$pw) { list($cpw_remote_id) = explode(':', $pw['cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID']); $cpw_remote_device = dbFetchCell('SELECT device_id from ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address=? AND A.port_id=I.port_id', array($cpw_remote_id)); $if_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT port_id from ports WHERE `ifDescr`=? AND `device_id`=?', array($pw['cpwVcName'], $device['device_id'])); if (!empty($device['pws_db'][$pw['cpwVcID']])) { $pseudowire_id = $device['pws_db'][$pw['cpwVcID']]; echo '.'; } else { $pseudowire_id = dbInsert( array( 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'port_id' => $if_id, 'peer_device_id' => $cpw_remote_device, 'peer_ldp_id' => $cpw_remote_id, 'cpwVcID' => $pw['cpwVcID'], 'cpwOid' => $pw_id, 'pw_type' => $pw['cpwVcType'], 'pw_descr' => $pw['cpwVcDescr'], 'pw_psntype' => $pw['cpwVcPsnType'], ), 'pseudowires' ); echo '+'; } $device['pws'][$pw['cpwVcID']] = $pseudowire_id; }//end foreach // Cycle the list of pseudowires we cached earlier and make sure we saw them again. foreach ($device['pws_db'] as $pw_id => $pseudowire_id) { if (empty($device['pws'][$pw_id])) { dbDelete('vlans', '`pseudowire_id` = ?', array($pseudowire_id)); } } echo "\n"; } //end if