logFile) $time_start = microtime(true); */ $result = mysqli_query($database_link, $fullSql); // sets $this->result /* if($this->logFile) { $time_end = microtime(true); fwrite($this->logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . $fullSql . "\n" . number_format($time_end - $time_start, 8) . " seconds\n\n"); } */ if ($result === false && (error_reporting() & 1)) { // aye. this gets triggers on duplicate Contact insert // trigger_error('QDB - Error in query: ' . $fullSql . ' : ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } return $result; }//end dbQuery() /* * Passed an array and a table name, it attempts to insert the data into the table. * Check for boolean false to determine whether insert failed * */ function dbInsert($data, $table) { global $database_link, $db_stats; dbInitStats(); // the following block swaps the parameters if they were given in the wrong order. // it allows the method to work for those that would rather it (or expect it to) // follow closer with SQL convention: // insert into the TABLE this DATA if (is_string($data) && is_array($table)) { $tmp = $data; $data = $table; $table = $tmp; // trigger_error('QDB - Parameters passed to insert() were in reverse order, but it has been allowed', E_USER_NOTICE); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.implode('`,`', array_keys($data)).'`) VALUES ('.implode(',', dbPlaceHolders($data)).')'; $time_start = microtime(true); dbBeginTransaction(); $result = dbQuery($sql, $data); if ($result) { $id = mysqli_insert_id($database_link); dbCommitTransaction(); // return $id; } else { if ($table != 'Contact') { trigger_error('QDB - Insert failed.', E_USER_WARNING); } dbRollbackTransaction(); // $id = false; } // logfile($fullSql); $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['insert_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['insert']++; return $id; }//end dbInsert() /* * Passed an array and a table name, it attempts to insert the data into the table. * $data is an array (rows) of key value pairs. keys are fields. Rows need to have same fields. * Check for boolean false to determine whether insert failed * */ function dbBulkInsert($data, $table) { global $db_stats; dbInitStats(); // the following block swaps the parameters if they were given in the wrong order. // it allows the method to work for those that would rather it (or expect it to) // follow closer with SQL convention: // insert into the TABLE this DATA if (is_string($data) && is_array($table)) { $tmp = $data; $data = $table; $table = $tmp; } if (count($data) === 0) { return false; } if (count($data[0]) === 0) { return false; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.implode('`,`', array_keys($data[0])).'`) VALUES '; $values =''; foreach ($data as $row) { if ($values != '') { $values .= ','; } $rowvalues=''; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if ($rowvalues != '') { $rowvalues .= ','; } $rowvalues .= "'".mres($value)."'"; } $values .= "(".$rowvalues.")"; } $time_start = microtime(true); $result = dbQuery($sql.$values); // logfile($fullSql); $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['insert_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['insert']++; return $result; }//end dbBulkInsert() /* * Passed an array, table name, WHERE clause, and placeholder parameters, it attempts to update a record. * Returns the number of affected rows * */ function dbUpdate($data, $table, $where = null, $parameters = array()) { global $fullSql, $database_link, $db_stats; dbInitStats(); // the following block swaps the parameters if they were given in the wrong order. // it allows the method to work for those that would rather it (or expect it to) // follow closer with SQL convention: // update the TABLE with this DATA if (is_string($data) && is_array($table)) { $tmp = $data; $data = $table; $table = $tmp; // trigger_error('QDB - The first two parameters passed to update() were in reverse order, but it has been allowed', E_USER_NOTICE); } // need field name and placeholder value // but how merge these field placeholders with actual $parameters array for the WHERE clause $sql = 'UPDATE `'.$table.'` set '; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $sql .= '`'.$key.'` '.'=:'.$key.','; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); // strip off last comma if ($where) { $sql .= ' WHERE '.$where; $data = array_merge($data, $parameters); } $time_start = microtime(true); if (dbQuery($sql, $data)) { $return = mysqli_affected_rows($database_link); } else { // echo("$fullSql"); trigger_error('QDB - Update failed.', E_USER_WARNING); $return = false; } $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['update_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['update']++; return $return; }//end dbUpdate() function dbDelete($table, $where = null, $parameters = array()) { global $database_link; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `'.$table.'`'; if ($where) { $sql .= ' WHERE '.$where; } if (dbQuery($sql, $parameters)) { return mysqli_affected_rows($database_link); } else { return false; } }//end dbDelete() /* * Fetches all of the rows (associatively) from the last performed query. * Most other retrieval functions build off this * */ function dbFetchRows($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { global $db_stats, $config; dbInitStats(); if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $nocache === false) { $result = $config['memcached']['resource']->get(hash('sha512', $sql.'|'.serialize($parameters))); if (!empty($result)) { return $result; } } $time_start = microtime(true); $result = dbQuery($sql, $parameters); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { $rows = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } mysqli_free_result($result); if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $nocache === false) { $config['memcached']['resource']->set(hash('sha512', $sql.'|'.serialize($parameters)), $rows, $config['memcached']['ttl']); } return $rows; } mysqli_free_result($result); $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['fetchrows_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['fetchrows']++; // no records, thus return empty array // which should evaluate to false, and will prevent foreach notices/warnings return array(); }//end dbFetchRows() /* * This is intended to be the method used for large result sets. * It is intended to return an iterator, and act upon buffered data. * */ function dbFetch($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { return dbFetchRows($sql, $parameters, $nocache); /* // for now, don't do the iterator thing $result = dbQuery($sql, $parameters); if($result) { // return new iterator return new dbIterator($result); } else { return null; // ?? } */ }//end dbFetch() /* * Like fetch(), accepts any number of arguments * The first argument is an sprintf-ready query stringTypes * */ function dbFetchRow($sql = null, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { global $db_stats, $config; dbInitStats(); if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $nocache === false) { $result = $config['memcached']['resource']->get(hash('sha512', $sql.'|'.serialize($parameters))); if (!empty($result)) { return $result; } } $time_start = microtime(true); $result = dbQuery($sql, $parameters); if ($result) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); mysqli_free_result($result); $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['fetchrow_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['fetchrow']++; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $nocache === false) { $config['memcached']['resource']->set(hash('sha512', $sql.'|'.serialize($parameters)), $row, $config['memcached']['ttl']); } return $row; } else { return null; } }//end dbFetchRow() /* * Fetches the first call from the first row returned by the query * */ function dbFetchCell($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { global $db_stats, $config; dbInitStats(); $time_start = microtime(true); $row = dbFetchRow($sql, $parameters, $nocache); if ($row) { return array_shift($row); // shift first field off first row } $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['fetchcell_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['fetchcell']++; return null; }//end dbFetchCell() /* * This method is quite different from fetchCell(), actually * It fetches one cell from each row and places all the values in 1 array * */ function dbFetchColumn($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { global $db_stats; dbInitStats(); $time_start = microtime(true); $cells = array(); foreach (dbFetch($sql, $parameters, $nocache) as $row) { $cells[] = array_shift($row); } $time_end = microtime(true); $db_stats['fetchcol_sec'] += (float)number_format(($time_end - $time_start), 8); $db_stats['fetchcol']++; return $cells; }//end dbFetchColumn() /* * Should be passed a query that fetches two fields * The first will become the array key * The second the key's value */ function dbFetchKeyValue($sql, $parameters = array(), $nocache = false) { $data = array(); foreach (dbFetch($sql, $parameters, $nocache) as $row) { $key = array_shift($row); if (sizeof($row) == 1) { // if there were only 2 fields in the result // use the second for the value $data[$key] = array_shift($row); } else { // if more than 2 fields were fetched // use the array of the rest as the value $data[$key] = $row; } } return $data; }//end dbFetchKeyValue() /* * This combines a query and parameter array into a final query string for execution * PDO drivers don't need to use this */ function dbMakeQuery($sql, $parameters) { // bypass extra logic if we have no parameters if (sizeof($parameters) == 0) { return $sql; } $parameters = dbPrepareData($parameters); // separate the two types of parameters for easier handling $questionParams = array(); $namedParams = array(); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $questionParams[] = $value; } else { $namedParams[':'.$key] = $value; } } // sort namedParams in reverse to stop substring squashing krsort($namedParams); // split on question-mark and named placeholders $result = preg_split('/(\?|:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/', $sql, -1, (PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)); // every-other item in $result will be the placeholder that was found $query = ''; $res_size = sizeof($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $res_size; $i += 2) { $query .= $result[$i]; $j = ($i + 1); if (array_key_exists($j, $result)) { $test = $result[$j]; if ($test == '?') { $query .= array_shift($questionParams); } else { $query .= $namedParams[$test]; } } } return $query; }//end dbMakeQuery() function dbPrepareData($data) { global $database_link; $values = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $escape = true; // don't quote or esc if value is an array, we treat it // as a "decorator" that tells us not to escape the // value contained in the array if (is_array($value) && !is_object($value)) { $escape = false; $value = array_shift($value); } // it's not right to worry about invalid fields in this method because we may be operating on fields // that are aliases, or part of other tables through joins // if(!in_array($key, $columns)) // skip invalid fields // continue; if ($escape) { $values[$key] = "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($database_link, $value)."'"; } else { $values[$key] = $value; } } return $values; }//end dbPrepareData() function dbInitStats() { global $db_stats; if (!isset($db_stats)) { $db_stats = array( 'insert' => 0, 'insert_sec' => 0.0, 'update' => 0, 'update_sec' => 0.0, 'fetchcell' => 0, 'fetchcell_sec' => 0.0, 'fetchcol' => 0, 'fetchcol_sec' => 0.0, 'fetchrow' => 0, 'fetchrow_sec' => 0.0, 'fetchrows' => 0, 'fetchrows_sec' => 0.0, ); } } /** * Given a data array, this returns an array of placeholders * These may be question marks, or ":email" type * * @param array $values * @return array */ function dbPlaceHolders($values) { $data = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $data[] = '?'; } else { $data[] = ':'.$key; } } return $data; }//end dbPlaceHolders() function dbBeginTransaction() { global $database_link; mysqli_query($database_link, 'begin'); }//end dbBeginTransaction() function dbCommitTransaction() { global $database_link; mysqli_query($database_link, 'commit'); }//end dbCommitTransaction() function dbRollbackTransaction() { global $database_link; mysqli_query($database_link, 'rollback'); }//end dbRollbackTransaction()