source: Developing/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Creating snmp trap handlers Create a new class in LibreNMS\Snmptrap\Handlers that implements the LibreNMS\Interfaces\SnmptrapHandler interface. Register the mapping in the config/snmptraps.php file. Make sure to use the full trap oid. ```php 'IF-MIB::linkUp' => \LibreNMS\Snmptrap\Handlers\LinkUp::class ``` The handle function inside your new class will receive a LibreNMS/Snmptrap/Trap object containing the parsed trap. It is common to update the database and create event log entries within the handle function. ### Getting information from the Trap #### Source information ```php $trap->getDevice(); // gets Device model for the device associated with this trap $trap->getHostname(); // gets hostname sent with the trap $trap->getIp(); // gets source IP of this trap $trap->getTrapOid(); // returns the string you registered your class with ``` #### Retrieving data from the Trap ```php $trap->getOidData('IF-MIB::ifDescr.114'); ``` getOidData() requires the full name including any additional index. You can use these functions to search the oid keys. ```php $trap->findOid('ifDescr'); // returns the first oid key that contains the string $trap->findOids('ifDescr'); // returns all oid keys containing the string ``` #### Advanced If the above isn't adequate, you can get the entire trap text ```php $trap->getRaw(); ```