_fetch_Array($ipdata)) {
echo("$break $ip[ipv4_address]/$ip[ipv4_prefixlen]");
$break = " ";
$ip6data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `interface_id` = '" . $interface['interface_id'] . "'");
while ($ip6 = mysql_fetch_Array($ip6data)) {
echo("$break ".Net_IPv6::compress($ip6['ipv6_address'])."/".$ip6['ipv6_prefixlen']."");
$break = " ";
echo(" | ");
if ($port_details)
$interface['graph_type'] = "port_bits";
echo(generate_port_link($interface, " "));
$interface['graph_type'] = "port_upkts";
echo(generate_port_link($interface, " "));
$interface['graph_type'] = "port_errors";
echo(generate_port_link($interface, " "));
echo(" | ");
if ($interface['ifOperStatus'] == "up")
$interface['in_rate'] = $interface['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8;
$interface['out_rate'] = $interface['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8;
$in_perc = @round($interface['in_rate']/$interface['ifSpeed']*100);
$out_perc = @round($interface['in_rate']/$interface['ifSpeed']*100);
echo(" ".formatRates($interface['in_rate'])."
".formatRates($interface['out_rate']) . "
echo(" | ");
if ($interface['ifSpeed']) { echo("".humanspeed($interface['ifSpeed']).""); }
echo(" ");
if ($interface[ifDuplex] != "unknown") { echo("" . $interface['ifDuplex'] . ""); } else { echo("-"); }
if ($device['os'] == "ios" || $device['os'] == "iosxe")
if ($interface['ifTrunk']) {
echo("" . $interface['ifTrunk'] . "");
} elseif ($interface['ifVlan']) {
echo("VLAN " . $interface['ifVlan'] . "");
} elseif ($interface['ifVrf']) {
$vrf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vrfs WHERE vrf_id = '".$interface['ifVrf']."'"));
echo("" . $vrf['vrf_name'] . "");
if ($port_adsl['adslLineCoding'])
echo(" | ");
echo(" ");
echo("Sync:".formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . "/". formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']));
echo(" ");
echo("Max:".formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']) . "/". formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']));
echo(" | ");
echo("Atten:".$port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . "dB/". $port_adsl['adslAturCurrAtn'] . "dB");
echo(" ");
echo("SNR:".$port_adsl['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . "dB/". $port_adsl['adslAturCurrSnrMgn']. "dB");
} else {
echo(" | ");
if ($interface['ifType'] && $interface['ifType'] != "") { echo("" . fixiftype($interface['ifType']) . ""); } else { echo("-"); }
echo(" ");
if ($ifHardType && $ifHardType != "") { echo("" . $ifHardType . ""); } else { echo("-"); }
echo(" | ");
if ($interface['ifPhysAddress'] && $interface['ifPhysAddress'] != "") { echo("" . $interface['ifPhysAddress'] . ""); } else { echo("-"); }
echo(" ");
if ($interface['ifMtu'] && $interface['ifMtu'] != "") { echo("MTU " . $interface['ifMtu'] . ""); } else { echo("-"); }
echo(" | ");
if (strpos($interface['label'], "oopback") === false && !$graph_type)
$link_query = mysql_query("select * from links AS L, ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE L.local_interface_id = '$if_id' AND L.remote_interface_id = I.interface_id AND I.device_id = D.device_id");
while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($link_query))
# echo(" " . generate_port_link($link, makeshortif($link['label'])) . " on " . generate_device_link($link, shorthost($link['hostname'])) . " ");
# $br = " ";
$int_links[$link['interface_id']] = $link['interface_id'];
$int_links_phys[$link['interface_id']] = 1;
if ($port_details)
{ ## Show which other devices are on the same subnet as this interface
$sql = "SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `interface_id` = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND `ipv4_address` NOT LIKE '127.%'";
$nets_query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($net = mysql_fetch_array($nets_query))
$ipv4_network_id = $net['ipv4_network_id'];
$sql = "SELECT I.interface_id FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I, devices AS D
WHERE A.interface_id = I.interface_id
AND A.ipv4_network_id = '".$net['ipv4_network_id']."' AND D.device_id = I.device_id
AND D.device_id != '".$device['device_id']."'";
$new_query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($new = mysql_fetch_array($new_query))
$this_ifid = $new['interface_id'];
$this_hostid = $new['device_id'];
$this_hostname = $new['hostname'];
$this_ifname = fixifName($new['label']);
$int_links[$this_ifid] = $this_ifid;
$int_links_v4[$this_ifid] = 1;
$sql = "SELECT ipv6_network_id FROM ipv6_addresses WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."'";
$nets_query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($net = mysql_fetch_array($nets_query))
$ipv6_network_id = $net['ipv6_network_id'];
$sql = "SELECT I.interface_id FROM ipv6_addresses AS A, ports AS I, devices AS D
WHERE A.interface_id = I.interface_id
AND A.ipv6_network_id = '".$net['ipv6_network_id']."' AND D.device_id = I.device_id
AND D.device_id != '".$device['device_id']."' AND A.ipv6_origin != 'linklayer' AND A.ipv6_origin != 'wellknown'";
$new_query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($new = mysql_fetch_array($new_query))
$this_ifid = $new['interface_id'];
$this_hostid = $new['device_id'];
$this_hostname = $new['hostname'];
$this_ifname = fixifName($new['label']);
$int_links[$this_ifid] = $this_ifid;
$int_links_v6[$this_ifid] = 1;
foreach ($int_links as $int_link)
$link_if = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE I.device_id = D.device_id and I.interface_id = '".$int_link."'"));
if ($int_links_phys[$int_link]) { echo(" "); } else {
echo(" "); }
echo("" . generate_port_link($link_if, makeshortif($link_if['label'])) . " on " . generate_device_link($link_if, shorthost($link_if['hostname'])) );
if ($int_links_v6[$int_link]) { echo(" v6"); }
if ($int_links_v4[$int_link]) { echo(" v4"); }
$br = " ";
# unset($int_links, $int_links_v6, $int_links_v4, $int_links_phys, $br);
$pseudowires = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `interface_id` = '" . $interface['interface_id'] . "'");
while ($pseudowire = mysql_fetch_array($pseudowires))
$pw_peer_dev = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '" . $pseudowire['peer_device_id'] . "'"));
$pw_peer_int = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from `ports` AS I, pseudowires AS P WHERE I.device_id = '".$pseudowire['peer_device_id']."' AND
P.cpwVcID = '".$pseudowire['cpwVcID']."' AND
P.interface_id = I.interface_id"));
$pw_peer_int = ifNameDescr($pw_peer_int);
echo("$br " . generate_port_link($pw_peer_int, makeshortif($pw_peer_int['label'])) ." on ". generate_device_link($pw_peer_dev, shorthost($pw_peer_dev['hostname'])) . "");
$br = " ";
$members = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `pagpGroupIfIndex` = '".$interface['ifIndex']."' and `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."'");
while ($member = mysql_fetch_array($members))
echo("$br " . generate_port_link($member) . " (PAgP)");
$br = " ";
if ($interface['pagpGroupIfIndex'] && $interface['pagpGroupIfIndex'] != $interface['ifIndex'])
$parent = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ifIndex` = '".$interface['pagpGroupIfIndex']."' and `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."'"));
echo("$br " . generate_port_link($parent) . " (PAgP)");
$br = " ";
unset($int_links, $int_links_v6, $int_links_v4, $int_links_phys, $br);
echo(" |
// If we're showing graphs, generate the graph and print the img tags
if ($graph_type == "etherlike")
$graph_file = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/port-". safename($interface['ifIndex']) . "-dot3.rrd";
} else {
$graph_file = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/port-". safename($interface['ifIndex']) . ".rrd";
if ($graph_type && is_file($graph_file))
$type = $graph_type;
$daily_traffic = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$day&to=$now&width=210&height=100";
$daily_url = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$day&to=$now&width=500&height=150";
$weekly_traffic = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$week&to=$now&width=210&height=100";
$weekly_url = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$week&to=$now&width=500&height=150";
$monthly_traffic = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$month&to=$now&width=210&height=100";
$monthly_url = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$month&to=$now&width=500&height=150";
$yearly_traffic = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$year&to=$now&width=210&height=100";
$yearly_url = "graph.php?id=$if_id&type=" . $graph_type . "&from=$year&to=$now&width=500&height=150";