"0") { if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(storage_id) FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = '$index' AND `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `storage_mib` = '$mib'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO storage (`device_id`, `storage_descr`, `storage_index`, `storage_mib`, `storage_type`, `storage_units`,`storage_size`,`storage_used`) values ('".$device['device_id']."', '$descr', '$index', '$mib','$type', '$units', '$size', '$used')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; mysql_error(); } echo("+"); } else { echo("."); $query = "UPDATE `storage` SET `storage_descr` = '".$descr."', `storage_type` = '".$type."', `storage_units` = '".$units."', `storage_size` = '".$size."' WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `storage_index` = '".$index."' AND `storage_mib` = '".$mib."'"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; } } $valid[$mib][$index] = 1; } } function discover_processor(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = "1", $current = NULL, $entPhysicalIndex = NULL, $hrDeviceIndex = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $current, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex\n"); } if($descr) { $descr = str_replace("\"", "", $descr); if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(processor_id) FROM `processors` WHERE `processor_index` = '$index' AND `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `processor_type` = '$type'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO processors (`entPhysicalIndex`, `hrDeviceIndex`, `device_id`, `processor_descr`, `processor_index`, `processor_oid`, `processor_usage`, `processor_type`, `processor_precision`) values ('$entPhysicalIndex', '$hrDeviceIndex', '".$device['device_id']."', '$descr', '$index', '$oid', '$current', '$type','$precision')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; } echo("+"); } else { echo("."); $query = "UPDATE `processors` SET `processor_descr` = '".$descr."', `processor_oid` = '".$oid."', `processor_precision` = '".$precision."' WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `processor_index` = '".$index."' AND `processor_type` = '".$type."'"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; } } function discover_mempool(&$valid, $device, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = "1", $entPhysicalIndex = NULL, $hrDeviceIndex = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $current, $entPhysicalIndex, $hrDeviceIndex\n"); } if($descr) { if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(mempool_id) FROM `mempools` WHERE `mempool_index` = '$index' AND `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `mempool_type` = '$type'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO mempools (`entPhysicalIndex`, `hrDeviceIndex`, `device_id`, `mempool_descr`, `mempool_index`, `mempool_type`, `mempool_precision`) values ('$entPhysicalIndex', '$hrDeviceIndex', '".$device['device_id']."', '$descr', '$index', '$type','$precision')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; } echo("+"); } else { echo("."); # entry = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query()); $query = "UPDATE `mempools` SET `mempool_descr` = '".$descr."', `entPhysicalIndex` = '".$entPhysicalIndex."'"; $query .= ", `hrDeviceIndex` = '$hrDeviceIndex' "; $query .= "WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `mempool_index` = '".$index."' AND `mempool_type` = '".$type."'"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { print $query . "\n"; } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; } } function discover_temperature(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $current\n"); } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='temperature' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND sensor_index = '$index' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO sensors (`sensor_class`, `device_id`, `sensor_type`,`sensor_index`,`sensor_oid`, `sensor_descr`, `sensor_limit`, `sensor_current`, `sensor_precision`)"; $query .= " values ('temperature','".$device['device_id']."', '$type','$index','$oid', '$descr','" . ($high_limit ? $high_limit : $config['defaults']['sensor_limit']) . "', '$current', '$precision')"; mysql_query($query); echo("+"); } else { $entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='temperature' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND `sensor_type` = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'")); echo(mysql_error()); if($oid == $entry['sensor_oid'] && $descr == $entry['sensor_descr'] && $precision == $entry['sensor_precision']) { echo("."); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE sensors SET `sensor_descr` = '$descr', `sensor_oid` = '$oid', `sensor_precision` = '$precision' WHERE `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND`sensor_id` = '".$entry['sensor_id']."'"); echo("U"); } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } function discover_fan(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision\n"); } if(!$low_limit) { $low_limit = $config['limit']['fan']; } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='fanspeed' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO sensors (`sensor_class`, `device_id`, `sensor_oid`, `sensor_index`, `sensor_type`, `sensor_descr`, `sensor_precision`, `sensor_limit`, `sensor_current`) "; $query .= " VALUES ('fanspeed','".$device['device_id']."', '$oid', '$index', '$type', '$descr', '$precision', '$low_limit', '$current')"; mysql_query($query); echo("+"); } else { $fan_entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='fanspeed' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'")); if($oid == $fan_entry['sensor_oid'] && $descr == $fan_entry['sensor_descr'] && $precision == $fan_entry['sensor_precision']) { echo("."); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE sensors SET `sensor_descr` = '$descr', `sensor_oid` = '$oid', `sensor_precision` = '$precision' WHERE `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index' "); echo("U"); } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } function discover_volt(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision\n"); } if(!$low_limit) { $low_limit = $config['limit']['volt']; } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='voltage' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'"),0) == '0') { if(!$high_limit && isset($current)) { $high_limit = round($current * 1.05, 2); } if(!$low_limit && isset($current)) { $low_limit = round($current * 0.95, 2); } $query = "INSERT INTO sensors (`sensor_class`, `device_id`, `sensor_oid`, `sensor_index`, `sensor_type`, `sensor_descr`, `sensor_precision`, `sensor_limit`, `sensor_limit_low`, `sensor_current`) "; $query .= " VALUES ('voltage','".$device['device_id']."', '$oid', '$index', '$type', '$descr', '$precision', '$high_limit', '$low_limit', '$current')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { echo("$query ". mysql_affected_rows() . " inserted"); } echo("+"); } else { $volt_entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='voltage' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'")); if(!isset($current) && isset($volt_entry['current'])) { $current = $volt_entry['current']; } if(!$high_limit && !$volt_entry['sensor_limit'] && $current) { $high_limit = round($current * 1.05, 2); } elseif (!$high_limit && $volt_entry['sensor_limit']) { $high_limit = $volt_entry['sensor_limit']; } if(!$low_limit && !$volt_entry['sensor_limit_low'] && $current) { $low_limit = round($current * 0.95, 2); } elseif (!$low_limit && $volt_entry['sensor_limit_low']) { $low_limit = $volt_entry['sensor_limit_low']; } if($oid == $volt_entry['sensor_oid'] && $descr == $volt_entry['sensor_descr'] && $precision == $volt_entry['sensor_precision'] && $volt_entry['sensor_limit'] == $high_limit && $volt_entry['sensor_limit_low'] == $low_limit) { echo("."); } else { $sql = "UPDATE sensors SET `sensor_descr` = '$descr', `sensor_oid` = '$oid', `sensor_precision` = '$precision', `sensor_limit_low` = '$low_limit', `sensor_limit` = '$high_limit' WHERE `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); echo("U"); if($debug) { echo("$sql ". mysql_affected_rows() . " updated"); } } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } function discover_freq(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision\n"); } if(!$low_limit) { $low_limit = $config['limit']['freq']; } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(freq_id) FROM `frequency` WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND freq_type = '$type' AND `freq_index` = '$index'"),0) == '0') { if(!$high_limit && isset($current)) { $high_limit = round($current * 1.05, 0); } if(!$low_limit && isset($current)) { $low_limit = round($current * 0.95, 0); } $query = "INSERT INTO frequency (`device_id`, `freq_oid`, `freq_index`, `freq_type`, `freq_descr`, `freq_precision`, `freq_limit`, `freq_limit_low`, `freq_current`) "; $query .= " VALUES ('".$device['device_id']."', '$oid', '$index', '$type', '$descr', '$precision', '$high_limit', '$low_limit', '$current')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { echo("$query ". mysql_affected_rows() . " inserted"); } echo("+"); } else { $freq_entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `frequency` WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND freq_type = '$type' AND `freq_index` = '$index'")); if($oid == $freq_entry['freq_oid'] && $descr == $freq_entry['freq_descr'] && $precision == $freq_entry['freq_precision']) { echo("."); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE frequency SET `freq_descr` = '$descr', `freq_oid` = '$oid', `freq_precision` = '$precision' WHERE `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "' AND freq_type = '$type' AND `freq_index` = '$index' "); echo("U"); if($debug) { echo("$query ". mysql_affected_rows() . " updated"); } } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } function discover_humidity(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $low_warn_limit = NULL, $warn_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current = NULL) { return discover_sensor($valid, 'humidity', $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $low_limit, $low_warn_limit, $warn_limit, $high_limit, $current); } function discover_current(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision = 1, $low_limit = NULL, $warn_limit = NULL, $high_limit = NULL, $current = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision\n"); } if(!$low_limit) { $low_limit = $config['limit']['current']; } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='current' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO sensors (`sensor_class`, `device_id`, `sensor_oid`, `sensor_index`, `sensor_type`, `sensor_descr`, `sensor_precision`, `sensor_limit`, `sensor_limit_warn`, `sensor_limit_low`, `sensor_current`) "; $query .= " VALUES ('current', '".$device['device_id']."', '$oid', '$index', '$type', '$descr', '$precision', '$high_limit', '$warn_limit', '$low_limit', '$current')"; mysql_query($query); if($debug) { echo("$query ". mysql_affected_rows() . " inserted"); } echo("+"); } else { $current_entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE sensor_class='current' AND device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index'")); if($oid == $current_entry['sensor_oid'] && $descr == $current_entry['sensor_descr'] && $precision == $current_entry['sensor_precision']) { echo("."); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE current SET `sensor_descr` = '$descr', `sensor_oid` = '$oid', `sensor_precision` = '$precision' WHERE `sensor_class`='current' AND `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "' AND sensor_type = '$type' AND `sensor_index` = '$index' "); echo("U"); if($debug) { echo("$query ". mysql_affected_rows() . " updated"); } } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } function discover_toner(&$valid, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity = NULL, $current = NULL) { global $config, $debug; if($debug) { echo("$oid, $index, $type, $descr, $capacity\n"); } if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(toner_id) FROM `toner` WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND toner_type = '$type' AND `toner_index` = '$index'"),0) == '0') { $query = "INSERT INTO toner (`device_id`, `toner_oid`, `toner_index`, `toner_type`, `toner_descr`, `toner_capacity`, `toner_current`) "; $query .= " VALUES ('".$device['device_id']."', '$oid', '$index', '$type', '$descr', '$capacity', '$current')"; mysql_query($query); echo("+"); } else { $toner_entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `toner` WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND toner_type = '$type' AND `toner_index` = '$index'")); if($oid == $toner_entry['toner_oid'] && $descr == $toner_entry['toner_descr'] && $capacity == $toner_entry['toner_capacity']) { echo("."); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE toner SET `toner_descr` = '$descr', `toner_oid` = '$oid', `toner_capacity` = '$capacity' WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND toner_type = '$type' AND `toner_index` = '$index' "); echo("U"); } } $valid[$type][$index] = 1; return $return; } ?>